"Beg, Burrow and Steal" is the forty-sixth episode of the animated series Adventures of the Gummi Bears. It premiered on December 9, 1989, and is the seventh episode of the fifth season.
The Trolls are on the loose again, and this time they've hijacked an ancient Gummi digging machine.
- Corey Burton as Gruffi Gummi, Clutch
- Brian Cummings as Sir Tuxford
- June Foray as Grammi Gummi
- Katie Leigh as Sunni Gummi
- Lorenzo Music as Tummi Gummi
- Noelle North as Cubbi Gummi, Princess Calla
- Michael Rye as King Gregor, Tuck
- Paul Winchell as Zummi Gummi, Nip
- This episode marks the third of four appearances of the Trolls on the show.