"Give The Kid One More Chance" é uma canção no episódio "Coloque a Culpa no Gênio" na série animada do Disney Junior, Princesinha Sofia, cantada por Sofia e Sargento Fizz.
Sargento Fizz: A Genie Patolman
has very tough views
We stick to facts only
We just follow the clues
Sofia: But what if the truth is
Not clear at first glance
There's more to this story
Give the kid one more chance
Fizz: I caught lots of genies
Who all went astray
This kid's just like they were
In this lamp, he must stay
Sofia: We both know Kazeem though
He just wouldn't lie
Think out of the lamp
Just give the kid one more try
Fizz: My heart hears what you're saying
But my hard head just says no
Spend my days jailing genies
I ain't familiar with hope
Sofia: I believe in you sergeant
Like I still believe in Kazeem
Don't give up on your friends sergeant
You are the genie dream team
(Parte Instrumental)
Fizz: I guess what you're saying
Is soften my stance
Believe in my gut
And give the kid one more chance
Sofia: You're not just a gumshoe
Stuck in an old dance
You've learned a new step
Fizz: I'll give the kid one more chance
Sofia: He deserves one more chance
Ambos: Give Kazeem one more chance