Beauty and the Beast: A Board Game Adventure is a video game based on Beauty and the Beast, released for the Game Boy Color.
The evil Gaston has riled up the townspeople into a dangerous and deadly frenzy. He has them sold on the idea that the Beast is a danger to not only the townspeople, but also everything that is good and natural. So with torches held high, the unruly mob sets off to the Beast's castle chanting "Kill the Beast!" Beast's only hope, Belle, has been locked away in a cellar with no way out.
As luck would have it, little Chip was able to sneak past the mob in order to get help. When he finally reaches Belle and her father, Chip finds there is no way to open the cellar door. Looking frantically for some way to break down the door, he stumbles upon a wood-chopping machine. With all his might, he gets the machine to work and destroys the door freeing Belle and her father.
The players task then is to help Belle beat Gaston to the end of three game boards representing the village, the dark forest, and the Beast's castle. Each space represents an activity that will either help or hinder the players progress, depending on how well the activity is completed. If Gaston finishes first on either board, the last petal falls from the Enchanted Rose and the spell on the Beast becomes permanent. However, if the player beats Gaston on all three boards, the Beast is warned in time, and the spell is broken.