"Bad Fur Day" is the sixteenth episode of Teacher's Pet. It aired on October 6, 2001.
Leonard gets a buzz cut that almost makes him look bald and Spot makes fun of it and won't stop. Due to some bad karma, Spot ends up having an appointment for the groomers. He ends up getting a fur-cut that makes him look like a poodle. He then worries that the kids at school will realize Scott happens to have the same haircut as Spot, and would eventually figure out that he is a dog.
Scott wears a bigger hat and a coat to hide the fur, and makes Leonard take the laughter and verbal beatings for him. After realizing his mistake, Scott reveals his new haircut and gives out a speech, inspiring the kids to not judge someone for how they look. In the end, everyone gets a hybrid poodle buzzcut, to which Scott refers to them as wannabes. Meanwhile, Mr. Jolly writes a love letter to a supermodel kitty named Miss Regina Fabalina Fancypaws, even though Pretty Boy doubts that he would never get a date with her, but in the end, he gets a reply to his fan letter, claiming that he knew that they would be together, even though it is just coupons for her products.