Bambi II is a direct-to-video Disney animated feature that was released on February 7, 2006. The film is a midquel, and the story takes place in the middle of Bambi, between the event in which Bambi loses his mother to Man, and the event in which he grows into a buck. This film was first titled Bambi and the Great Prince, but was changed to Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forest and later Bambi II. This film is considered to hold the world record for longest period of time between a sequel and its predecessor,[1] previously held by The Wizard of Oz (1939) and Return to Oz (1985). Bambi was released in 1942; Bambi II in 2006, almost sixty-four years later.
This movie received positive reviews, as it was better received than most Disney sequels.
Taking place in the middle of the original Bambi, the film opens with the scene where Bambi (voiced by Alexander Gould) is wandering the forest for his mother (Carolyn Hennesy), not realizing she has been killed by Man. His father, the Great Prince of the Forest (Patrick Stewart), finds him, breaks the sad news and leads Bambi back to his den under a fallen tree, the Great Prince asks Friend Owl (Keith Ferguson) to find a doe to raise Bambi, but Friend Owl points out that due to the harsh winter season, the does can barely care for themselves. The Great Prince reluctantly agrees to look after Bambi until the spring. Spring is slowly beginning to return to the forest (the song sequence "There is Life") The sun breaks through the clouds and the ice and snow begin to melt. Hibernating animals wake up and migratory birds begin to return. On top of the fallen tree that makes the Great Prince's den, a small green plant begins to grow.
Bambi wakes up late. He eats a root with reluctance, and the two go to the forest to check on a herd of deer grazing in the distance. In the way, Bambi meets his friend Thumper (Brendon Baerg), who is hiding from his sisters (Ariel Winter, Emma Rose Lima, and Makenna Cowgill), but they find him anyway. The prince eventually lets Bambi go with his friends. While walking, Bambi tells Thumper that he and the Great Prince are "best pals," though Bambi has doubts about the Great Prince's affection. They wake up the hibernating Flower (Nicky Jones) and go to see the Groundhog together, where Friend Owl is presiding over the event and it is here that Bambi meets Faline (Andrea Bowen) again. The nervous Groundhog (Brian Pimental) is eventually coaxed out of his hole and heralds the return of spring, only be scared back in again by Ronno (Anthony Ghannam), an older fawn. Ronno laughs, but the other animals leave the scene in disappointment. Ronno catches up to them and, after an exaggerated story of his encounter with Man, ends in an argument with Bambi. Ronno's mother eventually calls Ronno away, and Bambi is left alone to sleep under a tree and wait for the Great Prince to return after Thumper, Flower and Faline leave with their families. Bambi finds himself in a shining golden meadow and begins chasing butterflies. As he does so, he hears his mother's voice calling him. Overjoyed, he runs towards her and begins to nuzzle her lovingly. His mother comforts him, telling him that she's there even though he can't see her. As the dream fades, Bambi continues to hear her voice saying "I'm here," which confuses him. He begins to believe that the voice is his mother's after it says "It's me!", so he follows it out onto the meadow where a flock of crows flies past screaming about Man. As Bambi looks towards the source of the disturbance, a trio of Hunter Dogs runs towards him, causing Bambi to freeze in terror. Elsewhere, the Great Prince hears the crows shouting "Man!" and suddenly becomes concerned for Bambi. He runs to where the crows were flying from and arrives in time to fight the dogs off and save Bambi. As the dogs run back to their master, the Great Prince sees the glint of a rifle and yells at the still frozen Bambi to run. After a nudge from the Great Prince's antlers, Bambi snaps out of his trance and the two escape to safety, as the rifle is fired. Bambi explains that he heard his mother's voice. The Great Prince angrily says that it was one of Man's tricks (meaning that Ronno wasn't wrong about Man's deer whistle in his tall tale story). Bambi tries to apologize, but the Great Prince is very cross and reprimands Bambi for freezing in the face of peril. He calms down and orders Bambi to immediately return home with him and possibly never come back to that place ever again, where the realization of his mother's death begins to dawn in Bambi's mind. Rain starts to fall as the Great Prince leaves to reflect on the situation and finds Friend Owl. The Great Prince notes that winter is coming to an end and that Friend Owl should have no trouble finding a doe to be Bambi's new mother, meaning that Bambi is possibly an orphan.
