"Baymax and Mochi" is the fifth animated short of Big Hero 6: The Series. It premiered on June 18, 2018.
While Aunt Cass goes out for the day, Baymax watches over the family cat, Mochi. Baymax gives Mochi his clockwork mouse to chase around the house, but makes a mess. They play with a teaser, and Mochi goes up the chimney. Each time Mochi gets dirty, Baymax tries to give him a bath, which he does not like. When Baymax tries to give Mochi a third bath, after he gets covered in soot, he escapes out the window. Baymax chases after him throughout the city. By evening, he eventually catches him on the Café roof. Aunt Cass returns home to find Baymax recharging and Mochi asleep in his arms.
- When Baymax chases Mochi into an alley, there is a poster of a machine which looks similar to ED-209 from RoboCop.
International Premieres
- January 13, 2018 (United Kingdom)
- January 25, 2018 (Sweden)
- April 2, 2018 (Brazil)
Concept Art