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Captain Marvel (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is the soundtrack to the 2019 live-action feature film of the same name. Released by Hollywood Records on March 8, 2019, the album features music composed by Pinar Toprak, who became the first woman to score a Marvel Studios film upon its release.

Track listing[]

  1. Captain Marvel (2:15)
  2. Waking Up (1:28)
  3. Boarding the Train (1:30)
  4. Why Do You Fight? (1:14)
  5. Let’s Bring Him Home (1:39)
  6. Entering Enemy Territory (3:33)
  7. Breaking Free (5:24)
  8. Hot Pursuit (4:34)
  9. Lost the Target (2:10)
  10. Lifting Fingerprints (1:31)
  11. Finding the Records (5:20)
  12. Escaping the Basement (4:23)
  13. Photos of Us (1:56)
  14. Learning the Truth (3:16)
  15. New Clothes (1:04)
  16. Space Turbulence (2:58)
  17. High Score (2:35)
  18. Interrupting Something? (1:30)
  19. Trapped (3:19)
  20. I’m All Fired Up (3:20)
  21. More Problems (8:15)
  22. You Could Use a Jump (1:45)
  23. This Isn’t Goodbye (2:29)

v - e - d
Captain Marvel logo
Captain Marvel (video/soundtrack) • The Marvels (video/soundtrack) • As Told by EmojiMarvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteMarvel: Contest of Champions
Carol Danvers/Captain MarvelMonica RambeauKamala Khan/Ms. MarvelNick FuryGooseTalosKorath the PursuerRonan the AccuserMaria RambeauSupreme IntelligenceWendy Lawson/Mar-VellPhil CoulsonYon-RoggSorenDar-BennMuneeba KhanYusuf KhanAamir KhanMaria Rambeau/BinaryValkyrieKate BishopHenry McCoy/Beast
Carol's BangleQuantum BandsKamala's BangleInfinity StonesTesseract
New Avengers FacilityProject P.E.G.A.S.U.S.Khan ResidenceNew OrleansNew York CityLos Angeles
See Also
Dark AsterS.H.I.E.L.D.SkrullsMs. Marvel