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Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension (Phineas y Ferb La Película: A Través de la 2ª Dimensión) es una Película Original Disney Channel, basada en la serie de televisión Phineas and Ferb.


Mientras Phineas y Ferb prueban su nuevo invento, terminan en el despacho del Dr. Doofenshmirtz, rompiendo su último invento, una máquina para ir a otra dimensión, y como disculpa le ayudan a repararla. En ese momento aparece Perry para luchar contra Doofenshmirtz, pero al ver ahí a Phineas y Ferb, debe actuar como un ornitorrinco normal, por lo que no puede detener a Doofenshmirtz.

Cuando terminan de arreglar la máquina, pasan a la otra dimensión, donde ven que Doofenshmirtz se a adueñado del mundo. Allí Doofenshmirtz conoce al Doofenshmirtz de esa dimensión, el cual, tiene a al Perry de esa dimensión como su ayudante, siendo un cyborg llamado "Perry el Ornitoborg". Cuando el Dr. Doofenshmirtz de ahí ve a Phineas y Ferb con Perry, afirma que es el mismo que su enemigo, y manda a Perry el Ornitobot atacarle para demostrarlo, pero cuando ve que se mantiene inmóvil, manda atacar a Phineas y Ferb, y Perry se levanta para defenderles. Cuando Phineas, Ferb y Perry huyen de Doofenshmirtz, Phineas le dice a Perry que se siente decepcionado por que ocultaba su otra identidad.

Mientras están en esa dimensión, Phineas y Ferb buscan una manera de regresar a casa, pero también de salvar la otra dimensión.


  • Es la tercera Disney Channel Original Movie de animación, después de Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama y The Proud Family Movie.
  • En 2014 se estrenó un episodio de la cuarta temporada de 20 minutos de duración que continua los acontecimientos de la película en la segunda dimensión.
  • La Batalla del Area limitrofe es igual a la batalla de New York y la batalla de Chicago de las peliculas de los vengadores y Transformers:El Lado Oscuro De La Luna

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Phineas y Ferb pelicula logo
Phineas and Ferb • (Video game) • Phineas and Ferb: Across the 1st and 2nd DimensionsPhineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd DimensionTales From the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension
Personajes 1ra. Dimensión: PhineasFerbCandacePerryMayor MonogramaDr. DoofenshmirtzLindaIsabellaBaljeetBufordJeremyCarlStacyGingerMillyKatieHollyAdysonGretchenLawrenceDjangoVanessa (eliminada) • Irving Du BoisJennyLove HändelNormPinkyAlbertPeter el PandaTerry la Tortuga

Personajes de la 2da. Dimensión: PhineasFerbLindaLawrencePerryIsabellaBaljeetBufordLos Norm BotsFrancis MonogramaHeinzCandaceJeremyCharleneVanessa

DanvilleDoofenshmirtz Malvados y Asociados (2da. Dimensión) • La Casa de los Flynn-Fletcher
Everything's Better with PerryQuirky Worky SongMysterious Force (canción cortada) • He's DoofBrand New Best FriendVictory GumSummer (Where Do We Begin?)I Walk AwayBaljeet ExplanationBrand New RealityRobot RiotPerry the Platypus ThemeTakin' Care of ThingsKick It Up a NotchPlaying a Game of SportsAll the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to be Divorced

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Phineas y Ferb logo
Producciones Animadas: Phineas y FerbVideografíaTake Two with Phineas and Ferb (Lista de Episodios) • Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd DimensionPhineas y Ferb la Película: Candace Contra el UniversoChibi Tiny Tales

Videojuegos: Phineas and FerbPhineas and Ferb Ride AgainDisney Channel All Star PartyPhineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd DimensionAgent P Strikes BackPhineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool StuffSuper Perry and the Marvel AllianceWhere's My Perry?Disney INFINITY (2.0) (3.0) • Phineas and Ferb: Day of Doofenshmirtz
Álbumes: Phineas and FerbPhineas and Ferb Holiday FavoritesPhineas and Ferb: Across the 1st and 2nd DimensionsPhineas and Ferb: Star Wars soundtrack
Obras: Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever!

