"Art Museum Piece" is the twenty-first episode of the Disney Channel sitcom Wizards of Waverly Place. It premiered on August 31, 2008, and is the final episode in the first season.
When Alex decides to use magic to take a shortcut on her Art History Assignment, she brings historical masterpieces to life, such as Mona Lisa, The Blue Boy, Vincent van Gogh, and The Scream, in order to answer questions on her worksheet correctly. Meanwhile, Max and Jerry play football in the house using a spell which spreads to Theresa.
- Frames and figures, step out of your pictures – bring a picture to life
- Pictures and faces, return to your places (place and year) – return a picture that was previously brought to life
- Gothru Mothru – charm an object to move through anything
Guest stars: Julie Brown as Ms. Marinovich, Danielle Bisutti as Mona Lisa, Britt Prentice as Babe Ruth
Co-stars: Amanda Tepe as Elaine the Security Guard (the crazy lady with the flashlight), Amy D. Higgins as Garbage Lady, Keeshan Giles as Burly Customer, Boris Kievsky as "The Scream", Mark Rickard as Vincent van Gogh, Michael Stancliff as Blue Boy
- This is the last episode to be captioned by the National Captioning Institute.