Ben: "You can't fight Indians without John Smith."
"Not as much trouble as Smith'll give them."
"We're stalwart men and bold of the Virginia Company."
"It can look like Ratcliffe's knickers for all I care,"
"Just as long as we're off this stinking boat!"
"Come on, men. We didn't come all this way just to look at it."
Lon and Thomas row to the ashore by boat
"Alright now, tie her off!"
"It's time to start digging."
"How long are we going to keep digging like this, sir?"
"Aye, we're slaving away, bustin' our backs day and night."
"For King and Country, I know, I know, and I share your fatigue."
Ben fighting back one of the Indians named
Kocoum"We shot ourselves an injun or maybe two or three!"
"All Right, you howling nutter, get to work!"
"Come on, Ben. It's just a little fun."
"Oh, sure, we're havin' loads of fun, right? Look at us! No gold, no food, while Ratcliffe sits up in his ten all day happy as a clam."
"Aye, your singing must have scared him off."
"What if we run into the Indians?"
"This place gives me the creeps. Savages could be hiding anywhere."
"Aye, well, if you spot one, don't ask questions. Just shoot."
"Watch your feet, you big oaf!"
"It wasn't me, it was the
"Let's get out of here..."
"We were looking all over for you."
"Listen to ya, ya bunch of idiots. Those savages didn't attack us for nothin'. They're hidin' somethin'."
Ben, Lon, and a couple others in the 'Savages' scene
Ben, Lon and Thomas very furious at Ratcliffe for shooting John Smith and rejecting Powhatan and Pocahontas' offer.
Ben, Lon, and the other men turned against Ratcliffe
"Well, let's hope the wind is with him."