The next morning, Thumper's sisters try to find their brother, as he and Flower leave the scene in a log, only to have their route blocked by the Great Prince, who lifts his right front leg up to let them pass and then orders Bambi to stay in the den where it's safe since he would not trust him to go out on his own again. Bambi is crestfallen, as he wants to be with his father. Thumper and Flower ask Bambi what's wrong, and Bambi says he wants his father to see how brave he is. Thumper decides to teach Bambi how to be brave (you have to be scarier than what's scaring you), and Bambi, Thumper, and Flower walk through the forest, practicing their new skills until they come to a log guarded by a grumpy porcupine (Brian Pimental), which terrifies them. They flee back to the bank of a creek, and Thumper sees the Great Prince. Since Bambi is supposed to be back at the den, Thumper suggests they leave. But Bambi realizes that this is a good opportunity to show his newfound bravery. The Great Prince turns to leave, and Thumper goes to distract him and bring him back. Bambi goes to confront the porcupine. Bambi leaps over the porcupine, angering him. The porcupine stiffens his quills and begins chasing Bambi backward and forwards across the log. Thumper brings the Great Prince to see Bambi "being brave", but when he notices Bambi in trouble, he leads the Great Prince away. After a short struggle, the porcupine is propelled into the air by a piece of the log and lands quills-first on Bambi's rear. Bambi yells out in pain and falls into the creek, causing the Great Prince to go and investigate the noise, much to Thumper's dismay. Bambi ducks down under the water so as not to be seen, and the Great Prince leaves. Thumper begins to pull the quills out of Bambi's rear.
Ronno and Faline are nearby, and Ronno is showing off to Faline until she hears Bambi cry out in pain. Bambi cries out again, and Faline runs to see him. Ronno yells after her, seemingly hurt by losing her attention. Faline and Ronno go and see Bambi, with all quills removed, and Ronno teases Bambi after the meadow incident where Bambi froze. Bambi states he is not a coward and bleats angrily. Ronno decides that he and Faline should leave, but Faline wants to stay. Ronno tries to force Faline to leave, and Bambi stands up for her. Ronno comes back to confront Bambi and tease Flower and Thumper, causing Thumper to push Bambi so that he headbutts Ronno. Ronno is furious and chases Thumper and Bambi through the forest.
Bambi comes to a large jump, and to his surprise he clears it with ease. The Great Prince appears and begins to tell Bambi off for leaving the den, but interrupts himself when he notices that Bambi cleared the jump, saying that he didn't make a jump that far until he had antlers. Bambi is delighted at the positive attention, but the Great Prince composes himself and the three leave. Ronno tries to clear the jump as well, but falls and lands in the mud, in which he is covered from head to toe to the tail. The next day, Bambi practices his jumping with Thumper. The Great Prince sees this and smiles but becomes serious when Friend Owl arrives and says that the search for a new mother is going well. The Great Prince does not concentrate and is more concerned with Bambi's jumping. Friend Owl notices this and slyly hints that the Great Prince might have changed his mind. The Great Prince, annoyed, confirms that he has not. He then walks past Bambi's jumping lesson, seemingly taking little interest in it. Bambi is confused as his jumping drew praise the day before. Bambi says that the Great Prince has been standing around and contemplating a lot. Thumper suggests that Bambi should go and ask the Great Prince about it. Bambi does so, and the Great Prince says that he is observing - looking, listening and smelling for danger all at the same time. The Great Prince says that Bambi should try to "feel the forest" (feel vibrations through his hooves for abnormalities in forest activity). The Great Prince leaves and Bambi turns to head back to the den, but the Great Prince wants Bambi to come with him. The two journey through the forest, first on a brook, then up a rocky incline, then rubbing their heads on a tree, and join the stags as they practice their combat skills. The Great Prince tries to teach Bambi how to headbutt, but the fawn bounces off of his father's head. Nearby, Thumper lowers his head and chases Flower for a short time before he himself is chased by his sisters. Elsewhere, Bambi rescues a ladybug from a spider's web, and then after feeling vibrations, he runs toward the meadow where the bucks participate in their annual run - Ronno is also in the event. Through this, the bond between father and son deepens (the song sequence "First Sign of Spring").
