20th Television Animation (formerly known as Fox Television Animation) is an American animation studio who previously acted as an animation division of 20th Television and was relaunched as a standalone unit of Disney Television Studios, a division of Walt Disney Television. It is dedicated to creating, developing, and producing animated television series and other projects targeted at adults, as opposed to the kid-friendly animation studio, Disney Television Animation.
List of Television Productions[]
- The Simpsons (1989–present; since season 28) (34 seasons, 750 episodes)
- Family Guy (1999–present; since season 3) (21 seasons, 409 episodes)
- Futurama (1999–present; since season 8) (8 seasons, 160 episodes)
- American Dad! (2005–present) (19 seasons, 388 episodes)
- The Cleveland Show (2009–2013) (4 seasons, 88 episodes)
- Bob's Burgers (2011–present) (13 seasons, 260 episodes)
- Hoops (2020) (1 season, 10 episodes)
- Duncanville (2020–2022) (3 seasons, 39 episodes)
- Solar Opposites (2020–present) (4 seasons, 40 episodes)
- Central Park (2020–2022) (3 seasons, 39 episodes)
- The Great North (2021–present) (4 seasons, 77 episodes)
- Koala Man (1 season, 8 episodes)
- The Hobblepots (TBA)
- How to Be Black (TBA)
- Praise Petey (TBA)
- The X-Files: Albuquerque (TBA)
- Rhona Who Lives By The River (TBA)
- Standing By (TBA)
- SupaShawty Girls, Funkamatic BangBang (TBA)
- Gerald's World (TBA)
- King of the Hill (TBA)
- Ghetto Brilliance (TBA)
External links[]