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Cíbola, also known as The Lost City of Gold, is a lost city featured in the film National Treasure: Book of Secrets.


Cíbola was an ancient Olmec City made completely out of gold. It was hidden in the rock that would later become Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The final clues to its location was in the Book of Secrets. Benjamin Franklin Gates, along with friends and family, find the Treasure in Mount Rushmore in 2007.

The City's first clue was found in one of the what was John Wilkes Booth missing 18 pages of his dairy. That part of the diary was destroyed by Thomas Gates. Various clues from different places eventually lead to the Lost City of Gold and it is discovered that a former president created Mount Rushmore as a cover-up.

Among the treasures was one of the Puzzle Boxes that held pieces of a map to the Treasure of Montezuma, which was found my Peter Sadusky shortly after Cíbola was found.

v - e - d
National Treasure logo
National Treasure (video/soundtrack) • National Treasure: Book of Secrets (video/soundtrack) • National Treasure 3National Treasure: Edge of History (soundtrack) • National Treasure: A Gates Family Mystery
Films: Benjamin GatesRiley PooleAbigail ChaseIan HowePatrick Henry GatesPeter Sadusky

Series: Jess ValenzuelaBillie PearceTasha RiversLiam SaduskyEthan ChaoOren Bradley

"I'm a Ghost" • "The Treasure Map" • "Graceland Gambit" • "Charlotte" • "Bad Romance" • "Frenemies" • "Point of No Return" • "Prison Break" • "A Meeting with Salazar" • "Treasure Protectors"
Washington, D.C.LondonParisMount RushmoreCíbolaMexicoLouisiana
See also
Montezuma's TreasurePuzzle BoxesBook of Secrets