The next morning as Bambi and the Great Prince play, Friend Owl arrives with Mena (Cree Summer), the doe he has found to be Bambi's new mother. When Bambi finds out about Mena's true purpose, he angrily snaps at his father for sending him away. The Great Princes tries to explain his reasons, but Bambi goes as far as to say that he wishes his mother was with him instead of his father and runs off, heartbroken. The Great Prince soon learns he has made a huge mistake and trots off after Bambi. After saying goodbye to his friends and the Great Prince, Bambi, who seems to accept the change even though he's emotionally upset, leaves with Mena. Ronno appears and continues to tease him about Bambi's father sending him away because he was so ashamed of him. This causes an enraged Bambi to charge at Ronno, and the two fight. Mena disrupts the fight, but Ronno charges into Bambi, causing Bambi to knock Mena into a trap attached to jingling bells. As Mena struggles, the bells jingle and alert Man and the hunting dogs - this time four dogs - to her position. Ronno flees in terror, screaming for his mother, and Bambi freezes again. He quickly snaps out of it and begins to run as well, but as Mena is encouraging him to run, she unknowingly quotes Bambi's late mother's last words, saying, "Faster Bambi, don't look back! Keep running! Keep running!" Hearing this, he pauses and doubles back to distract the four dogs away from Mena. The Great Prince arrives and frees Mena from the trap before going after Bambi. Bambi manages to lose two of the dogs (one with the help of Flower's scent glands and another with help from the grumpy porcupine) before running toward the center of the meadow, the final two dogs in hot pursuit, as a thunderstorm brews overhead. Using the skills his father taught him, Bambi tricks the dogs into jumping into each other, and begins to climb up a steep, rocky cliff, as the Great Prince continues following the trail as bolts of lightning split the sky. One of the dogs slips and falls when the ledge gives way, forcing the Great Prince to find an alternate route, and leaving only one dog left chasing after Bambi. Bambi climbs to a high ledge and dislodges some rocks, which do nothing to the dog. As the dog closes in, Bambi kicks it in the chest, causing it to fall to the bottom of the cliff. The Great Prince sees this and is relieved. Bambi goes to join him, but the ledge beneath Bambi gives way, and he falls. The storm subsides, and the Great Prince goes to Bambi and believes the prince to be dead. He nuzzles his son tenderly and sobs. Friend Owl, Mena, Flower, and Thumper arrive to see what is happening. As the Great Prince gets up to leave, Bambi wakes up. The Great Prince, relieved, begins to nuzzle his son again, causing Bambi to smile at the attention. Everyone else is filled with joy, and Mena turns with a smile and leaves the scene, knowing that the Great Prince wanted to take care of Bambi after all, as the sky clears, with a shooting star flying across the full moon.
A while later, Thumper tells the exaggerated story of how Bambi defeated the dogs, despite interruptions from his sisters. Bambi arrives, now with a pair of antlers starting to grow in and without his spots. Faline reports that Thumper was telling quite a story, and Friend Owl chimes in about the part of 'thousands of dogs', earning Thumper a small scowl from Bambi, and the kitten admits he is not a good story teller. The porcupine pricks Bambi's legs with his quills, causing Bambi to leap forward and accidentally engage Faline in a kiss, which dismays Friend Owl. When asked by Flower what 'twitterpated' means, the old owl states he will tell him when he is older. Ronno arrives and swears revenge against Bambi, but he steps on a turtle shell and falls rear first into a run, sending the turtle flying out of the water. The turtle lands on his muzzle and bites him on the nose, making him run away from the run and screaming for his mother. Flower says that turtles are scary, which makes everyone laugh until Bambi leaves as his father is calling him. Everyone - even the porcupine - waves farewell, although Thumper laments that Bambi does not have time for them anymore, to which Faline asks if it is wonderful. The Great Prince takes Bambi to a forest glade, saying that this was the place where he first met Bambi's mother. Bambi asks what the Great Prince was like when he was Bambi's age, and the Great Prince says that he was a lot like Bambi.
