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Changes to the Miss Bianca and Bernard costumes over the years at Disney Parks.

Picture Year Notes
Rescuers Characters at Magic Kingdom
19771990 The first Bianca and Bernard costumes used. Bianca’s eyelashes were made of a thin wire material, and her hat was made out of a mesh material. She also had thick black eyebrows, which gave her a somewhat grouchy look. Curiously, Bianca’s fur color was grey. Bernard’s costume was more accurate, although his fur color was a much darker shade of grey than his appearance in the movie.
1990 - present Around the time of the release of The Rescuers Down Under, Bianca received some updates. Her hat now has a fuzzier texture, although the vision holes for the performer are now much more visible than on the previous costume. Her nose is now pink, and her eyebrows were also made thinner, giving the character a friendlier look. Bianca’s eyelashes are now much thicker. Bernard stayed mostly the same, but his pupils are now slightly bigger.

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The rescuers logo
The Rescuers (Soundtrack/Video) • The Rescuers Down Under (Soundtrack/Video) • House of MouseThe Lost Chords: The Rescuers
Disney Parks
Parades: Disney's Party ExpressMinnie's Tiara of Dreams

Fireworks: Wondrous Journeys

The Rescuers: BernardMiss BiancaChairmouseRufusPennyMadame MedusaMr. SnoopsOrvilleBrutus and NeroEllie MaeLukeEvinrudeSwamp Folk

The Rescuers Down Under: JakeCodyCody's MotherFalooMarahutePercival C. McLeachJoannaSparkyWilburDr. MouseFrankKrebbsRedBaitmouseCrocodiles
Deleted characters:LouisCruella De Vil

Penny's Teddy BearDevil's EyeMcLeach's Bushwacker
New OrleansDevil's BayouNew York CityMorningside OrphanageMedusa's Pawn ShopThe Cave of Devil's BayouAustraliaAbandoned Opal MineRescue Aid SocietyColorado
The JourneyRescue Aid SocietyTomorrow Is Another DaySomeone's Waiting for YouFor Penny's a Jolly Good Fellow

Deleted songs: PeoplitisDoin' What I Really Do Best|I Never Had It So Good|The Need to Be Loved
