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Tonight's Bunk'd episode is scarier than the food at Camp Kikiwaka, so if you're a little scream-ish watch with a grown up! Have a great fright!
―Zuri warning the audience about the episode

"Camp Kiki-slasher" is the seventh episode of the second season of BUNK'D. and the twenty-eighth episode overall.


Things get scary at Camp Kikiwaka when the campers start disappearing one by one. When they finally uncover the culprit with the axe to grind, he takes them on a thrill ride the campers will never forget!


That night, everyone is watching a horror movie, Slaughter Camp Five for their Friday the 13th Horror Weekend, but Lou stops after getting tried of generating the power with a bike.

In the morning, the counselors and CITs are preparing to set up the barbecue. Emma and Lou were very tried since Zuri and Tiffany were scared of the movie, they slept with them. When Jorge wanted to Tiffany catch the napkins dispenser, but he hits the camp chef, Murphy making him spill his barbecue sauce all over him and dropped the meat that was in it. The kids laughed and teased him that his sauce is famous for making the whole camp sick and Murphy vows that they'll pay for this later.

While the kids went to get more firewood after being ordered by Gladys, Jorge scares the girls again with his mask and Zuri throws it. But unknown to Jorge someone took his mask. When Jorge told the girls he was only teasing, he saw something behind the girls and runs as the girls were pulled away by someone. Jorge went to the cafeteria to tell the counselors and CITs that Zuri and Tiffany were grabbed by someone wearing a mask but they told him that Zuri and Tiffany might be trying prank Jorge back for scaring them before. Jorge agrees and goes back in the woods to prank the girls again. Ravi started to think that what's happening is just like in the movie that when no one believed the prankster, he was split in half with a canoe paddle. Lou also stated that the girls have been gone for a long time, but Xander think its a prank. Suddenly they heard Jorge screaming and told Gladys something happened, but Gladys said it was just a prank.

The counselors and CITs go into the woods to find the kids, but they found Jorge's glasses and Zuri's money clip. Worried that the kids are missing, they went to tell Gladys that the kids are missing and that she needs to call the police, but once again, Gladys doesn't believing them thinking that the kids are messing with tm. Xander and Emma went into Gladys' cabin to find a phone and were about to call the police, but Gladys caught them taking Emma's phone and ordering them to get out. Xander and Emma decided to run to town to get the police, but someone grabs their legs and they screamed.

Lou and Ravi had no luck in finding the kids and noticed that Emma and Xander are missing too. They hide when Murphy was coming and he started singing a song about chomping up kids with his knife. Lou started to think Murphy is killing everyone as revenge for making him spill his barbecue sauce on him. They ran out to go to town, but Lou runs back to get her flashlight and also disappears after she screams. Ravi goes alone to get to town while recording himself and sees Murphy with a bag and digging a hole to bury it believing that Murphy is the killer and that he's burying a body in the bag, but the real killer was behind Ravi and he falls begging for mercy. The "killer" revealed to be Timmy and told Ravi that everyone was safe in the barn. They got in the barn where everyone was wearing make up while Xander and Lou are dressed up as the killers to help Timmy to get revenge on Gladys for kicking him out of camp.

Gladys was in the mess hall looking for Murphy, but when she opens a pan, she was terrified when she saw Jorge's head in it and that a killer was after her. She runs out seeing Zuri hanged on the target with arrows on her body, Tiffany with a saucer through her head in the cabin and seeing the mirror saying "You're Next Gladies". The killer punches through the door and Gladys jumps out of Woodchuck cabin to go to her cabin to call the police, but the killer was in her cabin and she runs out into the woods where she bumps into Ravi who outran the killer and they ran to hide in the barn, but they were horrified to see Emma hanged and stabbed with a pitch fork. Ravi goes to lock the back door, but was also killed by the killer when it threw a baseball hard to his head. Three of the killers surrounded Gladys and Timmy reveals himself saying he gonna kick Gladys out of camp forever. Gladys begs Timmy mercy telling him he can come back to camp, but Timmy said it was too late as he and the other killers raised their canoe paddles and Gladys faints, landing facedown in a pile of cow poop. Everyone wakes up revealing that their prank work and all laughed at how scared Gladys was, but were scared off when they thought they saw a killer opening the door, but it was just Murphy who was about to offer everyone some dessert.

Everyone are at the fire-pit roasting s'mores and Murphy told them he was upset that they thought he was a killer and that he was singing about chopping up kids to blow off steam, when he said the kids will pay for spilling sauce on him, he meant to pay for a new apron as the sauce stained it and the bag he was burying was the garbage from the barbecue since he can't burn it anymore. Gladys comes in but was not mad at them saying she loves a good scare. She comes up to Timmy and apologizes for being unfair with him and offered him to come to Camp Kikiwaka and let him stay in her cabin, which make Timmy run back into the woods not knowing Gladys was pranking him.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]


  • This is the first episode to have a warning at the beginning of the episode.


v - e - d
Bunk'd logo
Main: Emma RossRavi RossZuri RossLou HockhauserXander McCormickJorge RamirezTiffany ChenMatteo Silva

Recurring: Mrs. KiplingGladysGriff Jones
Others: Luke RossBertram WinkleChristina Ross

