"Black Vortex" is a four-part episode, comprising of the fourteenth to seventeenth episode of the third season of Disney XD's Guardians of the Galaxy and the sixty-fifth to sixty-eighth episode of the series overall. The first two parts aired on May 5, 2019, while the third and fourth part aired on May 12, 2019.
Part One: When the Guardians become separated in the Black Vortex, Gamora wakes up in a children’s fairy tale, while Drax is trapped in a comic book.
Part Two: While caught in a CG sinister packing factory, Rocket must search for his best friend Groot and escape.
Part Three:Quill finds himself in a claymation world where the Milano is flying into the sun, threatening to melt him. Meanwhile, Rocket and Drax must fight Ronan in a Golden Age world.
Part Four: Gamora and Quill battle their way through an 8-bit Super Marvel World.
In the fairy tale cottage, there are seven coat hangers with initials. These are the initials of the seven dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.[1]
Conversely, Drax and his alter-ego as Drax-Man is based on Superman and his alter-ego Clark Kent. The use of onomatopoeia while fighting Printing-press Paul is based on the 1960's Batman TV series.
Rocket's CG world takes influence from the airport sequence from Toy Story 2.
Groot's sequence is the first time that he speaks full sentences beyond his usual "I am Groot".
Quill's duel with his arm is based on Evil Dead 2, where Ash's hand is possessed by a Deadite and attempts to kill him, before Ash cuts it off with a chainsaw.
Quill's comment referring to his arm as a "wise guy" is a reference to the Three Stooges. Quill imitates Moe's inflection when he says his line.
Rocket's appearance in the black and white world resembles Mickey Mouse while the Groot branches behave similar to Pluto.