"Blue Collar Scrooge" is the eighty-sixth episode of DuckTales.
Scrooge gets amnesia and gets a job at one of his own factories. There, he is outraged by the working conditions at McDuck Industries and convinces the workers to go on strike. Meanwhile to prevent word of Scrooge's disappearance from becoming public, Fenton disguises himself as Scrooge and carries out Scrooges recent business transaction, which is selling one of his factories to a business rival, which happens to be the one where the amnesiac Scrooge is currently working at.
- Susan Blu as Mrs. Featherby
- Hamilton Camp as Fenton Crackshell/Gizmoduck
- Brian Cummings as Mr. Beaver, Mr. Trumpcard, Milk Man
- Kathleen Freeman as Mrs. Crackshell
- Joan Gerber as Mrs. Beakley
- Chuck McCann as Duckworth, Factory Worker
- Russi Taylor as Huey, Dewey, and Louie
- Alan Young as Scrooge McDuck
- The way Scrooge and M'Ma Crackshell share a pizza with each other is an obvious nod to the way Lady and Tramp shared a plate of spaghetti in Lady and the Tramp.
- Alan Young used his regular voice when Scrooge has amnesia.