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"Awkwardly Ever After" is the second segment of the forty-third episode of the Disney Channel animated series Hamster & Gretel.


Kevin gets caught in an awkward love triangle with Hiromi and Lauren.


Lauren is attending Eastside High due to FistPuncher and Footkicker destroying her previous school, Northwestside High, the previous night. Meanwhile, a nervous Kevin fears that things will be awkward between himself, Lauren, and Hiromi due to Lauren having a romantic interest in Kevin at the same time that Kevin has not overcome his feelings for Hiromi. When deciding who will be paired with Northwestside students as part of their orientation, Kevin decides that Fred should be paired with Lauren while Hiromi becomes the guide of a disguised FistPuncher and Footkicker, who plan to slander Lauren's name by proving that she is still the same person she was prior to her reform.

When Anthony reveals to Kevin that he has feelings for Lauren, Kevin attempts to turn her romantic interest towards Anthony despite Fred advising him to tell her he still has feelings for Hiromi. In the cafeteria, FistPuncher and Footkicker continue their slander, with an infuriated Lauren announcing through a megaphone that "people change" and Anthony defending her. FistPuncher and Footkicker then remove their disguises and initiate a food fight, which Hamster and Gretel later join. Taking cover behind some tables, Lauren admits to Kevin that she used to be a villain while Kevin reveals to her that he still has feelings for Hiromi. Despite her initial disappointment, she is motivated by Kevin's reassurance that she is a good person and helps Hamster and Gretel defeat FistPuncher and Footkicker.


  • "I'm a Bad Wingman"



  • Bailey and Ms. Jamanpour make cameo appearances in this episode.
  • Kevin and Lauren have a crush for each other continues, but Kevin still have not get over with Hiromi. Lauren reveals her previous villain identity to Kevin and asks him out, Kevin turns her down as he is not available due to his feelings for Hiromi, but Kevin tells Lauren that trying to be good means she is good. After that Kevin then asks Fred about getting back with Hiromi, but Fred gives a reality check to him that Hiromi won't.

External links[]

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Disney Hamster and Gretel logo
Hamster & Gretel (soundtrack one/two) • Chibi Tiny TalesChibiverse
Gretel Grant-GomezKevin Grant-GomezHamsterFred GrantCarolina Grant-GomezDave Grant-GomezBailey CarterHiromi TanakaVeronica HillAnthonyChurroNayaNordleToborPrincipal FunderberkMrs. JamanpourIngaKellyMayor MeyerGeneral HuxleyGeneral HuxleyFrederickColleenSam SlickmanElizabeth KnightLorraineThe HandymanChad GoldenboyPamela Ryan

Villains: Professor ExclamationLyle/FistPuncherRodney ThunderpantsAnimus MachinaVan DykeCoach HaggertyLa CebollaCopy CatNed Slater/NeighslayerDr. EelgoodKathy/The Dog NapperBouncy CastleX-TerminatorCyborg RatsPi-RatThe AmplifierThe NightmarionetteBob Enfantiberg/Big BabySloppy Joe MonsterE.V.I.L. S.C.H.E.M.E. RobotsRecord ScratchThe ImposterToborErnieBelleArthouseTchotchke JonesJoe/MicromanagerHelen/Rat BurglarCrimson HasteBob Cashwell/UnknownzyPendulum PeteInga the Ice QueenLa SombreronaItsy BitsyLibrarianMary MitosisThe FlakeClem ClamThe Demo BrosFootkickerACEStress Ball MonsterConnie McBurlapMordros the AnnihilatorDr. HawthorneMr. LargeDust MightSlamonade StanHank FranklinCarlFelix Van SchurzMud SingerBone DecimatorSkull PulverizerLudwig Von Shrute
Former villains:Lauren/The DestructressEl LuchadorTinaGerbilEastside Bantam/Christine DePouletCharlie/Father GooseSimonJulie Jennings/Dr. MedusaSaurusBayou Barb
Cameos: Sally • Farmer and Farmer's WifeBrigette MurphyBalloonyHeinz DoofenshmirtzCandace FlynnStacy HiranoLove Händel

