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Disney Magic Kingdoms es un juego móvil y de computadora en el que el jugador puede construir sus propios parques virtuales de Disney con múltiples atracciones en todo el mundo. Anunciado en la D23 Expo 2015 , el juego fue desarrollado y publicado por Gameloft .

Como se Juega[]

El juego es básicamente la fórmula del "magnate", donde puedes diseñar un parque temático similar al Magic Kingdom de Walt Disney World y otros parques de Disney de todo el mundo. Para expandir el parque, el jugador tiene que deshacer una maldición lanzada por Maléfica como se muestra en las áreas oscuras del parque.

Historia Principal[]

Maléfica ha maldecido el reino del jugador, y depende de Merlín , Mickey Mouse y otros personajes de Disney eliminar partes de la maldición. Sin embargo, Maléfica ha estado planeando su venganza para volver el reino a la oscuridad.


Articulo Principal: Personajes de Disney Magic Kingdoms

Existen 3 tipos de personajes:

Personajes Normales:[]

Estos personajes pueden ser obtenidos por una misión de la historia principal, solo pueden ser desbloqueados con fichas y magia que te dan las atracciones y/o actividades de otros personajes:

Personaje Colección Fichas Misión Para Dar La Bienvenida
Merlín La espada en la piedra
  • Libro
  • Bolsa de Alfombra
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Merlín
Da la Bienvenida a un Mago
Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • Guantes de Mickey
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Mickey
Minnie Mouse Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Minnie
Goofy Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • Gorro de Goofy
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Goofy
Ve y consigue a Goofy
Pata Daisy Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • Moño de Daisy
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Daisy
Extraño a Minnie Pt.6
Pato Donald Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Donald
Pete Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • Bombin
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Pete
¡Ay, este Pete! Pt. 4
Chip Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Chip
Chop Mickey Mouse y sus amigos
  • Globo de Mickey
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Chop
Huey Patoaventuras
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Huey
Dewey Patoaventuras
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas Dewey
Louie Patoaventuras
  • Sombrero de orejas de Louie
Zurg Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Zurg
Woody Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Estrella de Sheriff
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Woody
Tiempo de Juguetes
Jessie Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Lazo
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Jessie
Elección Femenina
Buzz Lightyear Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Pistola de Astro Bisters
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Buzz
Llamando a todos los Guardianes Espaciales
Bopy Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Sombrero de Bopy
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Bopy
Corazón Solitario Pt.2
Hamm Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Sombrero de Hamm
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Hamm
Sarge Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Cubeta de Sarge
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Sarge
Misión: Diviértete Pt.3
Bullseye Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Bullseye
Alienigena de Juguete Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • Cuerda
  • Sombrero de Orejas del Alienigena
Solo se le puede dar la bienvenida comprando sus fichas en la Tienda de Merlín.
Bunny Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Bunny
Ducky Toy Story
  • Pelota de Pixar
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Ducky
Cenicienta Cenicienta
  • Calabaza
  • Zapato de Cristal
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Cenicienta
Da la Bienvenida a una Soñadora
Príncipe Azul Cenicienta
  • Calabaza
  • Guantes del Príncipe Azul
  • Sombrero de Orejas del Príncipe Azul
Da la Bienvenida a un Príncipe
Hada Madrina Cenicienta
  • Calabaza
  • Varita Mágica
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Hada Madrina
Da la Bienvenida a una soñadora
Anastasia Tremaine Cenicienta
  • Calabaza
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Anastasia
Drizella Tremaine Cenicienta
  • Calabaza
  • Pluma
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Drizella
Da la Bienvenida a una Hermanastra
C-3PO Star Wars
  • Cristal Kyber
  • Brazo de C-3PO
  • Sombrero de Orejas de C-3PO
Da la Bienvenida a un Androide de Protocolo
Peter Pan Peter Pan
  • Polvo de Hada
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Peter Pan
Wendy Darling Peter Pan
  • Polvo de Hada
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Wendy
Campanilla Peter Pan
  • Polvo de Hada
  • Dedal
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Campanilla
Recompensa por Racha de Calendario(Día 3)
Michael Darling Peter Pan
  • Polvo de Hada
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Michael
John Darling Peter Pan
  • Polvo de Hada
  • -
  • Sombrero de Orejas de John
Elizabeth Swann Piratas del Caribe
  • Bandera de Pirata
  • Sombrero de Elizabeth
  • Sombrero de Orejas de Elizabeth
Da la Bienvenida a la hija de un gobernador
Will Turner Piratas del Caribe
  • Bandera de Pirata
  • Sombrero y pluma
  • Sombrero de orejas de Will
Da la Bienvenida a un Herrero
Capitán Barbossa Piratas del Caribe
  • Bandera de Pirata
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Capitán Barbossa
Tía Dalma Piratas del Caribe
  • Bandera de Pirata
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Tía Dalma
Mike Wazowski Monstruos S.A
  • Contenedor de gritos
  • Casco de Monstruos S.A
  • Sombrero de orejas de Mike
Juego de Energía
Sulley Monstruos S.A
  • Contenedor de gritos
  • Dibujo de Sulley y Boo
  • Sombrero de orejas de Sulley
Roz Monstruos S.A
  • Contenedor de gritos
  • Anteojos de Roz
  • Sombrero de orejas de Roz
La supervisora
Celia Mae Monstruos S.A
  • Contenedor de gritos
  • Audífonos de Celia
  • Sombrero de orejas de Celia
Randall Boggs Monstruos S.A
  • Contenedor de gritos
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Randall
  • Símbolo de Planta
  • Planta de EVA
  • Sombrero de orejas de EVA
Inicio de Instrucción
Madre Gothel Enredados
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Madre Gothel
Flynn Rider Enredados
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Flynn
Rapunzel Enredados
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Rapunzel
Pascal Enredados
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Pascal
Aurora La Bella Durmiente
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Aurora
Príncipe Felipe La Bella Durmiente
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas del Príncipe Felipe
Flora La Bella Durmiente
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Flora
Fauna La Bella Durmiente
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Fauna
Judy Hopps Zootropolis
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Judy
Nick Wilde Zootropolis
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Nick
Jefe Bogo Zootropolis
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Jefe Bogo
Tambor Bambi
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Tambor
Bambi Bambi
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Bambi
Bagheera El libro de la selva
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Bagheera
Mowgli El libro de la selva
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Mowgli
Baloo El libro de la selva
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Baloo
Shere Khan El libro de la selva
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Shere Khan
Da la Bienvenida a un tigre
Reina La Dama y el Vagabundo
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Reina
Golfo La Dama y el Vagabundo
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Golfo
Joe La Dama y el Vagabundo
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Joe
Tony La Dama y el Vagabundo
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Tony
Dumbo Dumbo
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Dumbo
Timothy Q. Mouse Dumbo
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Timothy
Meeko Pocahontas
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Meeko
Da la Bienvenida a un Mapache
Pocahontas Pocahontas
  • -
  • -
  • Sombrero de orejas de Pocahontas
Da la Bienvenida a una Pacificadora


Estos personajes solo se obtienen con gemas o con un conjunto que cuesta dinero real, son personajes que no son necesarios tenerlos para seguir con la historia principal:

Personaje Colección Costo Disponible después de
Pluto Mickey Mouse y sus amigos


Construir La Noria de Mickey
Scrooge Mcduck Patoaventuras


Rex Toy Story


Dar la Bienvenida a Jessie
Forky Toy Story


Completar la misión "El camino por delante..."
Lady Tremaine Cenicienta


Completar la misión "Un Baile Memorable Pt. 5"
R2-D2 Star Wars


Completar la misión "¿Lejos, o cerca?"
Capitán Garfio Peter Pan


Dar la Bienvenida a Campanilla
Jack Sparrow Piratas del Caribe


Completar la misión "Tamizando a través de la maldición"
Davy Jones Piratas del Caribe


Completar la misión "Recopilación de información informal"
Boo Monstruos S.A


Dispersar la maldición de la atracción del parque Montaña Espacial.


Después de completar la misión "La Búsqueda Continua"
Maximus Enredados


Primavera La Bella Durmiente


Flash Zootropolis


Flor Bambi


Rey Louie El libro de la selva


Jock La Dama y el Vagabundo


Triste La Dama y el Vagabundo


El Maestro de Ceremonias Dumbo


Percy Pocahontas



Tiempo Limitado[]

Estos personajes solo están disponibles para recibir durante ciertos eventos de tiempo limitado y no siempre están disponibles para recibir. Si el jugador no los recibe a tiempo en los eventos en los que se presentan, están disponibles para recibirlos a través de otras actividades, como obtenerlos de Cofres legendarios o comprarlos durante Desafíos de Torre con monedas maléfica por un tiempo limitado.


♠= Personaje con disfraz en el juego.

†= Personaje Premium.

‡= Personaje añadido en un Desafió de la Torre.

1= Desbloqueable por Racha de Recompensa de Calendario

2= Gruñon solo se puede desbloquear reuniendo todas sus fichas a través de los Cofres de Ámbar (durante el evento de Blancanieves) o los Cofres legendarios de Blancanieves (después del evento de Blancanieves) o ganándolo como premio de cualquiera de los cofres mencionados anteriormente.

3= La Novia solo puede desbloquearse a través del Cofre de Zafiro y no puede ser bienvenida por ningún otro medio que no sea desbloquearla a través del Cofre de Zafiro, aunque con un 60% de posibilidades de llevarla a través de Oportunidades Especiales.

Los Increíbles

Pesadilla antes de Navidad



La bella y la bestia

El Rey León


Alicia en el País de las Maravillas

Blancanieves y los siete enanitos

Winnie The Pooh

Lilo & Stitch

Big Hero 6

La Sirenita

Rompe Ralph

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The Sword in the Stone Logo
Películas: The Sword in the StoneFilm live-actionVideo

Television: House of MouseOnce Upon a Time
Libros: Big Golden BookClassic StorybookDisney's Wonderful World of ReadingLittle Golden Book
Juegos: Kingdom Hearts

Parques Disney
Le Pays des Contes de FéesSorcerers of the Magic KingdomSword in the Stone

Entretenimiento: Disney's BelieveMickey's Magical Celebration
Tiendas: Merlin l'Enchanteur

MerlínArturo PendragónArquímidesMadam MimSir HéctorSir KaySir PellinoreLa DoncellaSir BartTalbot y TigreEl LoboLa Joven ArdillaLa Sra. ArdillaEl Pez MonstruosoLa Azucarera de MerlínEl HalcónLa Rana
El Castillo de Sir HéctorLa Casa de MerlínLa casa de Madam MimEl BosqueEl Pueblo
The Sword in the StoneHigitus FigitusThat's What Makes the World Go RoundMost Befuddling ThingMad Madame MimBlue Oak TreeThe Magic Key
La Espada en La PiedraLa Varita de MerlínEl Maletín de Merlín

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Películas: Toy Story (video) • Toy Story 2 (video) • Toy Story 3 (video) • Toy Story 4 (video) • Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure BeginsBuzz Lightyear: Mission LogsToy Story of Terror!Toy Story That Time ForgotForky Asks a QuestionLamp LifePixar Popcorn (To Fitness and BeyondFluffy Stuff with Ducky & Bunny: LoveFluffy Stuff with Ducky & Bunny: Three Heads) • Lightyear

Series: Buzz Lightyear of Star CommandToy Story TreatsToy Story Toons • (Hawaiian VacationSmall FryPartysaurus Rex) Música: Toy StoryToy Story 2Toy Story 3Toy Story 4The Legacy Collection: Toy StoryToy Story of Terror!
Videojuegos: Toy Story: The Video GameToy Story 2: The Video GameToy Story 3: The Video GameToy Story: Animated StorybookToy Story: Activity CenterToy Story 2: Activity CenterToy Story RacerToy Story Mania!Kinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar AdventureDisney INFINITYDisney Crossy RoadKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Getaway Blast
Libros: The Art of Toy Story 3The Toy Story Films: An Animated JourneyThe Art of Toy Story 4

Parques Disney
Toy Story Land (Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Florida) • Toy Story HotelAlien Swirling SaucersBuzz Lightyear's Space Ranger SpinDisney Animation BuildingGarden of the Twelve FriendsGames of Pixar PierIt's a Small WorldJessie's Critter CarouselPixar Pal-A-RoundRC RacerSlinky Dog DashSlinky Dog Zigzag SpinToy Soldier Parachute DropToy Story Midway Mania!Woody's Round-UpWoody's Roundup Village