The final scene shows a yellow butterfly landing on the Great Prince's den flapping its wings.
Voice cast[]
- Alexander Gould: Bambi
- Patrick Stewart, Fred Shields (archived voice): The Great Prince of the Forest
- Brendon Baerg: Thumper
- Nicky Jones: Flower
- Andrea Bowen: Faline
- Anthony Ghannam: Ronno
- Keith Ferguson: Friend Owl
- Brian Pimental: Groundhog/Porcupine
- Carolyn Hennesy: Bambi's mother
- Cree Summer: Mena
- Ariel Winter, Emma Rose Lima, and Makenna Cowgill: Thumper's sisters
- Kath Soucie: Thumper’s mother, Ronno's mother
- Frank Welker: Dogs
Additional voices[]
- Mary Day - Various Animals
- Alexis Restrum - Various Animals
- George Shenusay - Animals
- Jordan Orr - Animal Kids
Loop Group[]
- David Cowgill -
- Nicholas DeLaurentis -
- Harrison Fahn - Animal Kids
- Jackie Gonneau -
- Kari Wahlgren -
- Wendy Hoffmann -
- Mary Mouser -
- Mark Robert Myers -
- Grace Rolek -
- Jennessa Rose -
- Jeremy Shada -
- W.K. Stratton -
International ratings[]
- USA: G
- Mexico: AA
- Switzerland: 0 (canton of Geneva)
- Portugal: M/4
- Argentina: Atp
- Switzerland: 7 (canton of Vaud)
- UK: U
- Norway: A
- France: U
- Netherlands: AL
- Finland: K-3
- Brazil: Livre
- Australia: G
Bambi II's musical score includes instrumental pieces by Bruce Broughton, and new vocal songs by several noted artists, including Alison Krauss, Martina McBride, and Anthony Callea. Coinciding the with film's DVD release, the soundtrack was released by Walt Disney Records in the United States on February 7, 2006. Produced by Matt Walker, the CD included 9 songs from the film, as well as three tracks from the original film.
- "There is Life" (Alison Krauss) – 2:19
- "First Sign of Spring" - (Michelle Lewis) – 3:49
- "Through Your Eyes" - (Martina McBride) – 4:07
- "The Healing of a Heart" - (Anthony Callea) – 2:43
- "Snow Flakes in the Forest" - (Bruce Broughton) – 1:40
- "Bambi's Dream (Broughton) – 1:27
- "Being Brave (Part 1) (Broughton) – 1:22
- "Being Brave (Part 2) (Broughton) – 1:13
- "Bambi and the Great Prince/End Credit Suite" (Broughton) – 3:34
- "Sing the Day" (Various) – 1:53
- "Main Title (Love is a Song)" (Donald Novis) – 2:56
- "Little April Shower" (Chorus) – 3:54
- "Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song" (Chorus) – 1:44
Bonus features[]
- Backstage Disney:
- The Legacy Continues - A "Making of" featurette
- Bambi's Trivia Track - Fun Facts about Bambi II
- Games and activities
- Thumper's Hurry and Scurry Game
- Disney Sketch Pad - Disney animator Andreas Deja teaches you how to draw Thumper
- Technical Specifications:
- May only apply to feature film:
- Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
- DTS 5.1 Digital Surround Sound
- Family-Friendly Widescreen (1.78:1) - Enhanced For 16x9 Televisions
- French Language Track
- May only apply to feature film:
The film generally received mixed to positive reviews.[2] It was praised for its animation - regarded as some of the best among the Disney direct-to-video sequels - characters and voice acting, but the plot was determined to be lackluster and too easily accessible.[3] However, many fans of the original were much more positive at, and consider this to be a great link to the original film.[4] So far, it currently holds a 50% rating in Rotten Tomatoes.