Season One: "Welcome to Camp Kikiwaka" • "Gone Girl" • "Camp Rules" • "Smells Like Camp Spirit" • "The Ones That Got Away" • "Can You Hear Me Now" • "Friending With the Enemy" • "Waka, Waka, Waka!" • "Secret Santa" • "Counselors' Night Off" • "There's No Place Like Camp" • "Luke's Back" • "No Escape" • "Close Encounters of the Camp Kind" • "Crafted and Shafted" • "Boo Boos and Birthdays" • "For Love and Money" • "Love is for the Birds" • "Bride and Doom" • "Live From Camp Kikiwaka" • "Xander Says Goodbye"

Season Two: "Griff in the House" • "Dance in My Pants" • "Zuri Has a Little Lamb" • "Weasel Out" • "Queen of Screams" • "Luke Out Below" • "Camp Kiki-slasher" • "Treehouse of Terror" • "Tidal Wave" • "Fog'd In" • "How the Griff Stole Christmas" • "Food Fight" • "Mother May I?" • "Mud Fight" • "Dog Days of Summer" • "Bad Dog!" • "Camp Stinky Waka" • "Cabin vs. Cabin" • "Dreams Come True" • "We Didn't Start the Fire" • "The Great Escape"
Season Three: "We Can't Bear It!" • "Let's Bounce" • "Take the Cake" • "O Sister, Where Art Thou?" • "Cav'd In" • "By All Memes" • "A Whole Lotta Lobsta" • "No Bones About It" • "Finder's Keepers, Lou's a Weeper" • "Reversal of Fortune" • "Game of Totems" • "Toilets and Tiaras" • "Bungle in the Jungle" • "Gruel and Unusual Punishment" • "It's a Blast!" • "Up, Up and Away"
Season Four: "Who da Boss? Lou da Boss!" • "Kikiwaka's Got Talent" • "Yes, Lies and Tower Escape" • "An Udder Disaster" • "Hot Spring Friend Machine" • "Water Under the Dock" • "In Your Wildest Screams" • "Inn Trouble" • "Lake Rancid" • "Between a Raccoon and a Hard Place" • "Mo-Squito Mo Problems" • "Sore Lou-ser" • "Lone Wolf" • "Serfs Up-rising" • "Summer Winter Wonderland" • "Cramped Champions" • "A Tale of Two Stackers" • "Whatever Floats Your Goat Boat" • "Snow Cups and Fisticuffs" • "The S'more, The S'merrier" • "Lava at First Sight" • "Town and Clown Relations" • "Whisper Toots" • "My Fairy Lady" • "Party Pooper" • "Squatters' Fights" • "Three Stars and a Baby" • "Manic Moose Day" • "Breaking Barb" • "Raven About Bunk'd - Part 2"
Season Five: "Lou's Still the Boss, but Now There's a Ross"• "Rise of the Machine" • "R.V. Having Fun Yet?" • "Tentacle Difficulties" • "Luck of the Chuck" • "Look Who's Squawking" • "Raucous Science" • "Baton-man Begins" • "Everyone's Trap'd" • "Pop Pop Poppin' In" • "Roll Models" • "Gi Whiz" • "Dancin' Up a Storm" • "Out of the Doghouse" • "The Great Awkward Bake-Off" • "I Won't Let You Clown" • "Crushin' It" • "Camp Creepy-Waka" • "A Star is Torn" • "Moose Queens and Possum Kings" • "Frien'ds Forever"
Season Six: "Learning the Ropes" • "Never a Dull Moo-ment" • "Worst Aid" • "Wrecks Marks the Spot" • "The Truth Will Sweat You Free" • "Where the Buffalo Betties Roam" • "A Recipe for Disaster" • "Back in the Saddle" • "Bunkhouse of Horror" • "Hauntin' Around the Christmas Tree" • "Hope You Geyser Ready to Go!" • "The Song Remains a Pain" • "Art Imitates Life" • "Wild West Side Story" • "The Wrath of Con" • "Finn It to Win It" • "Alpaca-lypse Now" • "The Wicked Switch of the West" • "No Pain, No Grain" • "Shoe Drops and Chili Plops" • "Pickett Fencing" • "Model Citizen" • "Camp Fails and Beaver Tails" • "Tap'd Out" • "Badminton to the Bone" • "For Letter or Worse" • "Butter You Doing Here?" • "Writer's Locked" • "Most Wanted" • "Desperate Treasures"
Season Seven: "Cursed Day of Camp" • "Workaversary Girl" • "Meat Cute" • "An Arrow Victory" • "Hot Couture" • "What About Barb?" • "Wastin' Away Again in Barb-aritaville" • "Don't Hate the Mayor, Hate the Game" • "Coop D'etat" • "Me, Myself and A.I." • "The Glitching Hour" • "Friends in Snow Places" • "Yodel Recall" • "Game of Throne" • "Busk a Move" • "Free Falls and Pickleballs" • "And the Kiki Goes To..." • "Iguana Be Best Man" • "License to Cattle Drive" • "Cold Feet, Hot Brobblers" • "Slapshot to the Heart" • "Happy Trails"

Camp Kikiwaka
KikiwakaThis is the NightTidal Wave