A Dairy Tale: The Three Little Pigs (or simply A Dairy Tale) is an animated short released exclusively for the DVD releases of the 2004Disney animated feature film Home on the Range, serving as the film's spin-off.
Mrs. Calloway is telling a story about the Three Little Pigs who lived in three houses to which Maggie, Jeb, and Grace keep interrupting. Asking about where a fourth pig is, Mrs. Calloway rejects Ollie, the pig wanting to star in the story. Continuing the story, she narrates that the Three Pigs are about to face is a Big Bad Wolf living near the woods to which Buck interrupts, allowing Calloway to add Buck in the story. Continuing the story, Audrey, Maggie, Grace, and Buck interrupt the story by using imaginary plots, causing Mrs. Calloway to furiously berate the animals for ruining the story with all their rubbish they started thinking of. The Piggies, however, interrupt her conversation, telling her that the story is awesome. She then tells them that classic stories she tells can be mixed with a twist. The short then ends when Mrs. Calloway tells the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to the Piggies.
Renegade Animation, which animated the short, also provided animation for the DVD menu intro of the film as well as the Yodelmania and The Joke Corral games on the DVD.