Entretenimiento: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney SongbookDisney's Showtime SpectacularFantasmic!Horseshoe RoundupMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey presents: “Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris”Mickey's Magical Music WorldOnce Upon a MousePixar Playtime PalsThe Golden MickeysToy Story: The Musical
Restaurantes: Alien Pizza PlanetToy Box CafeToy Story Pizza Planet ArcadeWoody’s Lunch BoxPoultry Palace (Disney California Adventure)Roundup Rodeo BBQ Restaurant
Tiendas: Al's Toy BarnAndy's Toy BoxBuzz's Star CommandLittle Green Men Store Command
Desfiles: Block Party BashDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's Easter WonderlandDisney Cinema ParadeDisney Magic on ParadeDisney on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Mickey's New Year's Eve ParadeMove It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street PartyMickey's Rainy Day ExpressMickey's Storybook ExpressPaint The Night ParadePixar Play ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Pirotecnia: Celebrate the MagicCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney EnchantmentHappily Ever AfterILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationThe Magic, the Memories and YouTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime SpectacularWorld of Color
Halloween: The Nightmare Experiment
Primavera: Disney's Easter WonderlandDisney's Spring Promenade
Verano: Mickey's WaterWorksPixar Water Play Street Party!Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: The Nightmare Experiment
Navidad: A Totally Tomorrowland ChristmasDisney Christmas StoriesDisney Dreams! of ChristmasDisney Gifts of ChristmasDisney's White Holiday ParadeLa Parade de Noël DisneyMickey's Most Merriest Celebration

Juguetes: WoodyBuzz LightyearBettyBilly, Goat y GruffDolly, Duckie y TeddyEtch A SketchSargentoLos SoldaditosBarril de MonosHamm LennyLos MarcianitosBola 8El Sr. Cara de PapaSr. TiburónSeñor DeletreadorControlRexRobotRocky GibraltarRoly Poly PayasoMr. MikeSee 'n SaySlinky SerpienteToddle TotsTroikasTrollBabyfaceJuguetes MutantesSra. Cara de PapaWheezyTiro al BlancoJessieOloroso PeteBarbieEl Otro BuzzEmperador ZurgTeléfonoChunkBeboteMonoJack-in-the-BoxLotso CariñosoTwitchKenComelibrosChispasStretchSr. EspinasButtercupLos GuisantesTotoroTrixieRisitasDollyBuzz PequeñoZurg PequeñoLos Juguetes DescartadosCombat CarlAngel KittyEl ClérigoReptillus MaximusRay-GonForkyDucky y BunnyGabby GabbyLos BensonsDuke CaboomGiggle McDimplesMelephant BrooksChairol BurnettBitey WhiteCarl ReinerocerosTinnyKaren BeverlyRib Tickles

Humanos: Andy DavisMolly DavisSra. DavisSid PhillipsHannah PhillipsAl McWhigginGeriEmilyBonnie AndersonSra. AndersonSr. AndersonDaisyRonald TompkinsMasonHarmonyMargaret the Store OwnerMiss WendyAxel the CarnieRosieRejeanBilly
Animales: ScudBusterMr. JonesDragon el Gato
Personajes Eliminados: ShakesSeñorita Cactus

La Casa de AndyLa Casa de SidDinocoPizza PlanetaAl's Toy BarnEl Penthouse de AlEl AeropuertoSunnysideSalón MariposaSalón OrugaLa Casa de KenLa Máquina ExpendedoraLa Casa de BonnieTri-County SanitationEl Basurero de Tri-County IncineradorEl Palacio del PolloSleep WellAntigüedades Segunda OportunidadEl Carnaval
A113La Bola de PixarEl Carro de Pizza PlanetaEl Camión de Eggman MoversLa GarraLa van de la familia DavisEl Jet de Aerolíneas Far East
You've Got a Friend in MeStrange ThingsI Will Go Sailing No MoreWoody's RoundupWhen She Loved MeWe Belong TogetherDream WeaverLe FreakThe Ballad of the Lonesome CowboyI Can't Let You Throw Yourself AwayLivin' Thing

Eliminadas: The FoolPlastic SpacemanMy Unexpected Friend

Black Friday reelToy Story (versión original)Toy Story 2 (guión original)Toy Story 3 (Circle 7 Screenplay)The Science Behind PixarPixar in a Box

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Monsters, inc logo
Películas: Monsters, Inc.Mike's New CarMonsters UniversityParty CentralMonsters at Work

Soundtracks: Soundtrack (Monsters, Inc.)Soundtrack (Monsters University)
Libros: Disney's Wonderful World of ReadingMonsters, Inc. (Little Golden Book)Disney's Wonderful World of Reading (Monsters University)Little Golden Book (Monsters University)
Videojuegos: Monsters, Inc.Monsters, Inc. Scream ArenaMonsters, Inc. Scream TeamMonsters, Inc. Scream Team TrainingMike's Monstrous AdventureDisney UniverseDisney INFINITYKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode

Parques Disney
The Magic of Disney AnimationMonsters, Inc. Laugh FloorMonsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue!Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go SeekPixar Pal-A-Round

Entretenimiento: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney SongbookDisney's Showtime SpectacularPixar Playtime Pals
Restaurantes: Adorable Snowman Frosted Treats
Desfiles: Block Party BashDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney Stars 'n' CarsJubilation!Paint The Night ParadePixar Play ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Pirotecnia: Happily Ever AfterILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime SpectacularWonderful World of Animation
Primavera: Disney's Easter WonderlandDisney Color-Fest: A Street Party!
Verano: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Maze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment Continues
Navidad: A Totally Tomorrowland Christmas

Monsters, Inc.: James P. SullivanMike WazowskiBooHenry J. WaternooseRandall BoggsFungusRozCelia MaeNeedleman y SmittyFlintThaddeus BileJerry SlugworthGeorge SandersonCharlie ProctorADNEl Chef de SushiYeti

Monsters University: Karen GravesFrank McCayArtTerri y Terry PerryScott "Squishy" SquibblesDon CarltonJohnny Worthington IIIChet AlexanderCarrie WilliamsDecana HardscrabbleProfessor KnightSheri SquibblesClaire WheelerBrock PearsonArchie, el Cerdo Espanto
Monsters At Work: Tylor TuskmonMillie TuskmonVal LittleFritzCutterDuncan P. AndersonRozePan de BananaMariaGary Gibbs

Temporada 1: "Welcome to Monsters, Incorporated" • "Meet Mift" • "The Damaged Room" • "The Big Wazowskis" • "The Cover Up" • "The Vending Machine" • "Adorable Returns" • "Little Monsters" • "Bad Hair Day" • "It's Laughter They're After"

Temporada 2: "A Monstrous Homecoming" • "The C.R.E.E.P. Show" • "Setting the Table" • "Opening Doors" • "It's Coming From Inside the House!" • "Field of Screams" • "Monsters in the Dark" • "Lights! Camera! Chaos!" • "Descent into Fear" • "Powerless"

If I Didn't Have YouPut That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help MeThe Scare FloorMonsters UniversityComedy Can Be DangerousI'm Not Gonna Sing You a Song
Paris, FranciaMonstruópolisLa Casa de Mike y SulleyMonsters, Inc.Harryhausen'sEl HimalayaLa Habitación de BooLa Caravana RodanteLa Planta de RisasMonsters UniversityPavor TechLa Casa de Squishy
La Lista de AsustadoresContenedores de GritosPuertasLittle MikeyBola PixarEl Carro de Pizza Planeta
Monsters, Inc.: Laugh FactoryThe Art of Monsters, Inc.Monsters (concepto original)Monsters, Inc. 2 (guión de Circle 7).The Art of Monsters UniversityThe Science Behind PixarPixar in a BoxOozma KappaRoar Omega RoarJaws Theta ChiSlugma Slugma KappaEta Hiss HissPython Nu KappaSustolimpiadas

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Películas: WALL-EBURN-E

Libros: Little Golden BookThe Art of WALL-E
Juegos: Videojuego
Music: Soundtrack

Parques Disney
Games of the Boardwalk

Fuegos Artificiales: World of Color

WALL-EEVEAUTOM-OGO-4PR-TSECUR-TCapitán B. McCreaShelby ForthrightJohnMaryHalBURN-ESUPPLY-RIncineradorRobot Camión de BasuraWALL-A
Put On Your Sunday ClothesDown to EarthBnL Jingle
AxiomaEl Transporte de WALL-ELa Nave de sonda
Buy n LargeLínea Estelar BNLComputadora del AxiomaThe Science Behind PixarPixar in a Box

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Enredados logo
Películas: EnredadosEnredados por siempreEnredados otra vez

Series: A Poem Is...Tangled: The Series
Videojuego: Tangled (videojuego)Franquicia de Disney INFINITYKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Crossy Road Disney Enchanted TalesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Libros: The Art of TangledComicsRapunzel and the Lost LagoonRapunzel and the Vanishing VillageRoyal Weddings
Música: Enredados (Soundtrack / Score) • Tangled: The Series (Temporada Uno/Temporada Dos/Temporada Tres)

Parques Disney
Fantasy SpringsDisney Animation BuildingCastle of Magical DreamsDisney Animation BuildingFairy Tale ForestGarden of the Twelve FriendsIt's a Small WorldPrincess PavilionLe Pays des Contes de FéesVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entretenimiento: Disney's WishesDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicFantasmic!Fantasy FestivalMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey's Royal Friendship FaireMickey and the Magical MapMickey and the Wondrous BookFantasy FaireTangled: The MusicalThe Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical AdventureThe Golden MickeysRoyal Christmas Wishes
Restaurantes: Tangled Tree Tavern
Desfiles: Disney Magic on ParadeDisney Pirate or Princess: Make Your ChoiceDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeMickey's Soundsational ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressMickey and Friends CelebrationPaint The Night ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Pirotecnia: Celebrate the MagicMomentousDisney Dreams!Disneyland ForeverHappily Ever AfterThe Magic, the Memories and YouOnce Upon a TimeRemember... Dreams Come TrueILLUMINATE! A Nighttime Celebration
Halloween: Let's Get Wicked
Navidad: World of Color: Winter DreamsRoyal Christmas Wishes

Originales: RapunzelFlynn RiderMadre GothelPascalMaximusLos Hermanos StabbingtonMano de GarfioNarigónVladimirAttilaUlfPequeñínLos Rufianes de la TabernaEl Capitán de la GuardiaEl Rey FredericLa Reina AriannaLas CuatrillizasLos Guardias del Castillo

Serie: CassandraFidellaBúhoPete y StanLady CainePocketPata de GarfioVarianRuddigerQuirinVieja CrowleyMontyDaleWreck MarauderLance StrongbowFriedborgNigelRey TrevorFernanda PizazzoAndrewSeparatistas de SaporiaXavierFeldsparEnojada y RojaDespiadada RuthEl BarónAnthony la ComadrejaDespiadada RuthAxelWillowZhan TiriLord DemanitusSugracha la EternaUumlautRey EdmundAdiraStalyanVexCapitán QuaidVigorMadame CanardistCalíopeMadre y PadreLorbsSeraphinaHectorTromusHamuelLittle Big GuyBrock ThunderstrikeDwayne
Personajes Eliminados: BastionClaire and VinceBeau

Cortos: "Checkmate" • "Prison Bake" • "Make Me Smile" • "Hare Peace" • "Night Bite" • "Hiccup Fever" • "Snowball" • "Hairdon't" • "Unicorny"

Temporada Uno: "What the Hair?!" • "Rapunzel's Enemy" • "Fitzherbert P.I." • "Challenge of the Brave" • "Cassandra v. Eugene" • "The Return of Strongbow" • "In Like Flynn" • "Great Expotations" • "Under Raps" • "One Angry Princess" • "Pascal's Story" • "Big Brothers of Corona" • "The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth" • "Max's Enemy" • "The Way of the Willow" • "Queen for a Day" • "Painter's Block" • "Not in the Mood" • "The Quest for Varian" • "The Alchemist Returns" • "Secret of the Sun Drop"
Temporada Dos: "Beyond the Corona Walls" • "The Return of Quaid" • "Goodbye and Goodwill" • "Forest of No Return" • "Freebird" • "Vigor the Visionary" • "Keeper of the Spire" • "King Pascal" • "There's Something About Hook Foot" • "Happiness Is..." • "The Brothers Hook" • "Rapunzel: Day One" • "Mirror, Mirror" • "You're Kidding Me!" • "Rapunzeltopia" • "Lost and Found" • "Destinies Collide"
Temporada Tres: "Rapunzel's Return" • "Return of the King" • "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?" • "The Lost Treasure of Herz Der Sonne" • "No Time Like the Past" • "Beginnings" • "The King and Queen of Hearts" • "Day of the Animals" • "Be Very Afraid" • "Pascal's Dragon" • "Islands Apart" • "Cassandra's Revenge" • "Race to the Spire" • "A Tale of Two Sisters" • "Flynnpostor" • "Once a Handmaiden..." • "Plus Est En Vous"