Season One: "Empower Failure/Oakey Dokey" • "Recipe for Disaster/Math Punch" • "Superhero Sibling Rivalry/Close Shave" • "Cheer Cheer Bang Bang/La Ballad of La Cebolla" • "Comic Shop Copycat/Neigh, It Ain't So!" • "Saturday Homecoming Fever/Dr. Eelgood" • "The Opposite of Smart/Birthday Besties" • "I'm Bored/Cutie and the Beast" • "The Nightmarionette/Abuelita's World" • "U.F. UH-OH!" • "Grounded/Sleepover with the Enemy" • "Friday Night Fright/The Earworm" • "A Mammoth Problem/The Bantam of the Elementary School Light Opera" • "Hamnesia/Romancing the Scone" • "For Whom the Belle Trolls/An Arthouse Divided" • "The Litigator vs. The Luchador/Strawberry Fest Forever" • "The Bottle Episode/Micromanager" • "When Life Gives You Lemons/Self-HEELP!" • "My Invisible Friend/The Bitter Sitter" • "Let's Sea What You've Got"/"Churro's Day Out" • "Crimson Haste Makes Waste"/"The Break-Stuff Club" • "Over the Hill"/"The Ice Queen Cometh" • "La Sombrerona"/"Two Girls, A Guy, and the Council of Düm" • "Nano a Nano"/"The Unnatural History of Dr. MedusaSaurus Ph.D." • "No Sprain, No Gain"/"Finding Professor Ex" • "Bayou Barb"/"The Great Pillow War" • "Shush Hour"/"I Was a Teenage Mad Scientist" • "Too Many Crooks"/"President Fred" • "Flake It Til You Make It"/"Game Changer" • "Exclamation Strikes Back"

Season Two: "Hakuna Ma Kevin/The Great American Telenovela" • "Lair Necessities/Tobor or Not Tobor" • "Evil Upheaval/Ay, Ay, A.I." • "Stress Brawl/I Love Luchie" • "The More The Meteor/My Hammie Vice" • "Last Fred Standing/From Dust Till Dawn" • "I Think Therefore I Slam/Thanks, But No Pranks" • "The Silence of the Tchotchkes/A Car is Born" • "Who's in Charge?/Fools of Engagement" • "The New Adventures of Super Kevin" • "The Search for Super Guy/Lorraine, Rattle, and Roll" • "Last Train to Dullsville/Fred of State" • "Hamster Ex Machina/Awkwardly Ever After" • "Paging Doctor Potatini/Snazzy Pantzz" • "Gentlemen Prefer Fronds/Sock It To Me, Bailey!" • "No Powers Day/Everybody Loves Main Computer" • "Gretel Keeps It Real/Squeaky Friday" • "Gran Slam/The Art of Deception"

Theme song

Season One: Almost Almost ThereOverload the GridRopa ViejaRace Against TimeHow Much Can You Lift?Fighting Facial HairWe Take What We WantYuko Cheerleading Warrior Attack SevenDon't Steal From the BanksLa CebollaPinky PromiseNeighslayer Rap BattleDance BattleGonna Clean Up the BeachI Want Your AttentionMy Best Friend Bailey's BirthdayStompsGet Ready for a RumbleEngland But with DragonsToo Cute to ClobberImmersion TherapyAbuelita's RulesTiny White TuxLeave It at ThatShe's an Only ChildThe Power to AnnoyI Got BeefThird WheelJust Another Friday NightTaco CrunchiesIt's a Big Big WorldEarworm JingleFrank's Discounted Discount CostumesA Hamster and His BoyTearing You DownHow You Feel About MeProfessional League of Wrestling JingleDaveStrawberry FestivalAlso He's a GenieI Think We'll Break For LunchWe're Working OutThe Lemon's Getting BiggerPositivity Equals PositivenessFather Goose JinglesDon't Do ItYou Can't See MePeople PopsI'm the BombLet's See What You've GotFix That FaucetOut On The Town TogetherMustanchupI'm in a HurryI Can Be BadVan DykeFighting Facial Hair AgainIce QueenHora LocaThe Council of DümTo the BathroomSimon SaysBone to PickKevin's Got a PlanCreepy Doll FactoryThe Ballad of Bayou BarbTrouble in the BayouThe Great Pillow WarGive Me Your VoiceJuggling JackMary, MaryIf You Wanna Be PresidentBig JenWe're Staking OutBoglyvanian ForceKey To The CityThimblesGotta Get Away
Season Two:Don't Sweat ItFresas de AmorA Fort Out Here In The WoodsDemo Bros Theme SongMaking Breakfast For My BoyA Foe We Don't KnowNice And NormalI'm in JailThe GOAT Herder of GoatsBolgylvanian PizzaMove Out!Game FaceFred vs. FredA Dust Mite MightWe Don't CareThat's a PrankBetter Than Being BigA Car is a Car is a Car in a ChaseLive WireFist Foot TimeCheck Me OutGive Me That BookBad Bad HeartLose Him on a TrainTacos Don't Have to Be on TuesdayBe RandomI'm a Bad WingmanPaging Dr. PotatiniSnazzy PantzzParty Animal Headphones

Tri-State AreaGrant-Gomez HouseEastside Elementary SchoolEastside High School