"Are You My Groot?" is the sixth episode of the Disney+ streaming television shorts series I Am Groot and was released on September 6, 2023. It was written and directed by Kirsten Lepore.
Groot stumbles across a strange egg in a nest while exploring the alien planet of Terma. He instantly falls for the little creature that emerges when the egg cracks, adopting it as his own.
Groot is walking through the woods eating candy when he comes across a small egg that hatches to reveal a Terma bird. Groot begins to feed the bird his candy and teaches it to spit it into each other's mouths. Groot does everything he can to take care of the bird, but it begins to annoy Groot with it pooping all over the place, making noise, and pecking his head. Groot tries to put the bird away in a bag, but more Terma birds with his escaping. Groot believes that they are chasing him, but in actuality, they are headed towards the Mama Terma bird. All the babies hop into her feathers as the Mama flies away. Groot is sad to see his Terma bird go, but it quickly pops its head out to spit candy back at Groot. Even after stepping on poop one last time, Groot is touched.