"A Different Approach" is the thirty-sixth episode of the Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It premiered on February 28, 2024 and is the fourth episode of the third season.
Stranded in dangerous territory, Omega and Crosshair must work together.
With the damage their shuttle sustained in their escape, Omega and Crosshair are forced to crashland on the planet Lau. They make their way to a nearby spaceport, where Crosshair opts for using force to hijack a ship, while Omega intends to acquire the money needed to bribe a clerk through gambling. When Batcher is snatched by Imperial troops, Omega goes after her, with a reluctant Crosshair following. Imperial troops find and corner them, but they manage to free Batcher, steal a freighter, and escape the planet. Later, they rendezvous with Hunter and Wrecker, leading to a both joyous and, in Crosshair's case, tense reunion.
- Dee Bradley Baker as Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Batcher, Commander Scorch
- Michelle Ang as Omega
- Liam O'Brien as Bartender Droid, Stormtrooper #1, Stormtrooper #3
- Harry Lloyd as Captain Mann, Stormtrooper #2
- Sam Riegel as Chatty Alien
- Jimmi Simpson as Doctor Royce Hemlock
- Gwendoline Yeo as Nala Se
- Meg Marchand as Street Urchin, Ticketing Agent
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