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Blot Alley is a location in Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. When the Blot was destroyed, the Spatters found a home here and at Disney Gulch.

In the game, it forms a certain portion of Bog Easy. This is where Ian teaches the Spatters to be nice with everyone, with an exception to Mickey, because of defeating the Blot. The Alley also includes Club 13, a minor plot point in the story as one of the places Gremlin Prescott was in.


  • Blot Alley could be inspired by the rejected Disneyland area Edison Square. That is because the 19th century buildings and the statue of a Spatter that resembles the one of Thomas Edison planned for Edison Square. Also if you look closely in the photos below, you'll see a bell similar to the one in National Treasure.
  • Club 13 is based on the famed Club 33 in Disneyland.
    • It is interesting to note that the number 13 is considered an unlucky number, which may explain why Oswald was hit by Petetronic opening the doors.


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Epic Mickey Logo
Games: Epic Mickey (soundtrackRebrushed) • Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (soundtrack) • Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

Books: Epic Mickey: The Graphic NovelEpic Mickey: Tales of WastelandThe Art of Epic Mickey
Cancelled: Epic Mickey 3Epic Disney Racers

Main Characters: Mickey MouseOswald the Lucky RabbitOrtensiaGremlin GusYen Sid

Antagonists: The BlotThe Mad DoctorBlotlingsAnimatronic Captain HookBeetleworxBlotworxThe Shadow BlotMizrabelGremlin Prescott
Other characters: TintsTurpsBunny ChildrenClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarAnimatronic Tick-Tock the CrocodileAdelleSmall PetePetetronicPete PanBeppo the GorillaChampThe Three Little PigsMagic BroomsA.B.E.Lonesome GhostsElliottClock TowerTelephonePlaying CardsPipe OrganSwamp BoysSpirit of WastelandBlotworx DragonPrescott's Mech
Deleted Characters: Thinner Mickey

The WastelandYen Sid’s TowerMickey's HouseTomorrow CityNautilusSkull IslandJolly RogerWillie's CastleVenturelandGremlin VillageBlot AlleyLonesome ManorTortoogaFloatyardDisney GulchBog EasyOsTownMean StreetMickeyjunk MountainAutotopiaDark Beauty CastleRainbow CavernsFort WastelandTrain TunnelsDahl Engineering CorridorsPrescott's Arena
PaintbrushPaintThinnerRemoteE-TicketsGremlin CageMechanical ArmHeartHelp Me, Help YouWorld of Evil
Junction Point StudiosWarren Spector