The Brainteasers are a group of aliens who resemble hats. Originally from the planet Fez, they are criminals bent on conquest of the universe.
Powers and Abilities[]
The Brainteasers use their suction tendrils to attach themselves to the head of a potential host. Once attached, they control the victim's every action. The host also gains incredible strength, and whenever they speak, it is always the Brainteasers speaking through them. The Brainteasers' diet consists of metal, which they force the host to eat.
If the host has their head coated in a slippery substance, such as shampoo or hair gel, the Brainteasers will be unable to get a firm grip with their tendrils. The Brainteasers can also lose control of their host if the host sneezes.
Role in the series[]
In the episode "Battle of the Brainteasers", Flarg the Terrible and his cohorts, Barada and Nikto, are shot down by the Girdists, the revolutionaries from their home world of Fez. When their spacecraft crash lands in a farm outside of St. Canard, they take over the bodies of two sheep and a cow, and discuss how to get back at the revolutionaries.
The Brainteasers later return in "The Revenge of the Return of the Brainteasers, Too!", where Flarg and his cohorts are busted out of prison by Talaya, who happens to be interested in Flarg. It is then that Flarg seeks to get back at his sworn nemesis, Honker Muddlefoot.
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