Boys is a 1996 drama film directed and written by Stacy Cochran, based on the short story Twenty Minutes by James Salter. It stars Winona Ryder, Lukas Haas, Wiley Wiggins, John C. Reilly, James LeGros, and Skeet Ulrich.
A student at an all boys boarding school discovers an unconscious woman in a field and hides her in his dorm. Upon awaking, the two develop a romantic relationship until the woman's past comes to light.
- Winona Ryder as Patty Vare
- Lukas Haas as John Baker, Jr.
- Wiley Wiggins as John Phillips
- John C. Reilly as Officer Kellogg Curry
- James LeGros as Fenton Ray
- Skeet Ulrich as Bud Valentine
- Rob Carlton as Tom Vare
- Matt Malloy as Bartender
- Spencer Vrooman as John Murphy
- Charlie Hofheimer as John Cooke
- Bill Sage as Officer Bill Martone
- Marty McDonough as Teacher
- Vivienne Shub as Frances
- Russell Young as John Van Slieder
- Christopher Pettiet as Jon Heinz
- Catherine Keener as Jilly
- Maddie Corman as Liz Curry
- Andy Davis as Jonathan Marco
- Jessica Harper as Mrs. John Baker
- Chris Cooper as John Baker, Sr.
- The film was originally titled The Girl You Want and was intended to be rated R. The title was changed and edited into a PG-13 rating against Winona Ryder's wishes. Because of this, she refused to promote the film.