"Cable Car Chaos" is the nineteenth episode and the season 2 premiere of Mickey Mouse. It originally aired on Disney Channel on April 11, 2014. The episode follows Mickey and Minnie attempting to stop a runaway cable car as it careens through the streets of San Francisco.
While sightseeing in San Francisco aboard one of its world famous cable cars, Mickey vows to show Minnie the whole city. Their first stop is Chinatown, where they plan to dine at a Dim Sum restaurant. But before Minnie could exit the cable car, an errant firecracker from a nearby parade lands and explodes in the car which frightens the driver out of commission and sets chaos in motion.
With Minnie still aboard the now out-of-control cable car, Mickey hops on a bicycle to track her down. But with Mickey struggling to traverse the hills of San Francisco, Minnie decides to take matters into her own hands by mustering up the strength to pull the gear shift, putting the car in reverse. The car then collides with Mickey, throwing him back into the car where he engages in a battle with Minnie over who gets to control the gear shift. The chaos then reaches its literal peak as the car is flung high into the sky.
Luckily (or not), the cable car lands atop the Golden Gate Bridge where Mickey proudly exclaims “See, Minnie… I told you you’d get to see the whole thing!”.
- Chris Diamantopoulos - Mickey Mouse
- Russi Taylor - Minnie Mouse
- Aaron Springer
Place in the World[]
- The music heard in Chinatown is the same as Panda-monium.
- Chinatown was actually the one that caused the cable car to go crazy.
- Mickey ends up slipping one of Minnie's gloves off, but in the next scene after the one where he tries to pedal up a vertical track, the glove is back on her hand.