La Torre de RapunzelEl Patito ModositoCoronaAntigua CoronaEl Castillo de CoronaEl BosqueEl Reino OscuroVardarosLa Isla TerapiEl Gran ÁrbolLa Casa del Mañana del AyerLa Fortaleza de CassandraLa Cabaña de Gothel
Película: When Will My Life BeginMother Knows BestI've Got a DreamI See the LightHealing IncantationSomething That I Want

Musical: Flower of GoldWanted ManWhen She Returns
Serie: Life After Happily Ever AfterWind in My HairMore of MeFriendship SongListen UpI've Got ThisLet Me Make You ProudSet Yourself FreeReady As I'll Ever BeNext Stop, AnywhereIf I Could Take That Moment BackView From Up HereHook Foot's BallardBuddyWaiting in the WingsLivin' the DreamWith You by My SideEverything I Ever Thought I KnewCrossing the LineStronger Than Ever BeforeBigger Than ThatThe Girl Who Has EverythingThrough It All
Nothing Left to LoseThrough It AllI'd Give Anything
Eliminadas: What More Could I Ever Need

La SarténLa Mágica Flor DoradaCabello de RapunzelLa Corona de RapunzelLuces FlotantesEl Diario de RapunzelRocas NegrasEl Dispositivo DemanitusLa Poción de Cambio de ActitudAutomatónLa Caravana de RapunzelÍdolo de VershaftsbezeigungengienEl Rollo GráficoLa Piedra Lunar
Disney RevivalTold by EmojiLorbsRapunzel Unbraided

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Peter Pan Logo
Películas: Peter PanReturn to Never LandTinkVideoPeter Pan & Wendy

Especiales: The Walt Disney Christmas ShowReading Magic with Figment and Peter PanYou Can Fly!: The Making of Peter Pan
Videojuegos: Kingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepPeter Pan: Adventures in Never LandPeter Pan: The Legend of Never LandDisney UniverseKinect Disneyland AdventuresSaga de Epic MickeyDisney's Villains' RevengeDisney Sorcerer's Arena

Parques Disney
Fantasy SpringsAdventure IsleBack to Never LandThe Magic of Disney AnimationIt's a Small WorldMickey's PhilharMagicPeter Pan's FlightStorybook Land Canal BoatsMidship Detective Agency

Entretenimiento: Cinderella's Surprise CelebrationDisney's BelieveDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney Classics: The Music & The MagicDream Along with MickeyFantasmic!Follow Your DreamsFollowing the Leader with Peter PanIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey presents: “Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris”Once Upon a MouseOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!Villains Tonight!
Restaurantes: Captain Hook's Galley
Desfiles: Celebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's FantillusionDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Cinema ParadeDisney Magic on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Magic HappensMain Street Electrical ParadeMickey's Soundsational ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressPaint The Night ParadeSpectroMagicThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Pirotecnia: MomentousDisney Dreams!Disney EnchantmentDisneyland ForeverFantasy in the SkyHappily Ever AfterILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationMagic, Music and MayhemMagicalOnce Upon a TimeRemember... Dreams Come TrueWonderful World of Animation
Temporada de primavera: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Verano: Club Mouse Beat
Halloween: Disney's Maleficious Halloween PartyDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeHappy HallowishesHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney VillainsJack Skellington’s Villainous GatheringKooky Spooky Halloween NightMickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadeRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeThe Villains WorldVillains Mix and MingleVillains Night Out!
Navidad: Mickey's Most Merriest Celebration

Peter Pan: Peter PanLa Sombra de PeterCampanillaWendy DarlingJohn DarlingMicheal DarlingGeorge DarlingMary DarlingNanaEl Capitán GarfioEl Señor SmeeLa Tripulación PirataTic Tac, el CocodriloLos Niños PerdidosEl Jefe IndioTigrillaLos IndiosLas Sirenas

Return to Never Land: EdwardJaneDannyNana IIEl Pulpo

LondresBloomsburyLa GuarderíaBig BenNunca JamásEl Jolly RogerLa Laguna de las SirenasLa Roca CalaveraEl Campamento IndioEl Árbol del AhorcadoLa Bahía de la Caníbal
Peter Pan: The Second Star to the RightYou Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!A Pirate's Life (Is a Wonderful Life)Following the LeaderWhat Made the Red Man Red?Your Mother and MineThe Elegant Captain HookNever Smile at a Crocodile

Eliminados: The Pirate SongThe Boatswain Song
Return to Never Land: I'll TryHere We Go Another PlanSo to Be One of UsI'll Give You One Guess

Polvillo de HadasEl Reloj de AlarmaEl Garfio de GarfioLa Bomba
Disney Sing Along Songs: You Can Fly!HadasDisney FairiesJake and the Never Land Pirates

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Películas: La Bella DurmienteDisney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your DreamsMaleficentDescendantsMaleficent 2Video

Series: House of MouseOnce Upon a TimeSofia the First
Videojuegos: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by SleepDisney INFINITYMaleficent Free FallDisney INFINITY: 2.0 Edition
Libros: Little Golden BookDisney's Wonderful World of ReadingClassic StorybookMy Side of the Story: Sleeping Beauty/MaleficentThe Curse of Maleficent: The Tale of a Sleeping BeautyOnce Upon a Dream: From Perrault's Sleeping Beauty to Disney's MaleficentBig Golden BookSleepy Time with AuroraMistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark FairyDisney Princess Beginnings
Musica: The Legacy Collection: Sleeping BeautyMaleficent (soundtrack)

Parques Disney
Art of AnimationCinderella Castle Mystery TourClub VillainThe Magic of Disney AnimationLe Château de la Belle au Bois DormantLa Tanière du DragonSleeping Beauty CastleSorcerers of the Magic Kingdom

Entretenimiento: AnimagiqueCinderellabration: Lights of RomanceDisney's BelieveMickey's Gift of DreamsFantasmic!Feel the MagicLe Livre Magique de MickeyMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical CelebrationOne Man's DreamOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!The Golden MickeysVillains Tonight!
Restaurantes: King Stefan's Banquet Hall
Desfiles: Disney Stars on ParadeFestival of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Main Street Electrical ParadeMickey's Rainy Day ExpressSpectroMagicThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Fuegos Artificiales: Disney Dreams!Magic, Music and MayhemWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams
Halloween: Celebrate the MagicDisney's Maleficious Halloween PartyHappy HallowishesHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularInferno Dance PartyIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney VillainsRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeThe Villains WorldVillains Night Out!Villains Mix and Mingle
Navidad: Royal Christmas Ball

Sleeping Beauty: Princesa AuroraEl Príncipe FelipeFlora, Fauna y PrimaveraMaléficaDiabloRey EstéfanoLa Reina LeahEl Rey HubertoLos Animales del BosqueSansónLos Esbirros de MaléficaEl JuglarLos Guardias Reales

Enchanted Tales: El Duque
Maleficent: La Armada del BosqueRey HenryLa Armada del Rey HenryHadas
Personajes Eliminados: Buitre

La RuecaLa Espada de la VerdadEl Escudo de la VirtudLa Vara de Maléfica
El Castillo del Rey StéfanoLa Montaña ProhibidaLa Cabaña de AuroraEl BosqueLos PáramosInglaterra
Hail to the Princess AuroraThe Gifts of Beauty and SongI WonderOnce Upon a DreamSkumpsSleeping Beauty

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The Incredibles Logo
Películas: Los IncreíblesLos Increíbles 2Jack-Jack AttackAuntie Edna

Soundtrack: Los IncreíblesLos Increíbles 2
Videojuegos: Los IncreíblesThe Incredibles: When Danger CallsThe Incredibles: Rise of the UnderminerKinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar AdventureDisney INFINITYDisney Crossy RoadLEGO Los IncreíblesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Libros: Boom! StudiosThe Art of The IncrediblesDisney's Wonderful World of ReadingA Real Stretch: An Elastigirl Prequel Story

Parques Disney
Disney Animation BuildingIncredicoasterStitch and Friends Summer Surprise

Entretenimiento: Disney's Showtime SpectacularPixar Playtime PalsSuper Party TimeThe Incredibles' Challenge
Desfiles: Block Party BashJubilation!Mickey's Storybook ExpressPaint The Night ParadePixar Play ParadePixar Water Play Street Party!Stitch's Summer Dance Bash
Fuegos Artificiales: Together Forever: A Pixar Nighttime Spectacular
Navidad: La Parade de Noël Disney

The Incredibles: Bob ParrHelen ParrViolet ParrDash ParrJack-Jack ParrLucio BestEdna ModaKari McKeenSíndromeMirageUltravisiónTony RydingerRick DickerEl SubterráneoGilbert HuphBomb VoyageBernie KroppNena BestRusty McallisterOmnidroide v.8Omnidroide v.9Omnidroide v.10Snug PorterLos Secuaces de Síndrome

Incredibles 2: ViajeraWinston DeavorEvelyn DeavorEmbajadora Henrietta SelickBloqueReflujoKompactadorSilbidoEléctricoRaptapantallasRocky
Cómics: XerekMezmerellaRollergrrlLos Imperdonables

MetrovilleLa Mansión de EdnaLa Residencia ParrLa Isla NomanisanNew UrbemInsuricare
IncreimóvilManta JetElasticletaHipno-gafas
The Science Behind PixarPixar in a BoxSupers


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Cinderella Logo 2
Películas: La CenicientaCinderella II: Dreams Come TrueCinderella III: A Twist in TimeLa CenicientaVideo

Series: A Poem Is...
Videojuegos: Cinderella: Magical DreamsDisney Princess: Enchanted JourneyKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepDisney INFINITYDisney Princess: My Fairytale AdventureDisney Magical WorldCinderella Free FallEmoji Blitz
Música: SoundtrackSoundtrack de 2015
Libros: Big Golden BookClassic StorybookDisney's Wonderful World of ReadingGraphic NovelLittle Golden BookRead-AlongCinderella: A Magical TaleDisney Princess Beginnings

Parques Disney
Art of AnimationCinderella's Fairy Tale HallCinderella CastleCinderella Castle Mystery TourThe Magic of Disney AnimationFairy Tale ForestIt's a Small WorldMickey Mouse RevuePrince Charming Regal CarrouselStorybook Land Canal Boats

Entretenimiento: Cinderella's Surprise CelebrationCinderellabration: Lights of RomanceDisney's BelieveDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicMickey's Gift of DreamsFantasmic!Le Livre Magique de MickeyMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey and the MagicianOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!Royal Princess Music CelebrationTwice Charmed: An Original Twist on the Cinderella Story
Restaurantes: Cinderella's Royal Table
Tiendas: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
Desfiles: Celebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Main Street Electrical ParadeMickey's Rainy Day ExpressMickey's Soundsational ParadeMickey's WaterWorksPaint The Night ParadeSpectroMagicThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Pirotecnia: Disney in the StarsFantasy in the SkyMagic, Music and MayhemMagicalOnce Upon a TimeRemember... Dreams Come TrueWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams
Halloween: Hocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney Villains
Navidad: Cinderella's Holiday Wish

Personajes Originales: CinderellaJaq y GusLos RatonesLos PájarosEl Príncipe EncantadorEl Hada MadrinaBrunoMajorEl Padre de CenicientaLady TremaineAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferEl ReyEl Gran DuqueHeraldoMaryLos Guardias Reales

Personajes de las secuelas: Pom-PomPrudenceBeatrice and DaphneEl PanaderoEl Vendedor de FloresLa Reina
Personajes del remake: La Madre de CenicientaEl Lacayo LagartijaEl Sr. GansoCapitánEl Pregonero de la CiudadSir Francis Tremaine
Personajes Eliminados: JabberClarissaProfesor LeFoofSpink

El Castillo de CenicientaLa Mansión TremaineEl PuebloEl Castillo del Rey
La Zapatilla de CristalLa Carroza de CenicientaLa CalabazaLa Varita MágicaEl Vestido de CenicientaLa Llave de Lady Tremaine
Canciones de las películas: CinderellaA Dream is a Wish Your Heart MakesSing, Sweet NightingaleWork Song (Cinderelly, Cinderelly)Bibbidi-Bobbidi-BooSo This is LovePut it TogetherFollow Your HeartThe World Is Looking Up to YouIt's What's Inside That CountsPerfectly PerfectMore Than a DreamAt the BallI Still BelieveLavender's BlueStrong

