Captain Aldo is a minor character in the 2019 animated series Amphibia. He is the senior leader in the Toad Army, ruler of the North Tower and one of three lords.
Physical appearance[]
While Captain Aldo strangely appears to be somewhat creepier, for he has pale grey skin, hollow eyes with huge white-colored eyebrows and wears a brown robe plus cape with a spider shaped clasp. He is also initially seen with vines around his body.
Role in the series[]
In "Barrel's Warhammer", Sasha, Grime, Percy and Braddock arrive at the Toad summit to pitch their idea of taking over Newtopia and Amphibia. Everyone likes the idea, but do not want Grime to lead. Sasha impulsively takes the challenge of acquiring Barrel's Warhammer to prove their worth. Despite Percy and Braddock saying they should quit if things got too dangerous, Sasha ignores their pleas and together they face a giant worm to get the hammer back and to prove that she can make it without Anne or Macry. They are successful, but Percy and Braddock leave, unwilling to work with Sasha due to her not caring about their safety and well-being.
Although Captain Aldo himself made no appearance in "True Colors", after when King Andrias had obtained and used the Calamity Box to power up his castle, he then completely destroyed the North Tower. It can be assumed that Aldo may have been killed in the explosion, since he was never seen or heard from again.
External Links[]