"Black and White" is the forty-third episode of Mickey Mouse. It originally aired on Disney Channel on October 2, 2015. The episode follows Mickey going to a scary movie with Minnie and struggling with his fear of it until his black shade escapes, forcing him to chase it across town to get it back.
It is opening night for a scary movie called Attack of the Hee Bee Gee Bees. Mickey is looking at the poster in an attempt to conquer his fear, but as soon Minnie comes with two buckets of popcorn, Mickey screams and jumps into Minnie's hands, causing her to drop the buckets.
During the movie, a frightened Mickey hides his head in a popcorn bucket. Suddenly, when a hand pops out of the grave in the film, Mickey jumps in fear and lands on a wall, causing his black shade to splatter. Mickey finds out that he is white as a ghost and tries to put back on his shade, but as soon as he says "scary movie", the shade comes to life and escapes from the theater.
Mickey chases his shade all over town until he corners it in a dark alleyway. He tells it that they can face their fears together, then they shake hands with each other, but after Mickey says “scary movie” again, the shade runs off again while still holding onto Mickey's hand. Passing by the theater, Mickey holds onto the parking meter and stretches his body until the shade gets pulled back and slams into Mickey. The two fight on their way back to the movie while passing by other films. Back in the theater, Mickey rips open the movie screen, with his horrifying appearance scaring the whole audience. He continues fighting his shade until it finally merges back into him. He's happy to have his fear conquered, but then sees that Minnie and everyone else have turned white, and their black shades have escaped from the theater.
Voice Cast[]
- Chris Diamantopoulos - Mickey Mouse, Mickey's black outline
- Russi Taylor - Minnie Mouse
- Paul Rudish
- The names of the film stars in the Attack of the Hee Bee Gee Bees poster allude to the actual show's crew.
- Raul Prudish is a reference to creator Paul Rudish.
- Huey, Dewey, and Louie can be seen walking past the movie theater at the very beginning of the episode.
- Running Gag: Mickey's black shade saying "SCARY MOVIE!!!???" every time Mickey says it.
- The title of Attack of the Hee Bee Gee Bees refers to the term "heebie jeebies", which is a state of fear or anxiety.
- When Mickey runs after his shade, he says "Get black here!" Instead of get back here.
- This short could be referencing how 1900's cartoons used to look with no color just black and white.
- When Mickey says "Hey!" after realizing that his shade was impersonating his shadow, the inside of his mouth is not colored.
- When the shade shakes Mickey's hand, he is initially holding Mickey's left hand. However, when he runs past the theater, he is holding Mickey's right hand, then is seen holding Mickey's left hand again when Mickey grabs the parking meter.