Bhati is a character that was set to appear in The Lion King when it was initially titled King of the Jungle. She was a childhood friend of Simba and Nala's.
Not much is known about Bhati's personality. It has been revealed that she was a "wisecracking" friend of Simba and Nala's. It can be assumed that she was better friends with Nala than Simba, as she was a member of Nala's gang rather than Simba's, which at the time consisted of only Timon and Pumbaa.
During early production of the film, Bhati was intended to be a childhood friend of Simba and Nala's. Beyond this, her role in the film is somewhat obscured, though it can be safely said that she was an active participant in Simba's impulsive antics and loved being around her friends, as indicated by her numerous concept art.
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