Eliminadas: Dancing on a CloudThe Cinderella Work SongThe Face That I See in the NightThe Dress That My Mother WoreSing a Little, Dream a Little
Twice Charmed: All Because of a ShoeIt's Never Too Late

As Told by Emoji

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Películas: The Curse of the Black PearlDead Man's ChestEn el fin del mundoOn Stranger TidesLa venganza de Salazar

Cortometraje: Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
Libros: Novelas precuelas de Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren CourtPirates of the Caribbean: The Price of FreedomPirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual GuidePirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Ultimate Sticker Book)
Videojuegos: Pirates of the CaribbeanPirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean OnlineDisney UniverseKingdom Hearts IIPirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer MobileLEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video GamePiratas del Caribe: En el fin del mundo (videojuego)Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the DamnedPirates of the Caribbean (pinball)Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (videojuego)Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (videojuego)Pirates of the Caribbean: Master of the Seas (App)Disney INFINITYDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Sorcerer's Arena

Parques Disney
Treasure CovePiratelandPirate TakeoverA Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven SeasEl Teatro FandangoJungle River Cruise: Pirate Takeover!Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer IslandPirates of the CaribbeanPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken TreasureShipwreck ShoreSiren's RevengeThe Legend of Captain Jack SparrowPirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer Gold

Entretenimiento: Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate TutorialEye of the Storm: Captain Jack’s Stunt SpectacularFantasmic!Pirates Summer Battle "Get Wet!"
Restaurantes: Blue Bayou RestaurantTortuga Tavern
Tiendas: Pirates League
Fuegos Artificiales: Celebrate the MagicDisney Movie MagicFantasy in the SkyHappily Ever AfterIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightMagic, Music and MayhemThe Magic, the Memories and YouRemember... Dreams Come TrueWorld of Color
Halloween: Mickey's Boo-to-You Halloween ParadePirates of the Caribbean Ghost TrailThe Nightmare Experiment

The Curse of the Black Pearl: Jack SparrowHéctor BarbossaJoshamee GibbsWill TurnerElizabeth SwannJames NorringtonWeatherby SwannPintel y RagettiJack, el MonoCottonMartyMurtogg y MullroyTheodore GrovesAna MaríaEl Loro de CottonGilletteGiselleScarlettBo'sunJacobyKoehlerTwiggWeatherby

Dead's Man Chest: Davy JonesCutler BeckettIan MercerTía DalmaKrakenBootstrap Bill TurnerMaccusClankerPenrodAnglerRatlinKolenikoHadrasPalificoOgilveyCrashWyvernBarbaverdeJimmy PiernasLeechLa Tribu de Pelegostos
En el Fin del Mundo:Sao FengTai HuangLian y ParkEduardo VillanuevaSri Sumbhajee AngriaCapitán ChevalleAmmand el CorsarioDama ChingCapitán TeagueMoreyGreitzer
On Stranger Tides: AngelicaBlackbeardPhilip SwiftSyrenaGarhengSalamanScrumDerrickGunnerIntendenteMarinaLas Sirenas de Whitecap BayTamaraMarinaEspañolRey FerdinandRey George IILos Capas Rojas
La Venganza de Salazar: Capitán SalazarLesaroHenry TurnerCarina SmythTío JackScarfieldShansaLos Tiburones FantasmasLas Gaviotas Fantasmas
Atracción: ReddEl SubastadorCapitán XEl Perro de la PrisiónPirata del GarfioEl Timonel EsqueletoBarker BirdBeacon JoePirata PopóViejo BillCarlosFortune RedCapitán GoreJean LafitteTom SawyerEl Esqueleto SaqueadorEl Esqueleto Capitán PirataPirata Ladrón
Videojuegos: Black BartyJolly Roger
Libros: MontezumaJames el MisteriosoArabella SmithSilver

Hermandad PirataLa Tripulación del Perla NegraLa Tripulación MalditaLa Tripulación del Holandés ErranteEast India Trading CompanyLa Corte BrethrenLa Tripulación del EspañolLos Zombies de BarbanegraLa Tripulación del Silent MaryLa Tripulación de La Venganza de la Reina AnaLa Tripulación del Wicked Wench
Isla TesoroLa Cala del Hombre MuertoPort Royal, JamaicaFort CharlesTortugaIsla de MuertaPelegostosIsla CrucesSingapurEl Sótano de Davy JonesLa Bahía del NaufragioLondres, InglaterraEspañaLa Bahía WhitecapLa Fuente de la Juventud
Wicked WenchEl Perla NegraEl Holandés ErranteVenganza de La Reina AnnaHMS InterceptorHMS Intrépido Esfuerzo HMSJolly MonBarnacleBarnacleDying GullSilent MarySailing Ship Columbia
El sombrero de Jack SparrowLa espada de Jack SparrowLa brújula de Jack SparrowEl Tesoro MalditoEl Tesoro de CortésEl medallón de oro de Elizabeth SwannEl ojo de madera de RagettiEl tarro de la inmundiciaEl órgano de Davy JonesLa llave del Cofre del Hombre MuertoEl Cofre del Hombre MuertoEl mapa de Mao KunEl Código PirataEl Colgante de Jack SparrowLa Espada de TritónEl Muñeco Vudú de Jack SparrowLos Cálices de CartagenaMagia OscuraVudúLos medallones de Davy Jones y CalypsoEl Tridente de Poseidón
"Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)" • Soundtrack del ParqueSoundtrack Treasures CollectionSwashbuckling Sea SongsSoundtrack de 1966The Medallion CallsHe's a PiratePirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (soundtrack)Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (soundtrack)Piratas del Caribe: En el fin del mundo (soundtrack)Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (soundtrack)Piratas del Caribe: La Venganza de Salazar (soundtrack)Pirates RemixedHoist the ColoursMy Jolly Sailor Bold
Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card GameLiar's Dice

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The Nightmare Before ChristmasKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysThe Pumpkin KingOogie's RevengeDisney UniverseDisney INFINITYSoundtrackVideo
Parques Disney
Haunted Mansion Holiday

Entretenimiento:Oogie Boogie’s Freaky Funhouse Show
Halloween: Frightfully Fun ParadeGlow in the Park Halloween ParadeHappy HallowishesHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularJack Skellington and Friends Halloween Time Character GreetingVillains Night Out!
Navidad: Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!

Jack SkellingtonSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, y BarrelDr. FinkelsteinEl Alcalde de Halloween TownSanta ClausSra. ClausZeroEl Payaso que te Hace LlorarMr. HydeEl Demonio ArlequínEl Osito TenebrosoEl Pato de JugueteCalabaza en la CajaVampirosIgorBehemothCriatura Detrás de la EscaleraMonstruo Bajo la CamaLa MuerteEl DiabloHombre LoboMonstruo con AlasFamilia CadáverEl Chico MomiaJewel
Jugo de GusanoAliento de RanaSombra Mortal de la NocheArma de RanaSopa de Jugo de GusanoBoomerang de MurciélagoBomba CalabazaGalletas de PerroCabeza ReducidaTortuga SobrecargadaRoba-almas
Ciudad HalloweenCiudad de NavidadEl CementerioLa Colina EspiralTierras RemotasLa Guarida de OogieEl Mundo Real
This Is HalloweenJack’s LamentWhat’s This?Town Meeting SongJack’s ObsessionKidnap the Sandy ClawsMaking ChristmasOogie Boogie's SongSally’s SongPoor Jack FinaleDr. Finkelstein's Song

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Disney Parks - The Haunted Mansion - Transparent Logo
Películas: The Haunted Mansion (película)The Haunted Mansion (Reboot)

Especiales de TV: Muppets Haunted Mansion
Libros: Tales from the Haunted MansionHaunted Mansion (cómic)Disney Kingdoms: The Haunted MansionKingdom KeepersThe Haunted Mansion: Imagineering a Disney Classic
Videojuegos: Adventures in the Magic KingdomThe Haunted Mansion (videojuego)Walt Disney World ExplorerKinect: Disneyland AdventuresDisney INFINITY: 2.0 EditionDisney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzThe Haunted Mansion: The Black Widow Bride

Parques Disney
The Haunted MansionPhantom ManorMystic ManorHaunted Mansion HolidayMemento MoriMuseum of the Weird
Fantasma AnfitriónMadame LeotaEl FaroleroAmo GraceyEl Fantasma de SombrereraLos Fantasmas AutoestopistasLos Bustos CantantesGeorge HightowerConstance HatchawayEl CuervoCapitán GoreLittle LeotaEl OrganistaEl Ocupante de la TumbaSally SlaterLa NoviaPickwickEl MarineroPrudence PockBarbazulLa MuerteEl VerdugoLos DuelistasGramsAlexander NitrokoffSrita. Abril DiciembreEl Gato Negro Tuerto

Phantom Manor: Melanie RavenswoodHenry RavenswoodMartha Ravenswood
Mystic Manor: Henry MysticAlbertCapitana Mary OceaneerMaestro D'ElfmanLa Estatua del Rey Mono
Haunted Mansion Holiday: Jack SkellingtonOogie BoogieLock, Shock y BarrelSallyZeroEl Osito TenebrosoZeroMonstruo Bajo la Cama
The Museum of the the Weird: La Dama del MalMadame ZarkovLa Tumba Reloj del Abuelo
Personajes de películas: Elizabeth HenshawRamsleyEmmaEzraJim EversSara EversMegan EversMichael EversZombiesZeke HollowayAtticus ThornAmicus ArcaneDanny CroweMaxwell KeepMelody KeepRoland Keep

Grim Grinning GhostsMansión GraceyEl Holandés ErranteDepartamento de Relaciones FantasmasCartas del TarotBig Thunder MountainThunder MesaBig Thunder Mining CompanyPolvo de IocanoFaro de AlmasGemas del AlmaEl Anillo del MarineroTema de Mystic ManorLos 11 Siniestros

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Frozen Logo
Películas y series: FrozenFrozen FeverOlaf's Frozen AdventureFrozen 2Arendelle Castle Yule LogAt Home With OlafMyth: A Frozen TaleÉrase una vez un Muñeco de NieveOlaf Presents

Videojuegos: Frozen: Olaf's QuestFrozen Free FallDisney INFINITYDisney INFINITY 2.0Disney INFINITY: 3.0 Edition Disney Enchanted Tales Disney Emoji BlitzKingdom Hearts IIIFrozen AdventuresDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney POP TOWN
Música: Soundtrack de FrozenMusicalFrozen Fever soundtrackOlaf's Frozen Adventure soundtrackDisney Karaoke: FrozenSoundtrack de Frozen 2Myth: A Frozen Tale soundtrackÉrase una vez un Muñeco de Nieve

Libros: Frozen: The Essential GuideThe Art of FrozenConceal, Don't Feel: A Twisted TaleA Sister More Like MePhantoms of ArendelleA Frozen HeartAnna and Elsa's Secret PlaytimeAcross the SeaFrozen Spring FeverCómicsAnna & Elsa: Sisterhood is the Strongest Magic:Disney Princess BeginningsThe Art of Frozen IIFrozen II: Forest of Shadows

Parques Disney
Arendelle: World of FrozenFantasy SpringsFrozen Summer Fun!Anna and Elsa's Frozen FantasyDisney Animation BuildingFrozen Ever AfterIt's a Small WorldCastle of Magical DreamsStorybook Land Canal BoatsWandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs

Entretenimiento: Disney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicFollow Your DreamsFor the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along CelebrationFrozen: Live at the HyperionGolden Fairytale Fanfare] • Mickey's Magical Music WorldMickey's Royal Friendship FaireMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookFantasy Faire
Tiendas: Anna & Elsa's Boutique
Desfiles: Disney Magic on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeFestival of Fantasy ParadeFrozen Royal Welcome ParadeMagic Happens  • Mickey's Storybook ExpressPaint the Night ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fuegos Artificiales: Celebrate the MagicMomentousDisney Dreams!Disney EnchantmentILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationDisneyland ForeverFrozen ForeverHappily Ever AfterHarmonioUSIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightOnce Upon a TimeRemember... Dreams Come TrueWorld of Color: Celebrate!
Navidad: A Frozen Holiday WishDisney Christmas StoriesDisney Dreams! of Christmas“Frozen” Christmas Tree Lighting CeremonyWorld of Color: Winter Dreams

Frozen: AnnaElsaKristoffHansOlafSvenEl Duque de WeseltonGran PabbieMarshmallowRey AgnarrLa Reina IdunaErik y FrancisTrollsBuldaCliffOakenSitronLos LobosKaiLos Guardias del CastilloLos Hermanos de Hans

