Alice's Wonderland Bakery is a Disney Jr. animated spin-off from Alice in Wonderland that premiered on February 9, 2022. The series has been renewed for a second season, which premiered on June 28, 2023. The show aired its final episode on April 15, 2024. As of now, 50 episodes have aired.
The series revolves around Alice, the 7-year-old great-granddaughter of the original Alice, who is a young baker working at the Wonderland Bakery. As she explores the kingdom on various culinary adventures, she is accompanied by Fergie the White Rabbit, Hattie, and Rosa, the Princess of Hearts.
The series is heavily influenced by the artwork of Mary Blair.
All of the major characters are descendants of the characters from the original film with the exception of the Cheshire Cat who is considered "timeless" and the Doorknob.
During the song "Method to the Madness", Hattie summons a pair of dancing gloves to help with the baking similar to the gloves from the Mickey Mouse cartoon Thru the Mirror.