Parques Disney
Agent P's World Showcase Adventure

Entretenimiento: Phineas and Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party
Pirotecnia: Celebrate the Magic
Desfiles: Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street Party

Personajes Principales: Phineas FlynnFerb FletcherCandace FlynnPerryHeinz Doofenshmirtz

Personajes Secundarios: Linda FlynnLawrence FletcherIsabella Garcia-ShapiroBaljeet TjinderBuford Van StommMayor Francis MonogramaJeremy JohnsonCarl KarlStacy HiranoGinger HiranoMillyKatieHollyAdyson SweetwaterGretchenVanessa Doofenshmirtz
Personajes Recurrentes: La Cabeza de BebéDjango BrownColtraneCharlene DoofenshmirtzRoger DoofenshmirtzVivian Garcia-ShapiroIrvingJenny BrownSuzy JohnsonDannyBobbi FabulosoShermanMeapMitchNormClyde FlynnBetty Jo FlynnPinkyAlbertPeterKlimpaloonLa Cebra ParlanteMonty MonogramaLos Primos de FerbHildegard JohnsonReginald FletcherWinifred FletcherAloyse von Roddenstein
Personajes Menores: JerryPie GrandeYetiKhaka Peu PeuEl RegurgitadorBob WebberLa Princesa BaldegundeMelissaLas Exploradoras Sin NombreAgente EBrobotsEl Sargento del InternadoBuck BuckersonTiana WebberJack JohnsonSra. JohnsonWendyEliza FletcherNicoletteMandyThaddeus y ThorMindyAmandaLucy FletcherAdrian FletcherBeppo BrownDra. HiranoAnnabelle JohnsonSaraBrigitte, Josette, y ColletteMishti PatelLiam McCrackenRodrigoMorgMonstruo OrnitorrincoGlenda WilkinsDra. GevaarlijkLa Madre de Heinz DoofenshmirtzProfesor BannisterBlanca DishonLa Profesora PoofenplotzEliza M. FeyersiedLyla LolliberryGlobitoProfesor Paréntesis
Personajes Invitados: Santa ClausKim Possible PinochoEl Babuino BebéThor OdinsonSpider-ManHulkIron ManRed SkullNick FuryVenomWhiplashMODOK

Temporadas Uno: "Rollercoaster" • "Candace Loses Her Head" • "The Fast and the Phineas" • "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" • "The Magnificent Few" • "S'Winter" • "Are You My Mummy?" • "Flop Starz" • "Raging Bully" • "Lights, Candace, Action!" • "Get That Bigfoot Outta My Face!" • "Tree to Get Ready" • "It's About Time!" • "Jerk De Soleil" • "Toy to the World" • "One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" • "A Hard Day's Knight" • "I, Brobot" • "Mom's Birthday" • "Journey to the Center of Candace" • "Run Away Runway" • "I Scream, You Scream" • "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" • "The Ballad of Badbeard" • "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" • "Ready for the Bettys" • "The Flying Fishmonger" • "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!" • "Greece Lightning" • "Leave the Busting to Us!" • "Crack That Whip" • "The Best Lazy Day Ever" • "Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." • "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" • "Put That Putter Away" • "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" • "Traffic Cam Caper" • "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" • "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" • "Oil on Candace" • "Unfair Science Fair" • "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)" • "Out to Launch" • "Got Game?" • "Comet Kermillian" • "Out of Toon" • "Hail Doofania!"

