"Behind the Clouds" is a song used in Disney/Pixar's 2006 3D computer-animated film, Cars and its short film Mater and the Ghostlight. It is performed by country musician Brad Paisley.
In Cars, it could slightly be heard being played at Flo's V8 Cafe right before Lightning McQueen came to tell everyone that Doc Hudson was the Fabulous Hudson Hornet.
In Mater and the Ghostlight, the song played during the beginning when Mater was pulling pranks on his friends. The song continued to be heard slightly in the Flo's V8 Cafe scene. When Mater was going home, he was singing the song. Finally, the song played during the credits.
When you're feeling lonely, lost and let down
Seems like those dark skies are following you around
And life's just one big shade of gray
You wonder if you'll see the light of day
Behind the clouds, the sun is shi-ining
Believe me even though you can't quite make it out
You may not see the silver li-ining
But there's a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds
I've heard it said that this too shall pass
Good times or bad times, neither one lasts
But thinking that your luck won't ever change
Is like thinking it won't ever stop once it starts to rain
Behind the clouds, the sun is shi-ining
Believe me even though you can't quite make it out
You may not see the silver li-ining
But there's a big blue sky waiting just behind the clouds
Yeah, there's a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds
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