Frozen Fever: Snowgies
Frozen 2: Teniente MattiasLos NorthuldraYelanaHoneymarenRyderEl NokkBruniGaleGigantes de TierraRey RuneardLos Espíritus del Bosque Encantado

ArendelleEl Palacio de Hielo de ElsaLas Islas del SurWeseltonEl Castillo de ArendelleEl Valle de la Roca VivienteLa Capilla de ArendelleEl Puesto de Venta y Sauna de OakenLa Montaña del NorteEl Bosque EncantadoAhtohallan
Frozen: VuelieFrozen HeartDo You Want to Build a Snowman?For the First Time in ForeverLove is an Open DoorLet It GoReindeer(s) Are Better Than PeopleIn SummerFixer Upper

Frozen Fever: Making Today a Perfect Day
Olaf's Frozen Adventure: Ring in the SeasonThe Ballad of FlemmingradThat Time of YearWhen We’re Together
Frozen 2: All Is FoundSome Things Never ChangeInto the UnknownWhen I Am OlderLost in the WoodsShow YourselfThe Next Right Thing
Musical: Let the Sun Shine OnA Little Bit of YouHans of the Southern IslesQueen AnointedDangerous to DreamWhat Do You Know About Love?HyggeI Can't Lose YouKristoff LullabyMonsterTrue LoveColder by the Minute
At Home with Olaf:  I Am With You
Canciones Eliminadas: Love Can't Be DeniedWe Know BetterSpring PageantMore Than Just The SpareYou're YouLife's Too ShortReindeer(s) RemixWhen Everything Falls ApartResolutionHomeI Seek the Truth  • Unmeltable MeGet This RightSee the Sky

El Trineo de KristoffEl Barco RealLa Tiara de ElsaLa Campana de NavidadLa Bufanda de IdunaLa presa de Runeard
Ice HotelMusicalThe Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated ClassicFrozen: The Official MagazineDisney On IceAs Told by EmojiFrozen: Northern LightsInto the Unknown: Making Frozen IIFrozen (franquicia)

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Mulan Logo
Películas: MulánMulán 2Mulan (película de 2020)Video

Videojuegos: Animated StoryBook: MulanKingdom Hearts IIDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Crossy RoadDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Sorcerer's Arena
Libros: The Art of MulanDisney Princess BeginningsReflection (A Twisted Tale)Kilala Princess
Música: Mulan (soundtrack)Mulán 2 (soundtrack)

Parques Disney
Castle of Magical DreamsDisney Animation BuildingFantasy GardensGarden of the Twelve FriendsIt's a Small WorldVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entretenimiento: Cinderella's Surprise CelebrationDisney's WishesMickey and the Magical MapMulan, La LégendeOnce Upon a MouseRoyal Princess Music CelebrationThe Golden Mickeys
Restaurantes: Plaza Inn
Desfiles: Mickey's New Year's Eve ParadeMickey's Rainy Day ExpressMickey's Storybook ExpressMulan Parade
Fuegos Artificiales: Disney in the StarsDisney Movie MagicHappily Ever After Hurry Home: Lunar New Year CelebrationHarmonioUSIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and Light
Primavera: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!
Verano: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: The Disney Villains Halloween Showtime

Mulan: Fa MulánMushuCri-Kee Li ShangYao, Ling y Chien PoChi-FuShan YuEl General LiFa ZhouFa LiAbuela FaLos AncestrosEl EmperadorLa CasamenteraHermanitoKhanEl Caballo de ShangHayabusaLos Líderes HunosLos HunosEl Soldado ChinoLas Tropas de Shang

Mulan II: Sha-RonTing-Ting, Su y MeiLord QinPríncipe Jeeki
Remake: Hua XiuComandante Tung

Mulán: Honor to Us AllReflectionI'll Make a Man Out of YouA Girl Worth Fighting ForTrue To Your Heart

Mulan II: Lesson Number OneLike Other GirlsHere Beside Me
Live-action: Loyal Brave True
Canciones Eliminadas: Keep 'em Guessing

ChinaLa Ciudad ImperialLa Casa de la Familia FaEl Pueblo
La Espada de Shan YuEl Gran Dragón de RocaEl Gancho de MulánLos Collares de Mulán y ShangEl Dragón Dorado de la Unidad
Principio alternativoMulan: Shan Yu destruye la aldea

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Beauty and the beast logo
Películas: La Bella y la BestiaUna Navidad EncantadaEl Mundo Mágico de BellaLa Bella y la Bestia (2017)Vídeo

Series: Sing Me a Story with BelleBelle's Tales of FriendshipA Poem Is...
Libros: The Beast Within: A Tale of Beauty's PrinceThe New Adventures of Beauty and the BeastWinter WonderlandSittin' Pretty!Tale as Old as Time: The Art and Making of Beauty and the BeastDisney Princess BeginningsAs Old as Time (A Twisted Tale)Royal WeddingsTale as Old as Time
Cómics de Marvel: A Chance For RomanceWardrobe's Big SurpriseThe Wishful WalkAlmost Amour!Lyrical Love Part 1 and 2Dove Tales Part 1 and 2
Videojuegos: La Bella y la Bestia (videojuego)Belle's QuestRoar of the BeastA Board Game AdventureDisney InfinityDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts χ Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ Disney Enchanted TalesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Crossy RoadBeauty and the Beast: Perfect MatchDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Música: La Bella y la BestiaLa Bella y la Bestia (2017)The Legacy Collection

Parques Disney
Película Animada: Beauty and the Beast Sing-AlongCastle of Magical DreamsDisney Animation BuildingDisney Friends of the MonthEnchanted Tale of Beauty and the BeastFairy Tale ForestLe Pays des Contes de FéesMickey's PhilharMagicPrincess PavilionVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Live action: Disney Movie MagicDisney Illuminations
Entretenimiento: A Table is WaitingBeauty and the Beast Live on StageCinderella's Surprise CelebrationCinderellabration: Lights of RomanceDisney's BelieveDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicEnchanted Tales with BelleFantasmic!Feel the MagicMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey's Magical Music WorldOnce Upon a MouseRoyal Princess Music CelebrationFantasy FaireThe Golden MickeysThe Starlit Princess Waltz
Restaurantes: Be Our Guest RestaurantGaston's TavernRed Rose Taverne
Tiendas: Bonjour! Village Gifts
Desfiles: Celebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's FantillusionDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Carnivale ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Festival of Fantasy ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Mickey's Rainy Day ExpressMove It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street PartyMickey's Soundsational ParadePaint The Night ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLightsVillains Cursed CaravanWalt Disney's Parade of Dreams
Pirotecnia: Celebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disney EnchantmentDisney in the StarsHarmonioUSMagic, Music and MayhemThe Magic, the Memories and YouMagicalOnce Upon a TimeWishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney DreamsWonderful World of AnimationWorld of ColorILLUMINATE! A Nighttime Celebration
Primavera: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Verano: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Frightfully Fun ParadeDisney's Not-So-Scary Halloween ShowIt's Good to be Bad with the Disney VillainsLet's Get WickedMaze of Madness: The Nightmare Experiment ContinuesThe Disney Villains Halloween Showtime
Navidad: Disney Christmas StoriesRoyal Christmas Wishes

Original: BellaBestia/El Príncipe AdamLumièreDin DonMrs. PottsChip PottsHermanos de ChipChef LumbreLos AldeanosMauricePhilippeGastónLeFouChicas de la AldeaSultánArmarioFifiLa HechiceraEl BibliotecarioEl PercheroMonsieur D'ArqueLos LobosLa Caja de MúsicaLos Colegas de GastónPierrePalanquin

Enchanted Christmas: AngeliqueForteFlautín
Belle's Magical World: WebsterCranePlumínWitherspoonCandelina
Personajes Eliminados: ClariceMargueriteLas Hermanas de BellaEl pretendiente de BellaLa Madre de Bella
Sing Me a Story with Belle: HarmonyBig BookLewis and Carol
Personajes de Cómics y Libros: Condesa de la PerleThunderAmorMuerte
Remake: CadenzaJean PottsMonsieur ToiletteEl ReyLa Reina

Original: PrologueBelleGastonBe Our GuestSomething ThereHuman AgainBeauty and the BeastThe Mob Song

Broadway: No Matter WhatMeHomeHow Long Must This Go On?If I Can't Love HerMaison Des LunesA Change in Me
Enchanted Christmas: StoriesAs Long As There's ChristmasDon't Fall in LoveA Cut Above the Rest
Belle's Magical World: A Little ThoughtListen With Our Hearts
Películas live-action: AriaHow Does A Moment Last ForeverDays in the SunEvermore

El Castillo de BestiaLa BibliotecaLa Casa de Bella y MauriceLa AldeaEl Salón de BaileEl Bosque NegroLa TabernaEl Ala OesteLa Habitación de Bella
La Rosa EncantadaEl Espejo EncantadoLa Máquina de Maurice
La Bella y la Bestia (musical)Beauty and the Beast Jr.Disney RenaissanceGuión Original

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Zootopia logo
Película: Zootopia

Soundtrack: Zootopia
Videojuegos: Disney INFINITY: 3.0 Disney Crossy RoadZootopia: Crime Files
Libros: The Big CaseBig Trouble in Little RodentiaIt's a Hustle!Judy's Dream FilesJudy Hopps and the Missing Jumbo-PopSpirit and StrengthThe Stinky Cheese CaperSuper Animals! Zootopia Big Golden BookZootopia Little Golden BookZootopia Junior NovelizationZootopia Magical Story BookZootopia: The Official HandbookDisney Zootropolis Padded Classic Picture Story BookDisney Zootropolis Heroic Colouring BookThe Art of Zootopia

Parques Disney
The Magic of Disney AnimationHappy Circle

Entertainment: Summer Blast
Desfiles: Disney Friends Springtime Processional

Judy HoppsNick WildeFinnickJefe BogoAlcalde LeonzálezGarrazaBellwetherYaxFlashMr. BigKoslovFru FruSeñor NutrialesSeñora NutrialesDuke RoedriguezBonnie y Stu HoppsSeñor ManchasGazellePeter AlcerragaJerry Jumbeaux Jr.Gideon GreyDougDra. TejónPerezillaBucky y Pronk Oryx-AntlersonSwintonFabienne Growley
ZootopiaPlaza SaharaSabana CentralTundratownBunnyburrowPequeña RodentiaDistrito SelváticoDepartamento de Policía de Zootopia (DPZ)Departamento de Vehículos MamíferosJumbeaux's CaféAcademia de Policía de ZootopiaApartamentos Gran Pangolin Oasis de la Primavera MísticaAsilo AcantiladoTiempos Salvajes
PopsitpatitasJumbo-popAulladoresPluma Zanahoria
As Told by EmojiLista de Especies en ZootopiaTry Everything

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Películas: El Rey LeónThe Lion King II: Simba's PrideThe Lion King 1½The Lion Guard: Return of the RoarVideoEl Rey León (película de 2019)VídeoEl Rey León 2

Series: Find Out WhyTimón y PumbaTimon and Pumbaa's Wild About SafetyLa Guardia del LeónIt's UnBungalievable!
Soundtracks: Banda Sonora OriginalRhythm of the Pride LandsThe Legacy CollectionThe Lion King CollectionReturn to Pride Rock: Songs Inspired by Disney's The Lion King II: Simba's PrideBest of The Lion KingThe Lion King 1½: Songs from Timon and Pumbaa's Hilarious AdventureThe Lion King: Original Broadway Cast RecordingThe Lion GuardEl Rey León (2019)
Videojuegos: The Lion KingTimon & Pumbaa's Jungle GamesThe Lion King: Simba's Mighty AdventureKingdom Hearts IIAnimated StoryBook: The Lion KingDisney UniverseDisney INFINITY: 2.0 EditionAdventures in Typing with Timon & PumbaaActivity CenterThe Lion King 2: Simba's Pride: Active PlayThe Lion King 2: Simba's Pride GameBrackThe Lion King 1½ (videojuego)Disney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji Blitz  • Disney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion KingDisney Classic Games CollectionThe Lion King: Operation Pridelands
Libros: Cómics de MarvelThe Art of the Lion King  • The Art and Making of The Lion KingThe Lion Guard: Can't Wait to be Queen
Proyectos cancelados: The Lion Guard: Hear Me Roar!The Lion King Family Tree

Parques Disney
Rafiki's Planet WatchDisney's Art of Animation ResortDisney's Explorers LodgeCircle of Life: An Environmental FableThe Magic of Disney AnimationIt's a Small WorldMickey's PhilharMagicRhythm of the JungleSorcerers of the Magic KingdomThe Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management)The Lion Guard Adventure

