"A Period Piece" is the first segment of the twenty-fourth episode of the Disney Channel animated series The Ghost and Molly McGee. It premiered on April 22, 2023 alongside "It's Always Sunny in Sunnyland", and is the first segment of the fourth episode in the second season.
When Libby gets her period before Molly does, Molly feels out of sync with her best friend.
Molly is excited to have a sleepover with her friends Libby and Andrea, the latter of whom she invited out of goodwill. Libby arrives but is nervous as the last time she had a sleepover was at Andrea's house which led to "the incident," which she refuses to talk about. Andrea arrives, much to Molly's joy, but Libby runs to the bathroom where she ends up having her first period. Molly is confused, but Andrea tells her that she had hers three months ago and gives Libby a spare pajama set to wear and starts acting closer to her. Molly rushes to find tampons but learns from Pete that they are completely out. Out of sympathy, Pete decides to go to the store to get more, while Scratch tags along to get snacks. Meanwhile, Darryl is making strange deals over the phone.
Pete nervously buys as many tampons as he can get while Scratch tricks him into buying snacks for him, under the guise that it is coincidental. Molly tries to hang out with Libby and Andrea, but the two of them begin talking about werewolf movies and other in-jokes that Molly fails to pick up on. Feeling that they are being more adult than her, Molly misinterprets Darryl's transactions over the phone as an idea to act like a grown up to keep up with her friends. She throws away her kid things and decides to make herself up so that she can look more adult, which means putting on tons of makeup and wearing her mother's clothes. She presents her "new" self to Libby and Andrea who are confused by her behavior, though they are amused at her cheese and cracker platter.
Molly's entire ruse falls apart from the flash from Andrea's phone when she snaps a pic and she spills her snacks all over Libby and Andrea. She admits that she feels less of a grown up to them and proceeds to leave, only for the two of them to stop her. Andrea tells Molly that all girls have their periods at their own time and that she does not need to feel left out simply because she hasn't gotten one yet. Libby and Andrea agree to be more inclusive with her and not maker her feel left out. Just then, Pete and Scratch finally returns from the store with way too many tampons and snacks to the point that it filled up the car. Before Pete could do anything about it, Darryl comes up and now wants to use the snacks for his next business transaction over the phone.
- Ashly Burch as Molly McGee
- Dana Snyder as Scratch
- Jordan Klepper as Pete McGee
- Michaela Dietz as Darryl McGee
- Lara Jill Miller as Libby Stein-Torres
- Jules Medcraft as Andrea Davenport
- Sleepover Night
- Glowing Up
- Morals:
- Everyone grows at different rates and not everyone can be expected to change at a certain age, so it's best not to feel pressured about your future and enjoy your youth while you can.
- No matter how grown-up you may seem, you still have that inner child.
- On April 2, 2023, the episode was released early on Disney+.
- This is the fifth Disney, or Disney adjacent, production to deal with the concept of menstruation, following the 1946 educational film The Story of Menstruation, the Sydney to the Max episode "Girlz II Women", Turning Red, and the Baymax! episode "Sofia".
- Starting with this episode, Andrea is noticeably more supportive of Molly and Libby, a far cry from the previous season where she was antagonistic at worst or oblivious to their emotions at best.
- In addition to menstruation, the episode's title also alludes to the term "period piece", a film genre in which movies are either set on or reminiscent of a previous time period.
- The song Molly sings at the beginning of the episode is a parody of the Christmas song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year".
- Libby gets her first period in this episode.
- Molly still hasn't gotten her period and, while she knows what menstruation is, seems unfamiliar with period euphemisms (i.e., phrases like "Time of the month" and "Aunt Flo").
- Andrea reveals that she had gotten first period three months prior to the events of this episode, and as a result of that, she makes sure to be prepared for situations like the one Libby has (such as packing a spare set of pajamas).
- "Forever", the brand of pads seen on the store aisle, is a reference to the feminine hygiene brand Always (known in the Far East and most of South Asia as "Whisper").