"Baylan Skoll" is one of the main antagonists of the Disney+ limited series Ahsoka. He is a former Jedi Knight, who survived the Great Jedi Purge. By the time of the New Republic he had turned to the dark side, become a mercenary, and taken on an apprentice named Shin Hati.
Powers and abilities[]
- The Force: Skoll has a strong connection with the force and was trained in the ways of the Jedi. Following the Great Jedi Purge, Skoll embraced the Dark Side.
- Telekinesis: Skoll can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them, and he utilizes it for offensive or defensive purposes.
- Force Push: Skoll can telekinetically send his opponents flying through the air, causing serious injury or temporarily incapacitating/knocking them unconscious, depending on how much power is unleashed.
- Force Choke: Skoll can telekinetically choke his opponents to either weaken, kill, or intimidate them.
- Telepathy: Skoll can telepathically communicate with other individuals over small or vast distances. He manage to effortlessly sense Sabine Wren's thoughts and memories, which allowed him to manipulate her into surrendering.
- Telekinesis: Skoll can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them, and he utilizes it for offensive or defensive purposes.
- Master Lightsaber Duelist: Skoll is a highly skilled lightsaber duelist, managing to go toe-to-toe with Ahsoka Tano, a master lightsaber duelist of her own right. His style involves long and heavy strikes which combined with his physical strength and stamina allowed him to overwhelm his opponents.
- Form I: Skoll is very skilled in Shii-Cho.
- Form II: Skoll has some skill in Makashi.
- Form III: Skoll is very skilled in Soresu, being skilled enough against blaster bolts and lightsaber blows.
- Form IV: Skoll is extremely skilled in Ataru.
- Form V: Skoll is extremely skilled in Shien/Djem So.
- Form VI: Skoll is extremely skilled in Niman, applying Force attacks in his lightsaber sequence.
- Genius-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader: Being a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, Skill is likely a highly skilled tactician and a very capable leader.
Weapons and Equipment[]
- Lightsaber: Skoll wielded an orange-red bladed lightsaber, which he constructed under the teachings of Professor Huyang.
- Baylan Skoll is Ray Stevenson's final acting role before passing away on May 21, 2023, three months before the premiere of Ahsoka.
- Ray Stevenson previously voiced Gar Saxon in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.
- In Norse mythology, Sköll is the name of the wolf that chases the Sun, while the wolf Hati Hróðvitnisson chases the Moon. In Ahsoka, Shin Hati is the name of Skoll's apprentice.
- A popular theory by fans is Baylan's and Shin's orange lightsabers are powered by Kohlen crystals. These crystals first appeared in the Master & Apprentice novel, where they are used to make energy shields that are immune to kyber crystal weapons like a lightsaber. Obi-Wan discovered that replacing his kyber crystal with a kohlen crystal creates an orange blade that can break through kohlen-enhance energy shields. Since Baylon has a green crystal on his belt and Shin's crystal in her braid fans assume that both the belt crystal and braid crystal were kyber crystals. This would make since as Shin stab Sabine in their first fight and injured her, even though many people like Qui-Gon Jinn had died almost immediately. Also Obi-Wan discovered that Kohlen crystals can injure a person the same way a kyber crystal can.