Es una de las mejores amigas de Riley Daring y Tasumi. Ella se ve como una rica adolescente, egoísta que con frecuencia muestra signos evidentes de envidiar a Sierra por ser más popular que ella. A menudo hace la pelota a Sierra cada vez que ella se burla de Riley. Sin embargo, no importa lo mucho que ella quiere ser popular como Sierra, ella siempre está a lado de Riley y Tasumi.
Otros Personajes:Conrad Fleem | Jacobo | Shelton Gunnar Klutzberry | Abbey Wilson | Tasumi | Buzz Winters | Johnny Hitswell | Sierra McCool | Jennifer y Claudia | Donny Rottweiler | Shely Klutzberry | Tiffany Willson | Dr. Scorpius | Petrov | Maestro Pho | Director Cutler | Davey Hunkerhoff | Dustin Dreamlake | Celebrity Starr | Agente G | Agente B | Abraslam Lincoln | Vanessa | Príncipe Patas de Canela | Clyde
"Todd Strikes Out / The Jerky Girls" | "CindeRiley / Skate-Gate" | "The Insecurity Guard / Quiet Riot" | "The Truth Horts / Jumping Mad" | "The Majestic Horse / Carnie Dearest" | "Days of Blunder / Cheer Pressure" | "Going Overboard / Riley's Birthday" | "Halloween Spirits" | "German Squirmin' / The Means Justify the Trend" | "Davey Hunkerhoff / Ratted Out" | "Matser Pho / Zoo or False?" | "Best Friends For-Never? / Running from Office" | "Field Trippin' / Fiddlin' Around" | "Boyzrog! / Ball Hogs" | "iTodd / See Dick Run" | "The Perfect Date / Serf's Up" | "The Frog Prince / Snow Place Like Home" | "A Daring Romance / Maid for K" | "Abra K Dabra! / Kumquat Day" | "London Calling" | "Clue-Less / Conrad's Day Off" | "The Spy That Wasn't Riley" | "Late Night with Todd & Riley" | "Space Family Daring" | "She Works Hard for the Movies" | "Volcano Island" | "The Rizzle" | "Campiest Episode Ever" | "Phoneless in Pleasant Hills" | "Garage Sale Daring / Private Todd" | "Hollywoodn't" | "Glee by the Sea" | "Bowled Over / A Little Tiff" | "Canadian Fakin'" | "Tasumi Unmasked" | "Pleasant Hills Confidential" | "Extra Credit" | "You Got Schooled" | "Heartbreak in the City" | "Puzzle Me Daring" | "Dick Daring's All-Star Holiday Stunt Spectacular V" | "A Buzzwork Orange" | "Double Trouble / The Revenge of Prince Cinammon Boots" | "Moustache Mayhem" | "Sinde and Prejudice" | "Art Attack" | "Shelton's Bar Mitzvah / Crushing Riley" | "Injustice is Blind" | "Truth or Daring" | "Todd Busters" | "R2: A Tale of Two Rileys" | "Irreplaceable"