Bibi Ramirez Humphrey is a supporting character in the 2024 Disney Channel animated series Primos. She is the mother of series protagonist Tater Ramirez Humphrey and one of Pop and Buela Ramirez's two daughters.
Bibi is a cheerful, upbeat, and optimistic woman who always value spending time with family, something she tries to teach her daughters, Tater and Nellie, when she invited their 12 cousins over to live with them for the summer; her reason being that she always had a great time with her cousins when she was young. According to Nellie, Bibi has a tendency of planning unexpected occasions, which presumably makes her family, especially Tater, to be unprepared and sometimes frustrated at these turn of events.
However, she will be firm to the kids when it's necessary. In Summer of Lit-Tater-atura, she scolds Tater for taking away the books the latter gave to her younger cousins and agrees with Nachito that she was the one who gave them said books in the first place.
Physical appearance[]
Bibi is a tall, slim Mexican woman with tan skin and bushy dark purple hair held into a ponytail. She wears a pink t-shirt, dark blue capri pants, mismatched socks, and usually wears an apron around her waist covered in paint.
External links[]