Bradley Washington "Brad" Buttowski is Kick and Brianna's older brother, and the on & off main antagonist of Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil. He bullies Kick (whom he calls "Dillweed") frequently, tries to flirt with girls, thinks he's popular and is very lazy. He also has poor hygiene.
Brad is Kick's older brother and one of his most common antagonists. He bullies Kick, and is left in charge of him and Brianna when their parents are out. Brad has very poor hygiene, and thinks he is popular (but this is not the case). He is 15 years old. He mainly tries to ruin Kick's plans and stunts ("Dead Man's Drop", "There Will Be Nachos", "Kicked Out", "Kick the Habit", "Drop Kick", "Dad's Car", "Things That Make You Go Boom!", "A Very Buttowski Mother's Day", "Braking the Grade" and "Fistful of Ice Cream"), but on occasion either helps him (willingly or not) or just ignores him. Brad is also shown to have bad luck with girls, as shown by his bad dance moves in "There Will Be Nachos".
Most episodes featuring Brad have him in an antagonistic role versus Kick. They fight, usually pretty violently, though they're more destructive to their surroundings rather than each other. In "Tattler's Tale" it's revealed that both Brad and Kick enjoy their fights with each other and will go to great lengths to cover it up from their parents, suggesting they are friendly fights.
In "A Very Buttowski Mother's Day", Brad is convinced that he has "second place" in his mother's heart, and so tries to ruin Kick's present to get 'first place'.
Brad is usually seen hanging out with his friends Horace and Pantsy. They tend to act as his lackeys, performing whatever task he asks of them. Why they tolerate this is as of yet unknown.