"A Little Bit of You" is a song in the Broadway adaption of Frozen sung by a young Elsa and Anna, originally performed by Brooklyn Nelson and Audrey Bennett. The song features a Elsa entertaining her sister Anna with her ice powers, ending when Anna is accidentally hit by a blast of magic.
A little bit of you
A little bit of me
A part that loves to dream
A part that swings from a tree
A little like me
A little like you
Elsa: A part that's nice
Anna: A part that's naughty too
Both: A loyal friend
Elsa: Who is there no matter what
(Anna: There no matter what)
Elsa: Has a big, round belly
Anna: And a big, bouncy butt!
He'll love warm hugs
And the bright sunlight
Anna: And he'll really like the summer
Elsa: But he'll melt!
Yeah, you're right
Oh, so we'll build him back together
Elsa: Yes, together. That's the key
Both: 'Cause he's a little bit of you and me.
Elsa: Okay, time for bed.
Anna: But, no. Time for more magic, please and thank you?
Elsa: Anna, you know I'm not supposed to even be doing this.
Anna: But your magic is the most beutifil, wonderful, perfectful thing in the whole wide world!
Elsa: Do you really think so?
Anna: Yes! So do it, please! Before I burst from inside to outside!
Elsa: Okay, okay, don't burst!
Anna: Wow!
A little bit of you
A little bit of me
You do the magic
And I get to see
Elsa: A little bit of fun
Anna: Little bit of fun, in the middle of the night
A little bit off magic
And it all takes flight
La la la...
This is so amazing!
More, more, more!
Elsa: Little bit of you...
Anna: Magic, magic, do it Elsa, do it, more!
Elsa: Little bit of me...
Me, me, me, me, me, me
Little bit of you
Little bit of me
- The working title of this song was "Recipe for Olaf".