Entretenimiento: AnimagiqueDisney's BelieveDisney's WishesDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney KiteTailsDisney's WishesFantasmic!Feel the MagicFestival of Family & FriendsFestival of the Lion KingHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical Music WorldOnce Upon a MouseRivers of LightThe Golden MickeysThe Legend of the Lion KingVillains Tonight!
Restaurantes: Hakuna Matata Restaurant
Desfiles: Disney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party Express  • Disney Cinema ParadeDisney Magic on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Mickey's Soundsational ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressThe Lion King CelebrationThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade  • Walt Disney's Parade of Dreams
Pirotecnia: Celebrate the MagicCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disneyland ForeverHappily Ever AfterHarmoniUSIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationThe Magic, the Memories and YouMomentousOnce Upon a TimeTree of Life AwakensWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color
Halloween: Happy HallowishesVillains Grove

The Lion King: SimbaNalaMufasaScarRafikiTimónPumbaZazúShenzi, Banzai y EdSarabiSarafinaLas LeonasLos Animales de las Tierras del ReinoLas HienasLos ÑusTopo

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: KiaraKovuZiraVitaniNukaLas ForasterasLos Cocodrilos
The Lion King 1½: MaTío MaxJoe de HierroLa Colonia de Suricatos
Timón y Pumba: El Jefe NativoLos Tres NativosMontiBaampuNobiFredPanteraQuintEl Pájaro CarpinteroBruceStinkyRalph y EddieTedsEl León SalvajeBartholomewEl TarseroTucán DanEl Buitre PolicíaNedNefuConejoTío BorisTío ErnieEl Jefe CastorEl Chico CastorLester, la BallenaLa TigresaChacalLa CobraRaudo, el CaracolArdiente, el OsoPequeño JimmyIrwinEl ToroCuenta AbajoSr. PigWolverineJumbo Jumbo, el ElefanteCheetato y CheetataMartin PardonRita LibroEl Chef ClaudeEl Capitán BarbasangreCisco CerdoLa Pandilla de Cisco CerdoDr. CagliostroTorgoEl Ángel SuricatoEl Maravilloso Rino de LeyesPumba Jr.NefuEl Dr. FelizLeslie LambeauEl Sr. BotonesSharlaLa Manada de JabalíesHermanLaraMelClaudiusBahukaTutan FaraóGenioMadame CredenzaOso HormigueroDuke SuricatoTatianaMamá ÁguilaBebé EarlEl Rey LeopoldLa Princesa ClaudiaSigmund y LloydHeimlich y SchnitzelPerro Loco McGraw, Billy la Cabra, y Tres-dedos JackelopeEl Dr. ExceterSal ManderEl Inspector de la JunglaPimón y Tumbaa
The Lion Guard: KionBungaFuliBeshteOnoTiifuZuriJanjaCheeziChunguEl Clan de JanjaMzingoEl Parlamento de MzingoMwogaMakuuLa Flota de MakuuPuaBasiLa Manada de BasiUshariJasiriMadoaTunu y WemaEl Clan de JasiriThurstonMbeyaLos Hermanos PuercoespínMbuniMa TemboAmnifuReireiGoigoiDogoLos Hermanos de DogoKijanaLa Manada de ReireiTwigaJuhudiShingoMuhanga y MuhangusTamaaEl Padre de NalaSwalaMuhimuHamuAjabuMakuchaEl Salto de MakuchaLa Armada de MakuchaFahariJionaMjombaOgpoaHayaBadiliMbuni  • MapiganoGumbaKambuniKwatoShaukuNneTanoVuruga VurugaJoven RinoLeonaMajinuni y HafifuRey SowkeEl Clan de JasiriHadithiBupuBobokaChuraKifaruMwenziUrohoMwiziKulindaMpsihiMakiniShupavuWazaNjanoKiburiLa Flota de KiburiKengeDhahabuHodariStareheRahaSumu  • KongweKinyongaKuchimbaShujaaAngaLeón ExtrañoCobra ExtrañaEl Más RápidoEl Más FuerteEl Más RudoEl de la Mejor VistaYukiHitashiKimyo y NabasuDomogDughiBoginoChuluunPãgalaKrud'dhaLumba-LumbaVieja CivetaOraEl Dragón de KomodoFikiriKitendoTuppAzaadLas Chicas FlamencoLas Sofisticadas Chicas FlamencoTenukTompokSeisouBambunEl TragúlidoMama BinturongSmunYun MibuNirmalaRaniBaliyoSurakJannaUlluSãhasíÃnandaBingaTangaagimPinguinoCek y RamaTsah y SasemAstutoVaryaFeliks, Pasha y PolinaHeng HengKelyLa Tropa de KellyAskariShabahaKasiImaraTazama
Universo de Cómics/Libros: UruAhadiKopaBomaKulaZuzuJokaLulu
Eliminados: DikuBaashoIggyHerr RhinoKwashiBhatiMheetuBanagiDaabiDwalaNaanda
Remake: Dembe

Timon & Pumbaa

Temporada Uno: "Boara Boara" • "Saskatchewan Catch" • "Kenya Be My Friend?" • "Good Mousekeeping" • "Brazil Nuts" • "South Sea Sick/The Lion Sleeps Tonight" • "Never Everglades" • "Cooked Goose" • "Yukon Con" • "Doubt of Africa" • "How to Beat the High Costa Rica" • "Swiss Missed" • "Russia Hour" • "You Ghana Join the Club" • "Uganda Be an Elephant" • "To Kilimanjaro Bird" • "Rocky Mountain Lie" • "Amazon Quiver" • "French Fried" • "Big Top Breakfast" • "Madagascar About You" • "Truth or Zaire" • "Mojave Desserted" • "Beauty and the Wildebeest" • "Don't Break the China" • "Cant' Take a Yolk" • "Stand by Me" • "The Pain in Spain" • "Frantic Atlantic" • "Unlucky in Lesotho" • "Rafiki's Apprentice" • "Tanzania Zany" • "Guatemala Malarkey" • "Mombasa-In-Law" • "TV Dinner" • "Back Out in the Outback" • "Gabon with the Wind" • "Timon's Time Togo" • "The Law of the Jungle" • "Manhattan Mishap" • "Paraguay Parable" • "Be More Pacific" • "Going Uruguay" • "Let's Serengeti Out of Here" • "Congo on Like This" • "Okay Bayou?" • "Shake Your Djibouti" • "Yosemite Remedy" • "The Sky is Calling" • "Mozam-Beaked" • "Ocean Commotion"
Temporada Dos: "Palm Beached" • "Jamaica Mistake?" • "Oregon Astray" • "New Guinea Pig" • "Isle of Manhood" • "Puttin' on the Brits" • "Klondike Con" • "Isle Find Out" • "Beetle Romania" • "Rumble in the Jungle" • "Wide Awake in Wonderland" • "Zazu's Off-by-One Day" • "Animal Barn" • "Roach Hotel" • "Africa-Dabra!" • "I Don't Bolivia" • "Shopping Mauled" • "Library Brouhaha" • "Catch Me if You Kenya" • "Scent of the South" • "Monster Massachusetts" • "Handle with Caribbean" • "Forbidden Pumbaa" • "Washington Applesauce" • "Alcatraz Mataz" • "Oahu Wahoo" • "I Think I Canada" • "Zazu's Off Day Off" • "Beast of Eden" • "Sense & Senegambia" • "Timon on the Range" • "The Man from J.U.N.G.L.E." • "Maine-Iacs" • "Fiji-Fi-Fo-Fum" • "Rome Alone" • "Amusement Bark" • "Once Upon a Timon" • "Home is Where the Hog Is" • "Beethoven's Whiff" • "Bumble in the Jungle" • "Mind Over Matterhorn"
Temporada Tres: "Whiff" • "To Be Bee or Not to Be Bee" • "Luck Be a Meerkat" • "Just When You Thought You'd Cuisine it All" • "Lemonade Stand Off" • "Big Jungle Game" • "Boo Hoo Bouquet" • "So Sumo Me" • "Now Museum, Now You Don't" • "Visiting Pig-nitaries" • "The Truth About Kats and Hogs" • "Escape from Newark" • "Truth Be Told" • "Circus Jerks" • "Nest Best Thing" • "Super Hog-O" • "Don't Have the Vegas Idea" • "Hot Enough For Ya?" • "Werehog of London" • "Bigfoot, Littlebrain" • "Astro-Nots" • "Robin Hoodwinked" • "Serengeti Western" • "All Pets are Off" • "Two for the Zoo" • "The Swine in the Stone" • "You May Have Already Won Six Million Bakra" • "My Meteor, My Friend" • "Jungle Slickers" • "Don't Wake the Neighbear" • "Recipe for Disaster" • "Going Over-Boar'd" • "Ivy Beleaguered" • "Broadway Bound & Gagged" • "Steel Hog" • "Dealer's Choice Cut" • "Space Ham" • "You Bet Your Tukhus" • "No-Good Samaritan" • "Living in De Nile" • "One Tough Bug" • "Pirates of Pumbzance" • "Miss Perfect" • "Hakuna Matata U." • "Pig-Malion" • "Why No Rhino" • "War Hogs" • "The Big No Sleep" • "Common Scents" • "Mister Twister" • "Don't Be Elfish" • "Lights, Camera, Traction" • "The Running of the Bullies" • "Special Defects" • "Wishy Washy" • "Ice Escapades" • "Guru-Some" • "Jailhouse Shock" • "Nearly Departed" • "Early Bird Watchers" • "The Spy's the Limit" • "Ready, Aim, Fire" • "Timoncchio" • "Ghost Boosters" • "Stay Away from my Honey!" • "Sitting Pretty Awful" • "He's a Bad, Bad, Bad Sport" • "Dapper Duck Burgers" • "It Runs Good" • "Hot Air Buffoons" • "Timon in Love" • "Kahuna Potato" • "Mook Island" • "Cliphangers" The Lion Guard
Temporada Uno: "Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots" • "The Rise of Makuu" • "Bunga the Wise" • "Can't Wait to be Queen" • "Eye of the Beholder" • "The Kupatana Celebration" • "Fuli's New Family" • "The Search for Utamu" • "Follow That Hippo!" • "Call of the Drongo" • "Paintings and Predictions" • "The Mbali Fields Migration" • "Bunga and the King" • "The Imaginary Okapi" • "Too Many Termites" • "The Trouble With Galagos" • "Janja's New Crew" • "Baboons!" • "Beware the Zimwi" • "Lions of the Outlands" • "Never Roar Again" • "The Lost Gorillas" • "The Trail to Udugu" • "Ono's Idol" • "Beshte and the Hippo Lanes" • "Ono the Tickbird"
Temporada Dos: "Babysitter Bunga" • "The Savannah Summit" • "The Traveling Baboon Show" • "Ono and the Egg" • "The Lion Guard: The Rise of Scar" • "Let Sleeping Crocs Lie" • "Swept Away" • "Rafiki's New Neighbors" • "Rescue in the Outlands" • "The Ukumbusho Tradition" • "The Bite of Kenge" • "Timon and Pumbaa’s Christmas" • "The Morning Report" • "The Golden Zebra" • "The Little Guy" • "Divide and Conquer" • "The Scorpion's Sting" • "The Wisdom of Kongwe" • "The Kilio Valley Fire" • "Undercover Kinyonga" • "Cave of Secrets" • "The Zebra Mastermind" • "The Hyena Resistance" • "The Underground Adventure" • "Beshte and the Beast" • "Pride Landers Unite!" • "The Queen's Visit" • "The Fall of Mizimu Grove" • "Fire from the Sky"
Temporada Tres: "Battle for the Pride Lands" • "The Harmattan" • "The Accidental Avalanche" • "Ghost of the Mountain" • "Marsh of Mystery" • "Dragon Island" • "Journey of Memories" • "The Race to Tuliza" • "Mama Binturong" • "Friends to the End" • "The Tree of Life" • "The River of Patience" • "Little Old Ginterbong" • "Poa the Destroyer" • "Long Live the Queen" • "The Lake of Reflection" • "The Triumph of the Roar" • "Journey to the Pride Lands" • "Return to the Pride Lands"

Trilogía de The Lion King: ÁfricaEl Monte KilimanjaroLa Roca del ReyLas Tierras del ReinoEl LagoCementerio de ElefantesEl DesfiladeroLa JunglaEl OasisEl Árbol de RafikiLas Lejanías

