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Biana Bully[1] is a character and antagonist from the animated series Fillmore!. She is an X Middle School student and a member of the school's cheer leading squad. She is voiced by Shanie Calahan.[2][3]



Biana is very envious when it comes to Everett coming between her and Lorraine, and feels that he or anyone else that comes between the two girls is in the way. Because of this, she has hard feelings toward him or shows her resentment, and detests anyone she considers to be a third wheel. This leads to her being vengeful in response.

Physical Appearance[]

Biana is a Caucasian girl with shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes. Being a cheer leader, she wears her school's cheer leading uniform with the colors of red and white. The latter color is of the V-neck of her sleeveless shirt, the outlines around the shirt's holes for the shoulders, the X on the front, the white line around the waist, triangles around the skirt hem, and her shoes.

Role in the series[]

In "Nappers Never Sleep", when Fillmore and Ingrid are in the neighborhood searching for answers to the case of Everett Konquist's lost Duappy, they meet Biana while she's passing through it. After the safety patrolmen come to the conclusion that the first of two suspects is Lorraine Almaden, they eventually find Biana to be the other. How it's all connected is that she and Lorraine used to be close and hang out together. But that all changed once Lorraine began spending more time with Everett. Bit by bit, Lorraine drifted away until Biana was left alone. Jealous of this newfound friendship, Biana decided to get back at them by stealing Duappy, in hopes that this would convince and cause Lorraine to return to her. The truth about Biana comes out while at a school sports event, when another cheer leader, Mandee, tosses Biana her book bag, which contains Duappy. After Fillmore and Ingrid pursue her, they end up in the swimming pool room. Just as Biana attempts to get rid of the digital pet by throwing it in the pool and submerging it, Fillmore goes to grab it before it hits the water and he manages to do so successfully, saving it. Ingrid manages to save Duappy's life before it expires. Biana sadly kneels to the floor in defeat, knowing that her best friendship with Lorraine remains dead.



v - e - d
Kids: Cornelius FillmoreIngrid ThirdRobin SpencerEmily KinzeyAriella ThirdHoratio VallejoWayne LiggettKaren TehamaRaylean TingleyPenny MadridCheri ShotwellBraces GirlAntoniaBiana BullyDanny O'FarrellLorraine AlmadenBecca EmbarcaderoJoseph AnzaAlexandria QuarrySanjayLoriStella ValenziaEstelleNerdy GirlLucilleYumiFiona AshburyFreckle Faced GirlOfficer Langley TurkBrad ParnassusCheckmateyEric OrbenLinwoodRochelleWilburTerriEverett KonquistBri-DogTylerAlistair GreystoneHarrison PostCrockettJeeterCarterOscar GuirerroEnid QuintaraTony ClementinaAugie SansomeGlee Club GirlSonny LombardFrankie PolkElliot FunstonBernice BeachmontGrover BradyHoraceJamie TownsendJean GraceLab Coat Kid 1Joyce SummitNoah HawthornePhilsky RichardsProper KidRalph EddieSnooty StudentSeth CrissieRandall JulianWinston KotterTara OktaviaTommy HowardVern NatomaWade JonesYoung Artist

Adults: Dawn S. FolsomRaycliffLibrarian LendrumProfessor ThirdMrs. WaverlyMr. AlmadenMrs. KonquistMr. GearyMr. CollingwoodMr. Delancey

Season One: "To Mar a Stall" • "Test of the Tested" • "A Wurm in Our Midst" • "Cry, the Beloved Mascot" • "Red Robins Don't Fly" • "Next Stop, Armageddon" • "Nappers Never Sleep" • "Ingrid Third, Public Enemy #1" • "A Cold Day at X" • "Masterstroke of Malevolence" • "Two Wheels, Full Throttle, No Breaks" • "Of Slain Kings on Checkered Fields" • "A Forgotten Yesterday"

Season Two: "The Currency of Doubt" • "The Shreds Fell Like Snowflakes" • "Foes Don't Forgive" • "South of Friendship, North of Honor" • "Immune to All But Justice" • "The Nineteenth Hole is a Shallow Grave" • "Links in a Chain of Honor" • "The Unseen Reflection" • "Codename: Electric Haircut" • "Play On, Maestro! Play On" • "A Dark Score Evened" • "Field Trip of the Just" • "This Savior, a Snitch"

See Also
Red Robins