Balsam looking around to see if the coast is clear.
Balsam with twigs, hiding his tiny antlers.
Balsam revealing his tiny antlers to Morris
Morris and Balsam becoming best friends 1
Morris and Balsam becoming best friends 2
Morris and Balsam's silhouette forming together, creating one big, powerful moose
Morris and Balsam scared that it could've been Thunderclap
Morris and Balsam realizing that's it's only them
Morris and Balsam testing their call for battle 1
Morris and Balsam testing their call for battle 2
Morris and Balsam testing their call for battle 3
Morris and Balsam testing their call for battle 4
Morris' and Balsam's call for battle
Morris and Balsam ready for the attack 1
Morris and Balsam ready for the attack 2
Morris and Balsam against Thunderclap
Balsam and Morris as a "monster"
Balsam and Morris watching Thunderclap run away and never return