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Sea-Monkeys. You know how on the package they're, like, in a happy kingdom and everyone's smiling? They're not like that at all.

Bob is a supporting character in Tim Burton's 2012 film Frankenweenie. He is one of Victor's classmates and something of a lackey to Toshiaki.


Bob is a momma’s boy, the brawn to Toshiaki’s brains. He is never mean-spirited, but he’s easily led and gullible. Bob follows Toshiaki everywhere, but is the first one to run to Victor for help when he gets in over his head.



Bob is first seen with his other classmates attending science class with his teacher being Mr. Rzykruski where Bob replies to him that his father was hit by lightning twice, telling his teacher that New Holland was built on an abandoned gold mine. Later when Edgar visits Bob at night with Toshiaki, the former shows the two the invisible goldfish and as he passes it to Bob, the invisible fish bites him while Toshiaki uses a lamp to reveal the fish which Edgar plans to keep it a secret just as Bob tells him that his inventions are better than his just as Bob plans to experiment on his packet or sea monsters for his entry at the science fair in two days.

Later, Toshiaki places fizzing soda bottles on Bob's back trying to test the experiment for him to work on after feeling inspired by the poster of a rocket ship in his house. As the soda bottles burst, Toshiaki videotapes him via camera to make sure the experiment work only for Bob to fall down from the roof, injuring his arm while Bob's mother sees her son who is furious of him and Toshiaki doing this dangerous act. Later at the baseball field, Bob hangs out with Nassor and Toshiaki on the bleachers which their conversation when Edgar interrupts as he tells the three of what Victor did to Sparky.

When learning that Victor managed to bring Sparky back to life through the use of lightning, he, Toshiaki, Edgar, the Weird Girl and Nassor end up copying his research to try and win the upcoming science fair with their own revived animals. At his swimming pool, Bob pours a packet of Sea-Monkeys ad he pours them into the pool, planning to bring the sea creatures to life. As lightning strikes the swimming pool, the sea creatures are electrocuted, growing them into a monstrous size, followed by the Were-Rat, Shelley, Colossus, and Mr. Whiskers. When Bob notices the Sea-Monsters who have grown into mutant creatures, they chase him across the street just as he sees Victor in the cemetery trying to ask him for help, followed by Toshiaki who is asking Victor to take care of Shelley who has mutated into a gigantic turtle. During battle, Bob helps Victor distract the Sea-Monkeys by luring them into a popcorn machine which the two work together to prepare the popcorn for them, successfully destroying the Sea-Monkeys. It is unknown of what happened to Bob after that.



  • In the film, Bob experiments with Sea-Monkeys, which mutates them from normal brine shrimp to strange amphibious creatures. In this state, they closely resemble the fictional humanoid animals that Sea-Monkeys are depicted as in official marketing.

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Frankenweenie logo
Frankenweenie (short)Frankenweenie (soundtrack) • Captain Sparky vs. The Flying Saucers
Victor FrankensteinBen FrankensteinSusan FrankensteinSparkyElsa Van HelsingPersephoneToshiakiNassorEdgar "E" GoreWeird GirlBobMr. RzykruskiMr. WhiskersInvisible GoldfishWere-RatShelleyColossusMr. BurgermeisterGym TeacherSea CreaturesNew Holland Townsfolk
New HollandNew Holland Elementary SchoolNew Holland Pet CemeteryNew Holland Windmill
Praise Be New HollandPet SemetaryStrange Love