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That's Midtown News for today and for one last time, this has been Betty Brant. Signing off. Happy graduation! Go Tigers!
―Betty Brant[src]

Betty Brant is a Marvel Comics character who appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films: Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Spider-Man: No Way Home, played by Angourie Rice. She also appeared in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, voiced by Grey DeLisle.

Betty is one of Peter Parker's closest friends. They went to Midtown High together. Betty likes Peter's kind, tender heart and his noble soul, and the two are very close to each other, comforting each other in their times of need.

Betty Brant was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Physical appearance

Betty is a beautiful teenager, she has long blonde hair that is often down with a black headband, creamy pale skin, brown eyes, and often wears long sleeve collared shirts, a vest, skirts, and black shoes.


Marvel Cinematic Universe

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Betty appears as a close friend to Liz Toomes, one of the popular kids in school and is a member of the school news. She is later seen attending the homecoming dance.

Avengers: Infinity War

Although Betty does not appear in the movie, she is one of the 50% of people who gets killed by Thanos' snap, along with the rest of Peter's friends.

Avengers: Endgame

Betty does not appear but is resurrected by Hulk's snap.

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Betty returns in the 2019 sequel, where she is one of the victims of Thanos's snap and is first seen telling the events of the snap on the school news. Betty begins a relationship with Ned Leeds when they, MJ, Peter and the rest of the class go on a two-week school trip to Europe. On the way back to the US, however, Ned and Betty decide to break up and stay friends.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Betty makes brief appearances in this film, reporting on Peter Parker's return to Midtown High for his senior year as he maneuvers through the intense controversy surrounding him and Mysterio's death. Betty interviews several students about their opinions on Peter Parker as Spider-Man, including the hero himself. Betty spends the school months doing interviews and reporting what she sees throughout the school, regarding Parker as Spider-Man. That November, her memories, along with the rest of the world, are erased of knowing who Spider-Man is. Betty does one final report on the Midtown High News in the following June, where he signs off as the reporter and wishes every viewer good luck for the future, as she gets ready to graduate with her class.


  • Betty was previously portrayed by Elizabeth Banks in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. In the Sam Raimi trilogy, she is a reporter for the Daily Bugle and she had a brief fling with Peter Parker in Spider-Man 3, but in the MCU, Betty appears as a member of the school news.
  • Betty appears in Spider-Man: No Way Home, but her appearances are more cameo as she only appears when broadcasting about Peter Parker's identity as Spider-Man.


External links

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Spider-Man MCU logo
Spider-Man: Homecoming (video/soundtrack) • Spider-Man: Far From Home (video/soundtrack) • Spider-Man: No Way Home (video/soundtrack) • Spider-Man 4
Disney Parks
WEB Slingers: A Spider-Man AdventureSpider-Man ride
Peter Parker/Spider-ManStephen Strange/Doctor StrangeTony Stark/Iron ManNick FuryFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-ManAdrian Toomes/VultureHerman Schultz/ShockerQuentin Beck/MysterioDr. Otto Octavius/Doc OckNorman Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillon/ElectroFlint Marko/SandmanDr. Curtis Connors/The LizardHappy HoganAunt MayLiz AllanBetty BrantMichelle Jones-WatsonNed LeedsHydro-ManFlash ThompsonF.R.I.D.A.Y.E.D.I.T.H.Cindy MoonAndre WilsonWongDaredevilPhineas Mason/TinkererTalosSorenScorpionVenom
Stark IndustriesMasters of the Mystic Arts
New York (state)New York CityAvengers TowerNew York Sanctum
See also
Web-ShootersIron Man (armor)SkrullsEye of AgamottoCloak of LevitationYour Friendly Neighborhood Spider-ManBlip

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Spider-Man 2017 series logo
Disney Parks
WEB Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure
Heroes: Peter Parker/Spider-ManHulkMiles Morales/Spider-KidAnya Corazon/Spider-GirlGwen Stacy/Spider-GwenNatasha Romanoff/Black WidowTony Stark/Iron ManLiz Allan/ScrewballSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelCloak and DaggerMarc Spector/Moon KnightCaptain MarvelIronheart

Villains: Norman Osborn/Green GoblinHarry Osborn/HobgoblinJohn Jameson/Man-WolfOllie Osnick/Steel SpiderSpencer SmytheSymbioteBrock Rumlow/CrossbonesAbner Jenkins/BeetleGalina Nemirovsky/Crimson DynamoOtto Octavius/Doctor Octopus/Superior Spider-ManRaymond Warren/The JackalAdrian Toomes/The VultureMac Gargan/ScorpionHerman Schultz/ShockerAleksei Sytsevich/RhinoFelicia Hardy/Black CatCurt Connors/The LizardFlint Marko/SandmanKeemia Marko/SandgirlGhostHammerheadSergei Kravinoff/Kraven the HunterRandall "Randy" Macklin/BlizzardCarl Creel/Absorbing ManArnim ZolaPhineas Mason/TinkererEddie Brock/VenomQuentin Beck/MysterioJack O'LanternElectroM.O.D.O.K.Mark Raxton/Molten ManMartin Li/Mister NegativeCarolyn Trainer/Lady Octopus
Other characters: Flash ThompsonAunt MayBen ParkerMax ModellAnna Maria MarconiMary Jane WatsonBetty Brant

Season One: "Horizon High" • "Osborn Academy" • "A Day in the Life" • "Party Animals" • "Sandman" • "Symbiotic Relationship" • "Stark Expo" • "Ultimate Spider-Man" • "Kraven's Amazing Hunt" • "Halloween Moon" • "Spider-Man on Ice" • "Venom" • "Screwball Live" • "The Rise of Doc Ock" • "Spider-Island" • "The Hobgoblin"

Season Two: "How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation" • "Take Two" • "Between an Ock and a Hard Place" • "Rise Above It All" • "School of Hard Knocks" • "Dead Man's Party" • "Venom Returns" • "Bring on the Bad Guys" • "Brain Drain" • "The Living Brain" • "The Day Without Spider-Man" • "My Own Worst Enemy" • "Critical Update" • "A Troubled Mind" • "Cloak and Dagger" • "Superior" • "Brand New Day" • "The Cellar" • "The Road to Goblin War" • "Goblin War"
Season Three: "Web of Venom" • "Amazing Friends" • "Vengeance of Venom" • "Spider-Man Unmasked" • "Generations" • "Maximum Venom"

AvengersStark IndustriesHYDRAA.I.M.
See Also
Web-ShootersIron Man's armorPumpkin BombsCaptain America's ShieldVibraniumMilanoKamala's Bangle

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Marvel Rising Logo
Secret Warriors
QuakeInfernoMs. MarvelSquirrel GirlAmerica ChavezCaptain MarvelGhost-SpiderGeorge StacyMary Jane WatsonIronheartShuriMuneeba KhanBetty BrantYusuf KhanSongbird
See Also
S.H.I.E.L.D.New York CityBorn ReadyWeb-Shooters