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Blade is a character from Marvel Comics who has also appeared in the cartoon Ultimate Spider-Man. Specifically, the episode "Blade and the Howling Commandos". He is set to make his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the eponymous main protagonist, of Blade.[1]


Physical Appearance

He is a strong and tall man dressed in black clothing. Due to being a dhampir, half-human and half-vampire, he possesses fangs that are often concealed.


He has all of vampiric powers with only one weakness. He has superhuman strength, speed, stamina, senses, rapid regeneration, nigh-immortality & immunity to sunlight, silver, garlic & EDTA. He still has a craving for blood, but he counters this with either strong willpower & blood banks instead. He even utilizes a serum to nourish his appetite.



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