Cantonica is a desert planet where is situated the city of Canto Bight. It appears in the film Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and also in the episode "Shuttle Shock" of the animated series Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, when Finn, Rose Tico, and BB-8 travel to the planet to look for the Master Codebreaker.
Cantonica is a beige planet located in the Cantonica system at the Corporate Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Despite having mostly desert areas, the planet has the ocean that considered to be the largest in the galaxy, the Sea of Cantonica, which was artificially created. The city of Canto Bight is located on the shore of this ocean, and this city is the source of most resources of Cantonica, as the visits of wealth tourists drive the economy and turn what would be a forsaken planet into a very prosperous one.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi[]
During the war between the Resistance and the First Order, Finn, Rose Tico, and BB-8 travel in a transport pod to the planet, so they can find the Master Codebreaker to have the tracker of the First Order's flagship, the Mega-class Star Dreadnought Supremacy, disabled.
Arriving in Canto Bight, they find the Master Codebreaker, but they are arrested for parking their ship on a private beach. They are able to escape the prison with the help of DJ. Then, Finn and Rose befriend a couple of slave kids and free a group of fathiers that cause destruction in the city. Meanwhile, BB-8 and DJ steal a ship that allows the group to escape the planet.
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny[]
In the episode "Shuttle Shock" set during the events of The Last Jedi, when the trio approaches Cantonica, they come across a group of flying tentacled creatures. The tentacles of these giant jelly-like creatures cause the systems of their transport to short-circuit, also electrocuting BB-8, who was flying the ship, but this is problem is quickly solved by them, with Finn taking over the piloting controls while Rose fixes BB-8.
Notable Locations[]
- Canto Bight: The capital of the planet Cantonica. It is a casino city that is the destination of many wealth people. Most of these travelers visit the city for tourism or to earn money gambling in the casinos and racetracks.
External links[]
- Cantonica on (backup link on