Alexander is a minor character in the Disney animated series, Hercules. He is a nerdy kid who can't even tie his sandals but later becomes Hercules' trainee.
Role in the series[]
In "Hercules and the Kids", Hercules volunteers to take the kindergarten kids of Prometheus Jr. Academy on a field trip. And he befriends a geeky kid named Alex who doesn't know how to tie his sandals and gets picked on by Brutus, a centaur bully kid. While Hercules is tending to the other kids, Brutus kicks Alex and he loses the map Hercules gave him to hold and they get lost. Meanwhile, two monsters, a giant spider and a giant dragonfly, are hunting for food and come across Herc and the kids. Hercules escapes with the kids and they hide for shelter in a small cave, and there Brutus starts to call Hercules names. Alex comforts Herc and says that he's a hero, then suggests that he and his classmates sing a song to cheer them up. Then Alex gets an idea on how to get home. On their way back, Callista, a spoiled bratty little girl, loses her Aphrodite doll somewhere and goes to look for it running into the monsters. Hercules comes to rescue her and gets injured but still manages to get her back to the others safely. As he begins to cross the bridge to where Alex and the others are he and the giant spider are too much weight, Hercules throws Callista and he falls with the spider. Herc's unconscious and the giant spider ties Hercules up in webs as the giant dragonfly goes for the kids. Alex comes up with a plan to save Hercules, it works and as the kids try to untie Hercules but the knots are too strong for them to untangle, Alex then uses a sharp piece of rock to free Hercules. After Herc fights the monsters he then thanks Alex for quick-thinking, and he is no longer Alexander the Geek but Alexander the Great. And in the future, it is revealed that he is trained by Hercules to become a hero, and great as Alex becomes he never learns to tie his sandals.
- In real life, Alexander the Great claimed to be a descendant of Hercules.