Timón y Pumba: El Árbol de ZazúLa Casa de Madame CredenzaLa Roca SalvajeLa Tierra de Troncos del Jefe Castor
La Guardia del León: La Guarida de la Guardia del LeónLa Guarida de JanjaEl Árbol de la Vida

The Lion King: Circle of LifeThe Morning ReportI Just Can't Wait to Be KingBe PreparedThe Lion Sleeps TonightHakuna MatataCan You Feel the Love TonightIt's a Small WorldI've Got a Lovely Bunch of CoconutsHawaiian War Chant

Instrumentales: This Land The Hyenas...To Die ForUnder the StarsKing of Pride RockDidn't Your Mother Tell You Not to Play with Your FoodWe are All ConnectedHyenas in the Pride LandsElephant Graveyard (score)I Was Just Trying to Be BraveStampedeMufasa DiesIf You Ever Come Back We'll Kill YouBowling for BuzzardsWe Gotta Bone to Pick With YouKings of the PastNala, is It Really You?Remember Who You AreThis is My HomeThe Rightful King
Rhythm of the Pride Lands: KubeLea HalalelaIt's TimeLalaBusaNoyana
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: He Lives in YouWe Are OneMy LullabyUpendiOne of UsLove Will Find a Way
The Lion King 1½: Digga TunnahThat's All I NeedSunrise, SunsetGrazing in the Grass
Musical: The Lioness HuntRafiki MournsOne by OneGrasslands ChantChow DownThe Madness of King ScarShadowlandEndless NightSimba Confronts Scar
Timón y Pumba: Alone TogetherStand by MeYummy, Yummy, Yummy
The Lion Guard: Call of the GuardA Beautiful Day (Ni Siku Nzuri)Zuka ZamaTonight We StrikeKion's LamentHere Comes the Lion GuardWe're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa)Don't Make a StinkBunga the WiseDuties of the KingOutta the WayJackal StyleOur Kupatana CommunityMy Own WayUtamuAll Hail The VulturesYour Hero InsideBird of a Thousand VoicesPanic and RunTrail to HopeLife in the Pride LandsWe'll Make You a MealFind Your RoarChungu's LamentBaboonsBeware of the ZimwiLions Over AllStand Up, Stand OutKuishi Ni KuchekaRunning with the KingHadithi the HeroMakin' Hippo LanesTickbirds and RhinosTeke Ruka TelezaEveryone is WelcomeThe Traveling Baboon ShowA Real MealThe Path of HonorBring Back a LegendI Have A PlanGotta Look on the Bright SideThe Worst Hyena We KnowMay There Be PeaceBig Bad KengeChristmas in the Pride LandsThe Twelve Ways of ChristmasI Do Have a Great Deal to SayFabulous DhahabuGive a Little Guy a ChanceWe're the SmartestGood King SimbaThe Faster I GoI'm Gonna Run This DumpNow You See Me, Now You Don'tWisdom on the WallsHe's The Zebra MastermindKwetu Ni KwetuNothin' to Fear Down HereShujaa PondaPride Landers Unite!Prance With MeTujiinueHeight and SightWe Will DefendA New Way to GoOn the Last NightWhen I Led the GuardThe Tree of LifeHome of a Snow Monkey's DreamsGhost of the MountainAnythingThat's the Dolphin WayAs You Move ForwardFlamingo Dance PartyYou Best Not Mess With MamaFriends to the End (canción de La Guardia del León)Friends to the EndKion's ReckoningWelcome to the Tree of LifeWho is Better Than WhoPoa the DestroyerLong Live the QueenRemember What Makes You YouThe Power of the RoarOf the Same PrideAs You Move On
Remake: Life's Not FairRafiki's FirefliesScar Takes the ThroneSimba is Alive!Reflections of MufasaSpiritBattle for Pride RockRememberNever Too LateMbube
Eliminadas: To Be KingWarthog RhapsodyThe Lion in the MoonOld Fearless BuzzThe Madness of King ScarWhere Do I Belong

El Bastón de RafikiKing of the JungleMusicalGuardia del LeónEl Rugido de los AncestrosLa Manada NocturnaLa Marca de la GuardiaLa Marca de la Manada NocturnaLa Piedra Moja Kwa MojaTulizaThe Disney AfternoonFind Out WhyHouse of MouseOne by OneAs Told by Emoji

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The Jungle Book Logo
Películas Animadas: El Libro de la SelvaEl Libro de la Selva 2Video

Películas live-action: Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle BookLa Historia de MowgliEl Libro de la SelvaSecuela live-action
Series: Aventureros del AireJungle Cubs
Videojuegos: The Jungle BookThe Jungle Book Groove PartyThe Jungle Book: Mowgli's Wild AdventureThe Jungle Book: Mowgli's Run
Música: SoundtrackMore Jungle Book... Further Adventures of Baloo and MowgliSoundtrack de 2016
Libros: The Art of the Jungle BookThe Strength of the Wolf is the Pack

Parques Disney
Película Animada: Disney's Explorers LodgeThe Magic of Disney AnimationGarden of the Twelve FriendsIt's a Small WorldRhythm of the Jungle

Película de acción real: Disney Movie MagicThe Jungle Book: Alive with Magic
Entretenimiento: AnimagiqueDisney's BelieveDisney's WishesDisney Classics: The Music & The MagicFantasmic!Festival of Family & FriendsHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsJourney into the Jungle BookMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey and the Magical MapMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey presents: “Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris”One Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!Rivers of Light: We Are OneSuper Duper Jumpin' TimeThe Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical Adventure
Restaurantes: Colonel Hathi's Pizza Outpost
Tiendas: Adventureland Bazaar
Desfiles: Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Magic on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Move It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street PartyMickey's Soundsational ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Fuegos Artificiales: Celebrate the MagicCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disneyland ForeverHappily Ever AfterMickey's Mix MagicTree of Life Awakens
Verano: The Jungle Book Jive
Halloween: Happy Hallowishes

Original: MowgliBalooBagheeraEl Rey LouieShere KhanKaaCoronel HathiWinifredHathi, Jr.Despeinado, Oxigenado, Ziggy y DizzyAkelaRamaShantiRakshaLos LobitosEl Consejo de LobosLa Patrulla de ElefantesLacayoLos Monos Bandar-log

Personajes Eliminados : Rocky el RinoBuldeoTabaqui
Secuela: RanjanEl Padre de RanjanMessuaLa Madre de ShantiLucky
Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book: Hermano GrisNathooKitty BrydonCoronel Geoffrey BrydonSargento ClaibourneDr. Julius PlumfordWilliam BooneSargento HarleyBuldeoTabaquiLic. John WilkinsIndios BandidosAlice, Rose, y Margaret
Jungle Cubs: Arthur and CecilEl CocoMahraBenny y ClydeNed, Jed y FredMungoLeahCainPerros RojosEl Tío de WinifredMcCoyDictador TortugaWhitehood
House of Mouse: Rey Larry

La SelvaLas Ruinas AntiguasLa Aldea del HombreIndiaAsia
Temporada Uno: "A Night in the Wasteland" • "How the Panther Lost His Roar / The Humans Must Be Crazy" • "Hathi Meets His Match / Buffaloed" • "Mondo Mungo / Bare Necessities" • "Who Wants to Be a Baboon?" • "Red Dogs" • "The Great Kaadini" • "Hulla Baloo / Shere Bliss" • "Treasure of the Middle Jungle" • "Feather Brains / Benny & Clyde" • "Splendor in the Mud" • "Trouble in the Jungle / Fool Me Once..." • "The Coming of the Wolves"

Temporada Dos: "The Ape Who Would Be King" • "Trunks for the Memories / Kasaba Ball" • "Hathi's Makeover / Curse of the Magnificent Melon" • "The Five Bananas / Birthday Snake" • "Old Green Teeth / The Elephant Who Couldn't Say No" • "Hair Ball / A Tail of Two Tails" • "Waiting for Baloo / Tree for Two" • "Nice Tiger / Sleepless in the Jungle"

Original: "Colonel Hathi's March" • "The Bare Necessities" • "I Wanna Be Like You" • "Trust in Me" • "That's What Friends are For" • "My Own Home"

More Jungle Book: "Baloo's Blues" • "Jungle Fever" • "If You Wanna See Some Strange Behavior (Take a Look at Man)" • "It's a Kick"
Jungle Cubs: "Take Your Sweet, Sweet Time • "Everything's Gonna Be Right with the World"
The Jungle Book Groove Party: "The Jungle's No Place for a Boy" • "Join the Ranks" • "Go Bananas in the Coconut Tree" • "A Mood for Food" • "We Are the Vultures" • "Run" • "A Brand New Day"
Secuela: "The Jungle Rhythm" • "W-I-L-D" • "Right Where I Belong"
Eliminadas: "Brothers All" • "The Song of the Seeonee" • "Monkey See, Monkey Do" • "I Knew I Belonged to Her" • "In A Day's Work" • "The Mighty Hunters" • "I've Got You Beat" • "Braver"

Disney Sing Along Songs: The Bare Necessities¿Quién engañó a Roger Rabbit?House of MouseDisney's Jungle Boogie

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Aladdin Logo
Películas: AladdínEl Retorno de JafarAladdín y el Rey de los LadronesDisney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your DreamsVideoAladdín (película de 2019)Aladdín 2

Series: Aladdin: The Series • "Hercules and the Arabian Night" • Great Minds Think 4 ThemselvesA Poem Is...
Música: SoundtrackAladdín y el Rey de los LadronesAladdín (soundtrack de 2019)
Libros:: CómicAladdin's QuestA-Mazing AladdinRoyal WeddingsAladdin: One True LoveJasmine: The Missing CoinJasmine the MatchmakerDisney Princess BeginningsThe Art and Making of AladdinAladdin: Far From AgrabahThe Magic Carpet's Secret
Videojuegos: VideojuegoNasira's RevengeActivity CenterDisney's MathQuest With AladdinAladdin PinballDisney INFINITYDisney INFINITY: 2.0 EditionKingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts codedKingdom Hearts χKingdom Hearts Unchained χDisney Enchanted TalesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion KingDisney POP TOWNDisney Classic Games Collection

Parques Disney
Arabian CoastArt of AnimationCaravan CarouselCastle of Magical DreamsThe Magic of Disney AnimationGarden of the Twelve FriendsIt's a Small WorldLe Passage Enchanté d'AladdinMickey's PhilharMagicSorcerers of the Magic KingdomStorybook Land Canal BoatsThe Enchanted Tiki Room (Bajo Nueva Dirección)The Magic Carpets of AladdinVoyage to the Crystal Grotto

Entretenimiento: Aladdin: A Musical SpectacularCinderella's Surprise CelebrationCinderellabration: Lights of RomanceDisney's BelieveDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicFeel the MagicGolden Fairytale FanfareMickey's Magical CelebrationMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookOnce Upon a MouseRoyal Princess Music CelebrationThe Magic Lamp TheaterThe Starlit Princess WaltzVillains Tonight!
Restaurantes: Aladdin's Oasis
Tiendas: Adventureland Bazaar
Desfiles: Aladdin's Royal CaravanCelebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's FantillusionDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney Carnivale ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Happiness is Here ParadeMagic HappensMove It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street PartyMickey's New Year's Eve ParadeMickey's Soundsational ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressMickey and Friends CelebrationThe Wonderful World of Disney ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Pirotecnia: Believe... There's Magic in the StarsMomentousDisney Dreams!Disney EnchantmentDisney in the StarsFantasy in the SkyHappily Ever AfterHarmonioUSIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightILLUMINATE! A Nighttime CelebrationMickey's Mix MagicOnce Upon a Time Remember... Dreams Come TrueWishesWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color
Primavera: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Verano: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice
Halloween: Disney's Maleficious Halloween PartyDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeHappy HallowishesHocus Pocus Villain SpelltacularIt's Good To Be Bad With The Disney VillainsJack Skellington’s Villainous GatheringKooky Spooky Halloween NightRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeThe Disney Villains Halloween ShowtimeThe Villains WorldVillains Mix and MingleVillains Night Out!

