"Our Wizards Are the Best" é uma canção no episódio "Hexley Hall" na série animada da Disney, Princesinha Sofia, cantada por Wriggley, Pumpkin, e Chester.
Wriggley: At every winter tournament
My master wins first place
Todos: Our wizards are the best
Our wizards are the best
Wriggley: He's won so much
He had to make a bigger trophy case
Todos: Our wizards are the best
Our wizards are the best
Wriggley: I feel such pride
When I lurk beside
The best sorcerer
A girl could ask for
Todos: Our wizards are the best
Our wizards are the best
Way better than the rest
Our wizards are the best
Wriggley: His master conjured up a spell
For never-ending play
Todos: Our wizards are the play
Our wizards are the play
Wriggley: And his guy just was added to
The Wizard Hall of Fame
Todos: Our wizards are the best
Our wizards are the best
Wriggley: We feel so sad
That you're guy's so bad
The worst sorcerer
A bird could ask for
Todos: Our wizards are the best
Way better than the rest
And they pass any test
We don't say this in jest
You oughta feel impressed
In case you haven't guessed
Our wizards are the best