Temporada Dos: "The Lake Nose Monster" • "Interview With a Platypus" • "Tip of the Day" • "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" • "Backyard Aquarium" • "Day of the Living Gelatin" • "Elementary My Dear Stacy" • "Don't Even Blink" • "Chez Platypus" • "Perry Lays an Egg" • "Gaming the System" • "The Chronicles of Meap" • "Thaddeus and Thor" • "De Plane! De Plane!" • "Let's Take a Quiz" • "At the Car Wash" • "Oh, There You Are, Perry" • "Swiss Family Phineas" • "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" • "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" • "Hide and Seek" • "That Sinking Feeling" • "The Baljeatles" • "Vanessassary Roughness" • "No More Bunny Business" • "Spa Day" • "Bubble Boys" • "Isabella and the Temple of Sap" • "Cheer Up Candace" • "Fireside Girl Jamboree" • "The Bully Code" • "Finding Mary McGuffin" • "What Do It Do?" • "Atlantis" • "Picture This" • "Nerdy Dancin'" • "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" • "Suddenly Suzy" • "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" • "Undercover Carl" • "Hip Hip Parade" • "Just Passing Through" • "Candace's Big Day" • "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" • "Ain't No Kiddie Ride" • "Wizard of Odd" • "The Beak" • "Not Phineas and Ferb" • "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" • "The Lizard Whisperer" • "Robot Rodeo" • "The Secret of Success" • "The Doof Side of the Moon" • "She's the Mayor" • "The Lemonade Stand" • "We Call it Maze" • "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" • "Nerds of a Feather" • "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" • "Split Personality" • "Brain Drain" • "Make Play" • "Candace Gets Busted" • "Summer Belongs to You!" • "Rollercoaster: The Musical!"
Temporada Tres: "Run, Candace, Run" • "Last Train to Bustville" • "The Great Indoors" • "Canderemy" • "The Belly of the Beast" • "Moon Farm" • "Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" • "Ask a Foolish Question" • "Misperceived Monotreme" • "Candace Disconnected" • "Magic Carpet Ride" • "Bad Hair Day" • "Meatloaf Surprise" • "Tri-Stone Area" • "Doof Dynasty" • "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted" • "A Real Boy" • "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" • "Road Trip" • "Skiddley Whiffers" • "Tour de Ferb" • "My Fair Goalie" • "Perry the Actorpus" • "Bullseye!" • "That's the Spirit" • "The Curse of Candace" • "Escape from Phineas Tower" • "The Remains of the Platypus" • "Ferb Latin" • "Lotsa Latkes" • "A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" • "What a Croc!" • "Ferb TV" • "Mom's in the House" • "Minor Monogram" • "Excaliferb" • "Monster from the Id" • "Gi-Ants" • "Agent Doof" • "Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" • "Delivery of Destiny" • "Let's Bounce" • "Quietest Day Ever" • "Bully Bromance Break Up" • "Doonkleberry Imperative" • "Buford Confidential" • "Sleepwalk Surprise" • "Sci-Fi Pie Fly" • "Meapless in Seattle" • "The Mom Attractor" • "Cranius Maximus" • "Sipping with the Enemy" • "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" • "Doofapus" • "Norm Unleashed" • "When Worlds Collide" • "Road to Danville" • "Where's Perry?" • "Blackout!" • "What'd I Miss?" • "This Is Your Backstory"
Temporada Cuatro: "Fly On the Wall" • "My Sweet Ride" • "For Your Ice Only " • "Happy New Year!" • "Bully Bust" • "Backyard Hodge Podge" • "Der Kinderlumper" • "Just Desserts" • "Bee Day" • "Bee Story" • "Sidetracked" • "Knot My Problem" • "Mind Share" • "Primal Perry" • "La Candace-Cabra" • "Happy Birthday, Isabella" • "Great Balls of Water" • "Where's Pinky?" • "Mission Marvel" • "Thanks But No Thanks" • "Troy Story" • "Love at First Byte" • "One Good Turn" • "Cheers for Fears" • "Just Our Luck" • "Return Policy" • "Imperfect Storm" • "Steampunx" • "It's No Picnic" • "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" • "Druselsteinoween" • "Face Your Fear" • "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum" • "Doof 101" • "Father's Day" • "Operation Crumb Cake" • "Mandace" • "Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" • "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" • "Live and Let Drive" • "Lost in Danville" • "The Inator Method" • "Act Your Age" • "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer" • "Night of the Living Pharmacists" • "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" • "Last Day of Summer" • "O.W.C.A. Files"

DanvilleSeattleFranquicia de Mr. Slushy Doofenshmirtz Malvados y AsociadosLa Casa de los Flynn-FletcherAtlantisGoogolplex MallEl Parque de Diversiones AbandonadoÁfricaInglaterraCiudad de Nueva YorkBig BenMarteTokioLondresChinaIndiaCanadáChileHawaii
Today is Gonna Be a Great DaySummer Belongs to YouCity of LoveJump Right InPerry the Platypus ThemePerry Saves ChristmasLet it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it SnowGitchee Gitchee Goo|Where Did We Go Wrong?BustedLittle BrothersWhat'cha Doin?Carpe DiemS.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)I'm MeRollercoasterCouldn't Kick My Way Into Her HeartThe Ballad of KlimpaloonEvil for Extra CreditBackyard BeachHappy New YearGreat to Be a BabyWhat Might Have BeenSerious FunCurtain Call/Time Spent TogetherSilhouettesFollow the Sun

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Los 2010
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