While the film was a direct-to-video release in countries like the United States, Japan, Canada, mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it was a theatrical release in some countries like the United Kingdom, France, Austria, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Australia and some other European countries. The film was released on home video at differing dates, due to it being a theatrical release in some countries.
Also, as major studios continue to phase out VHS, it was one of the last Disney films to have full opening previews on VHS, a practice used on Disney VHS releases since the early-1990s. Other films on VHS just have Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo, and the film begins.
Following its moratorium strategy, in which releases are made available for a limited time only, Disney gave the DVD a 70-day window for its initial US release. The film sold 2.6 million DVDs in its first week in the United States.[5]
Bambi II came out on August 23, 2011, on a Blu-ray disc combo and on DVD, joining Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension in stores. The film was released on digital for general retail and a Disney Movie Club exclusive Blu-ray combo pack on June 6, 2017.
On a cloud-like snow background, a shower of light descends from the top of the screen, forming a stylized, segmented castle. The segments seem to be spaced farther apart by the time the light reaches the bottom. Through the main gate of the castle, white ball of light forms, then extends out to form the words "WALT DISNEY" in the familiar corporate "Disney" logo font. The word "PICTURES" fades in underneath, and a white semi-circular line is drawn over the castle to the bottom left.
- This marks the third Disney Midquel the first ones being Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and The Lion King 1 1/2.
- In the original Bambi, Thumper had five sisters. In this film, he only has four - though, given how Bambi's mother was hunted down by Man in both films, it is possible that she unfortunately fell victim to him.
- Alexander Gould, the new voice of Young Bambi, was also the voice of Nemo in Disney/Pixar's Finding Nemo.
- Bambi's coloring has changed very little since the original film. Faline's coloration, however, is a darker brown than it was before - closer to her adult coloration. Conflicting with this, however, is the fact that Faline is the only fawn in the movie who keeps her spots all the way through. That tells that Bambi is younger than Ronno but older than Faline.
- Nicky Jones, the new voice of Young Flower, was also the voice of Chowder in the series, Chowder, which ran from 11/2/07 to 8/7/10 on Cartoon Network.
- This is the final VHS release for the public from Walt Disney Home Entertainment.
- Patrick Stewart, who voiced the Great Prince of the Forest in this film, was the only actor who was ever around when the original film was released, as nobody else in the cast was even born yet.
- Interestingly, the Great Prince's first lines of the film ("Your mother can't be with you anymore. Come...") were recycled from the original film, using the voice of Fred Shields. The remainder of the Great Prince's lines in the film are voiced by Patrick Stewart.
- The movie was originally called Bambi and the Great Prince of the Forest.
- This is the final Disneytoon film to be traditionally animated.
- This is the first time the logos of Walt Disney Records and Disneytoon Studios were seen during the end credits.
- The story was written by director Brian Pimental with the help of Jeanne Rosenberg, who also wrote the screenplays for the 1991 Disney film White Fang and the 1998 IMAX film T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous.
Titles in other languages[]
- Dutch: Bambi 2 - Bambi en de Grote Prins van het woud
- French: Bambi 2
- German: Bambi 2 - Der Herr der Wälder
- Hungarian: Bambi 2 - Bambi és az erdő hercege
- Hebrew: במבי 2
- Japanese: :バンビ2 森のプリンス
- Portuguese: Bambi 2 - O Grande Príncipe da Floresta
- Spanish: Bambi 2 - El Príncipe del Bosque
Note: Other than French, all of these titles translate to "Bambi 2 - The Great Prince of the Forest"
External links[]
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ Bambi II: Movies & TV: Patrick Stewart, Cree Summer, Keith Ferguson, Brian Pimental, Andrea Bowen, Alexander Gould, Carolyn Hennesy, Ariel Winter, Nicky Jones, Anthony Ghannam, Brendon Baerg, McKenna Cowgill, Bruce Broughton: Bambi II at
- ↑ Bambi II Dominates with 2.6 Million Units Sold -
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