"A Goofy Fairy Tale" is the series finale of the Disney Junior animated series Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It premiered on November 6, 2016 and is the twenty-sixth episode in the fourth season.
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When Goofy's magic trick accidentally makes all the bedtime stories disappear from the Clubhouse, he must find a way to bring them back.
- Mickey Mouse as Hansel
- Minnie Mouse as Gretel
- Clarabelle Cow as Witch
- Donald Duck as Pied Piper
- Daisy Duck as Beauty
- Pete as Beast
- Suction cups
- Sticky tape
- An oar
- A bunch of balloons
- Mickey and his friends are shown wearing their pajamas for the beginning and end parts.
- According to the Amazon.com description of its book counterpart, it was originally planned to air in the fall of 2014 but got delayed for unknown reasons.
- In Latin America and Brazil, it aired on May 8, 2017.
- This finale aired alongside the final episode of Jake and the Never Land Pirates: "Captain Hook's Last Stand!".
- In this episode, Mickey and the gang did the Hot Dog Dance in their pajamas, but instead of leaving the Clubhouse during the dance, the Handy Helpers gave them sleeping bags so they could have their sleepover.
- This is the final episode where the Mystery Mouseketool is chosen last.
- Goofles takes over as the helper instead of Toodles in the special.
- However, Toodles does retrieve the tools only to transfer them to Goofles later on.
- This episode includes three fairy tales: The Pied Piper, Hansel and Gretel, and Beauty and the Beast.
- Mickey says the final line in the series: "Thanks for stopping by. Good night everybody."
- Minnie telling Goofy that everyone loves him just the way he is, is similar to when people can be loved just the way they are, said by Fred Rogers.
- The final episode of Season 4 was produced in 2012, according to the credits.