"A Recipe for Trouble" is the fifty-seventh episode of the Adventures of the Gummi Bears. It premiered on November 6, 1990, and is originally the ninth episode of the sixth and final season. It was later paired with "Zummi in Slumberland", another half-episode segment of the season, for subsequent airings
Grammi discovers that the other Gummies are secretly eating food made at Dunwyn Castle. Insulted, Grammi tries to become a better cook. Unfortunately, her attempts create nothing but inedible food such as soup that is a dangerous power acid, baked goods that are powerful adhesives, and buns that are as hard as stones.
Undaunted, Grammi goes out into the woods at night, in an unfamiliar area, and collects a number of strange roots for seasoning.
Unfortunately, a trio of gnomes needs these roots to appease an ever-hungry, bullying monster, and Grammi decides to give that monster a taste of her home-made cooking.
As it turns out, her earlier food experiements prove to be useful weapons and drive off the Slugger. With the battle resolved, Grammi apologizes for the misunderstanding. The Gnomes forgive her as long as she will provide her recipes to reproduce those weapons, which Grammi quietly finds a humilitating, backhanded compliment to her cooking.
However, on the way home, the Gummies say that Grammi should stick with what she knows.
- Billy Barty as Nemo
- Corey Burton as Gruffi Gummi
- Townsend Coleman as Norm
- Jim Cummings as Zummi Gummi
- Barry Dennen as Nester
- June Foray as Grammi Gummi
- Katie Leigh as Sunni Gummi
- Lorenzo Music as Tummi Gummi
- Noelle North as Cubbi Gummi
- Frank Welker as the Sluggard
- This is originally the twenty-eighth episode to premiere separately from its sibling segment, which had aired a little over six weeks earlier. It is also the last half-episode segment of the series. Both segments were later combined, as originally intended, for all subsequent airings.
- Animation production for the sixth and final season was distributed among several different studios. While Walt Disney Animation Japan, Inc. is still credited responsible for production, this episode was animated by the South Korean studio Taesang Ind. Co., Ltd.
- Internationally, the sixth season follows a slightly different order (likely following the intended production order more closely).