"Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thingy Baby" is the twenty-fourth episode of The Proud Family, written by James E. West II and directed by T.J. House.
Trudy gets Oscar to try to get a popular cartoon character to come to BeBe and CeCe's birthday party, but Penny suspects the woman who plays the character is having an affair with her father. Penny then tells her not to come to the party and the babies attack Oscar.
- Moral: Check your facts before you go with them.
- Thingy is a parody of Barney The Dinosaur. Kyla Pratt, who voices Penny, played Marcella in Barney's Great Adventure.
- Barney is referenced even further with the baby riot, especially with Oscar posing as Thingy, which is most likely a reference to a 1993 incident at a shopping mall where Barney was billed, but the children became enraged and destructive when a skinny imposter appeared on stage.
- The title is a reference to the 1968 Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell song "Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing".
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