Original: AladdínGenioJasmínAbuLa Alfombra MágicaEl SultánRajahJafarIagoEl MercaderRazoulLos Guardias RealesGazeemEl Príncipe AchmedLas Chicas del HarénFarouk

Secuelas: Abis MalLos Matones de Abis MalCassimSa'LukLos 40 LadronesEl Oráculo
Serie: SadiraMercReina HippsodethScaraRey PectorEl MukhtarRey MamoodEdenSultán Pasta Al-DenteDhandiHamedPharabuEl Príncipe UncouthmaGeneral GoudaBrawnhildaBudRuntaThundraReina KimblaSydneyBrisbaneEl Koala ChicoMachanaFasirJinetes de RamondSamir el "Destructor"SquirtCapitán Al BahtrossPríncipe WazooAjed Al-GebraAmalAbnor MalMecaniclesScooterZarasto el MerodeadorLos MerodeadoresZorastoMozenrathXerxesKhartoumSiroccoShamanMirageHarud Hazi BinFashoomSaleenArmandAyam AghoulAladdin MalvadoCaliph KapokSootinaiDaru TavelevilMalchoDominus TuskSultán Al MuddyAl MuddyAzizMinos y FatimaNefir HasenufLos Diablillos de NefirArbutusMagmaAmuk MoonrahCaosGenio MalvadoLátigo del DesiertoAmin DamoolaNasiraFrigeedAnubisSahkata, Razili y FaridaEl Monstruo de ArenaEl Tiburón de ArenaMothiasDing y OopoReina DelucaEl Rey ZahbarLos Hermanos de la Reina DelucaLa Gran GrietaMamluksKileemLa EtéreaZin and ZangKutatoUnkbuutDestane
Enchanted Tales: AneesaHakeemSaharaSharma
Videojuegos: NasiraBizarrahVery Ankh-Amman
Personajes Eliminados: ZenaGenio del AnilloLa madre de Jasmín
Remake: DaliaPríncipe AndersHakim

Temporada Uno: Getting the Bugs OutMudder's DayFowl WeatherThe Prophet MotiveMuch Abu About SomethingMy Fair AladdinTo Cure a ThiefNever Say NefirRaiders of the Lost Shark

Temporada Dos: "Air Feather Friends" • "Bad Mood Rising" • "Do the Rat Thing" • "The Vapor Chase" • "Garden of Evil" • "Some Enchanted Genie" • "Web of Fear" • "Plunder the Sea" • "Strike Up the Sand" • "Sneeze the Day" • "I Never Mechanism I Didn't Like" • "Forget Me Lots" • "Scare Necessities" • "SandSwitch" • "Lost and Founded" • "Moonlight Madness" • "The Flawed Couple" • "Rain of Terror" • "Dune Quixote" • "That Stinking Feeling" • "The Day the Bird Stood Still" • "Of Ice and Men" • "Opposites Detract" • "Caught by the Tale" • "Elemental, My Dear Jasmine" • "Beast or Famine" • "Smolder and Wiser" • "The Game" • "Poor Iago" • "The Spice is Right" • "The Animal Kingdom" • "Power to the Parrot" • "The Sands of Fate" • "Hero with a Thousand Feathers" • "The Citadel" • "Snowman is an Island" • "The Secret of Dagger Rock" • "In the Heat of the Fright" • "Witch Way Did She Go?" • "The Seven Faces of Genie" • "The Wind Jackals of Mozenrath" • "A Clockwork Hero" • "Mission: Imp Possible" • "Stinker Belle" • "Sea No Evil" • "Shadow of a Doubt" • "Smells Like Trouble" • "The Way We War" • "Night of the Living Mud" • "Egg-stra Protection" • "A Sultan Worth His Salt" • "Heads, You Lose" • "The Love Bug" • "When Chaos Comes Calling" • "Genie Hunt" • "Armored and Dangerous" • "The Lost Ones" • "Eye of the Beholder" • "Shark Treatment" • "Black Sand" • "Love at First Sprite" • "Vocal Hero" • "The Lost City of the Sun" • "As the Netherworld Turns" • "Seems Like Old Crimes" • "From Hippsodeth, with Love" • "Destiny on Fire" • "The Return of Malcho"
Temporada Tres: "The Hunted" • "Riders Redux" • "The Book of Khartoum" • "While the City Snoozes" • "Two to Tangle" • "The Ethereal" • "The Shadow Knows" • "The Great Rift"

ÁgrabahLa Cueva de las MaravillasEl Palacio del SultánLa Isla DesaparecidaOdiferousLa Isla de GalifemMorbiaEl Laboratorio del Mago Viejo
El Escarabajo DoradoLa Vara de Serpiente de JafarLa Lámpara del GenioLa Lámpara de JafarLa Botella de EdénEl Pozo de MozenrathCristal de IxLa Rosa Azul del OlvidoÁrbol de la RenovaciónLa Esmeralda de KhufuLa Daga de CassimLa guadaña del OráculoLa Mano de Midas
Original: Arabian NightsOne Jump AheadFriend Like MePrince AliA Whole New World

The Return of Jafar: I'm Looking Out for MeNothing in the World (Quite Like a Friend)Forget About LoveYou're Only Second Rate
El Rey de los Ladrones: There's a Party Here in AgrabahOut of Thin AirWelcome to the Forty ThievesFather and SonAre You In or Out?
Enchanted Tales: More Than a Peacock PrincessI've Got My Eyes on You
Eliminadas: Humiliate the BoyProud of Your BoyWhy Me?Count on MeCall Me a PrincessBabkak, Omar, Aladdin, KassimHigh AdventureMy Finest HourTo Be FreeDesert Moon
Broadway: A Million Miles AwayThese Palace WallsSomebody's Got Your BackDiamond in the Rough
Remake: Speechless

MusicalFriend Like IagoThe Disney AfternoonDisney RenaissanceAs Told by Emoji

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Películas: Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (Video) • Alice in Wonderland (2010) (Vídeo) • Alicia a Través del Espejo

Series: Adventures in Wonderland (Lista de Episodios) • A Poem Is...Alice's Wonderland Bakery
Cortos y Especiales: A Lesson in Appreciating DifferencesDonald in Mathmagic LandReading Magic with Figment and Alice in WonderlandOne Hour in WonderlandOperation Wonderland
Libros: Wonderland
Videojuegos: Kingdom HeartsKingdom Hearts: Chain of MemoriesKingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts coded Kingdom Hearts χ Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χVideojuegoAlice no Paint AdventureDisney INFINITYDisney INFINITY: 2.0 EditionVideojuego de 2010Kinect Disneyland AdventuresHidden WorldsDisney Magical WorldDisney UniverseDisney's Villains' RevengeDisney Crossy Road Disney Emoji BlitzDisney Sorcerer's ArenaDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Música: Alice and the Mad Tea PartyAlice and the TrialAlice and the White RabbitAlicia en el País de las Maravillas (soundtrack)All the Songs from Walt Disney's Alice in WonderlandLittle Nipper Giant Storybook Record AlbumAlmost AliceAlicia en el País de las Maravillas (soundtrack de 2010)Alicia a Través del Espejo (soundtrack) Proyectos Cancelados: Película de 1933Película de 1939

Parques Disney
Película Animada: Alice's Curious LabyrinthAlice in WonderlandClub VillainDisney Animation BuildingIt's a Small WorldMad Tea PartyMickey Mouse RevueStorybook Land Canal Boats

Película live-action: Alice in Wonderland MazeMad T PartyThe Nightmare Experiment
Entretenimiento: Cinderellabration: Lights of RomanceMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey presents: “Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris”Once Upon a MouseOne Man's DreamQueen of Hearts's Easter Bonnet PartySoryo Kobu
Restaurantes: March Hare RefreshmentsQueen of Hearts Banquet Hall
Desfiles: Celebrate A Dream Come True ParadeDisney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's Magic on ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Carnivale ParadeDisney Magic on Parade  • Disney on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeDreaming Up!Dreams.... And Shine Brighter!Festival of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeMain Street Electrical ParadeMickey's New Year's Eve ParadeDisney Friends Springtime ProcessionalMove It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street PartySpectroMagicWalt Disney's Parade of Dreams
Pirotecnia: Believe... There's Magic in the StarsCelebrate the MagicDisney in the StarsDisney EnchantmentOnce Upon a TimeRemember... Dreams Come TrueWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color
Primavera: Disney's Easter WonderlandDisney's Spring PromenadeMinnie's Little Spring TrainUsatama on the Run!
Verano: Mickey's WaterWorks
Halloween: Disney's Maleficious Halloween PartyDisney's Not So Spooky SpectacularDisney Villains Wicked GatheringFrightfully Fun ParadeHappy HallowishesInferno Dance PartyIt's Good To Be Bad With The Disney VillainsJack Skellington’s Villainous GatheringRe-Villains! Halloween ParadeVillains GroveVillains Mix and MingleVillains Night Out!
Navidad: Disney's White Holiday ParadeMickey's Most Merriest Celebration

Película Animada: AliciaDianaLa Hermana Mayor de AliciaEl Sombrerero LocoLa Liebre de MarzoLa LirónEl Conejo BlancoEl Gato RisónEl PicaporteDon DodoTweedle Dee y Tweedle DumLa Morsa y el CarpinteroLas Ostras CuriosasBill, la LagartijaEl Caballito MecedoraLas Mariposas PanquéLas FloresDon OrugaLos Animales del BosqueMome RathsLas Cartas SoldadoEl Rey de CorazonesLa Reina de CorazonesLos FlamencosLos ErizosLos Animales del JuradoLas Mariposas PanquéEl Perro Escoba

Película de acción real:Alicia KingsleighCharles KingsleighMargaret KingsleighHelen KingsleighLord AscotHamish AscotFiona y Faith ChattawayNivins McTwispTarrant HightoppThackery EarwicketMallymkumAbsolemLos Hermanos TweedleEl Gato de CheshireUilleamBielleBayardLas RanasLas FloresLa Reina RojaLa Reina BlancaLa Sota de CorazonesLos MonosBandersnatchEl Pájaro Jub JubEl JabberwockyLas Cartas ArmadasLas Piezas de Ajedrez ArmadasLa Corte de la Reina RojaEl Ejecutor de la Reina RojaTiempoEl Rey Oleron y la Reina ElsemereZanik HightoppTyva HightoppEl Clan HightoppDra. Addison BennetNobody
Wonderland Bakery: AliciaReina de Corazones
Otros: Mary AnnHumpty Dumpty

Película animada: El Bote de "Bébeme"Las Galletas de CómemeEl Reloj del Conejo BlancoLa Mesa de CristalLa Llave del Sr. PicaporteLas Teteras

Película de acción real: La Botella de MenguativaAumenpastelÓraculoLa Espada VorpalinaLa Cronoesfera
Otros: El Sombrero del Sombrerero

Película Animada: El País de las MaravillasLa Madriguera del ConejoEl ExteriorEl Cuarto MisteriosoEl Mar de LágrimasLa Casa del Conejo BlancoLa PlayaEl Jardín de las FloresEl HongoLa Casa del Sombrerero y la LiebreEl Castillo de la Reina de CorazonesEl LaberintoEl BosqueInglaterraLondres

Película live-action: El SubmundoEl Molino de TurgalEl Claro de TurgalAltascopasCrimsEl Desierto RojoLa Sala CircularEl Castillo de la Reina RojaEl Castillo de la Reina BlancaEl Castillo de Tiempo

Película Animada: Alice in WonderlandIn a World of My OwnI'm LateSailor's HornpipeThe Caucus RaceHow Do You Do and Shake HandsThe Walrus and the Carpenter'Twas BrilligOld Father WilliamAll in the Golden AfternoonThe Unbirthday SongVery Good AdvicePainting the Roses RedDodgsonlandOcean of TearsSimon SaysWhooooo Are Youuuuu?

Película Live-Action: Alice's themeAliceJust Like FireWhite Rabbit
Alice's Wonderland Bakery: Opening
Eliminadas: Beyond the Laughing SkyBeautiful SoupBeware the JabberwockI'm OddThe Lobster QuadrilleGavotte of the CardsEntrance of the ExecutionerWhen the Wind is in the EastSo They SayEverything Has a UsenessDream CaravanSpeak Roughly to Your Little BoyIf You'll Believe in Me

Conceptos y Personajes Eliminados
JabberwockyLa Botella Antropomórfica de "Bébeme"El Cachorro •  El Grifo y la Falsa TortugaPelícula de 1933Película de 1939Omaque Umpqua

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs logo
Películas: Snow White and the Seven DwarfsVideoThe Seven DwarfsRose RedRemake en acción real

Series: A Poem Is...Los 7E
Videojuegos: videojuego de Atari 2600Videojuego de Game Boy ColorKingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts χKingdom Hearts Unchained χ/Union χDisney Heroes: Battle Mode
Música: Banda Sonora
Libros: Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked QueenRoyal WeddingsDisney Princess Beginnings

Parques Disney
Castle of Magical DreamsCinderella Castle Mystery TourClub VillainThe Magic of Disney AnimationFairy Tale ForestMickey Mouse RevueOnce Upon a Time AdventurePrincess PavilionSeven Dwarfs Mine TrainSnow White's AdventuresSnow White's Scary Adventures