Bird Brained Donald is an animated short starring Donald Duck from Mickey Mouse Works and House of Mouse.
Donald tries to take a picture of the Aracuan Bird for Daisy, but the bird keeps messing with Donald, making the duck unable to take a picture.
- Donald Duck
- Daisy Duck
- The Aracuan Bird
- Ajax the Gorilla (cameo)
- Mickey Mouse (cameo)
- Minnie Mouse (cameo)
- When this cartoon appeared in the House of Mouse episode Donald and the Aracuan Bird, the disc for the cartoon was actually Donald himself when the Aracuan Bird smashed him flat with a mallet and inserted him into the DVD player. After the cartoon, Donald popped out, returned to normal, and resumed his chase for the bird.
- This is the only Mickey Mouse Works episode that Daisy is wearing her iconic purple shirt and bow instead of her yellow shirt and green bow.