The Army of Scar is an evil organization of Outlanders and other vicious animals in the Disney Jr. animated series, The Lion Guard. They are a group of animals led by the spirit of Scar in the Outlands to help him take over the Pride Lands and get rid of Simba in an attempt to become king again.
Role in the series[]
Beginning in "The Rise of Scar", Janja and Ushari revive Scar in the caldera of the volcano. Beginning throughout Season 2, the spirit of Scar forms an evil army of animals to help him take over the Pride Lands so he can defeat Simba once again ever since his death during the events of The Lion King.
In numerous episodes, Scar summons various members to take over the Pride Lands and kill Simba. During these attempts, Kion leads the Lion Guard to protect the Pride Lands from danger. For instance, in "The Scorpion's Sting", Scar plans to take revenge against Simba on the day Simba won against him in order to take revenge and rule the Pride Lands by summoning a venomous scorpion named "Sumu". When the Guard must find the volcanic ash for Simba caused by the scorpion, Scar officially names his army in order to ward off Kion's team. Fortunately, the group manages to face them off and get the volcanic ash for Simba.
By "The Fall of Mizimu Grove", the Outlanders disrupt Makini's Mpando Mpaya and during battle, it pauses when Scar plans to take over the Pride Lands in revenge against Simba, frightening the Pride Animals celebrating the festival.
During "Battle for the Pride Lands", Simba leads an army of Pride Animals to fight against Scar and end the battle once and for all. Janja and his clan are summoned by Scar to take over the Pride Lands, but they end up getting betrayed when Scar traps them with fire. Joining the Pridelander army, the animals of the Pride Lands join battle and arrive at the Outlands to fight against Scar. The battle, however, ended when Kion summons the Great Kings to defeat Scar, causing his spirit to be extinguished for good. With Scar defeated, the surviving Outlanders become accepted into Jasiri's leadership as Jasiri becomes in charge of the Outlands.