A Sister More Like Me is a children's book from Disney's 2013 animated film, Frozen, featuring Elsa and Anna. It also includes pictures by one of the film's artists, Brittney Lee.
Explore the wintery world of magic in Walt Disney Animation Studio’s latest film, Frozen. This jacketed picture book features an original story about Anna and Elsa, the film’s two sisters, as well as illustrations by one of the artists who worked on the film.
- It is stated in this book that Elsa loves geometry. This is shown when she uses her vast knowledge of geometry to create her ice castle.
- It is noted that Anna has a very messy and unorganized room.
- Anna’s room is full of props from the Frozen movie. The dolls that Anna is playing with during the first verse of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?". Anna’s Coronation Dress is hanging from a canopy on her bed. The ribbons that Anna has in her hair are draped across her footboard.
- It is shown in the Siren season 1 episode The Lure, when Ryn uses it to tell Helen she is looking for her sister.